laura is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

Laura++ Documentation

This is the documentation page for the Laura++ project.

Laura++ paper

A paper describing the package has been published (Open Access) in Computer Physics Communications:
It is also available from the arXiv:

Getting the code

A copy of the source code can be downloaded from the download area, which contains gzipped tar files of all tagged versions.

Alternatively, the git repository can be cloned from the following URL:

After cloning you can checkout a particular tag by doing e.g.:
git checkout v3r6

In order to keep up to date with announcements of new releases etc. please subscribe to the laura-announce mailing list.

Compiling the code

Instructions for building the Laura++ library and examples can be found here.

Getting started

You can find an initial quick-start guide here, which introduces some of the code in the examples/ subdirectory of the package. In particular, it describes the main features of the example


Each released version of the code comes with accompanying doxygen documentation. The latest release is always directly linked here, or you can browse for a specific release.

Submitting bug reports or feature requests

Following the migration of HepForge to Phabricator we have migrated our bug tracking to the new interface:
Laura++ Workboard
where the currently open tasks can be viewed, as well as details of the progress on implementing them.
To submit a bug report or feature request, please write to the developer mailing list, which can also be used to ask questions.
For those with a CERN account you can also ask questions on our Mattermost channel.