A maximum likelihood fitting package for performing Dalitz-plot analysis.
Go to the documentation of this file.
43 const Double_t mD = 1.86965;
45 const Double_t mD0 = 1.86483;
47 const Double_t mDs = 1.96834;
49 const Double_t mB = 5.27934;
51 const Double_t mB0 = 5.27965;
53 const Double_t mBs0 = 5.36688;
55 const Double_t mPi = 0.13957039;
57 const Double_t mPi0 = 0.1349768;
59 const Double_t mK = 0.493677;
61 const Double_t mK0 = 0.497611;
63 const Double_t mEta = 0.547862;
93 const Double_t tauB = 1.638;
99 const Double_t beta = 22.2 * TMath::DegToRad();
104 const Double_t pi = TMath::Pi();
106 const Double_t rootPi = TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Pi() );
108 const Double_t twoPi = 2.0 * TMath::Pi();
112 const Double_t sixPi = 6.0 * TMath::Pi();
114 const Double_t pim4 = 1.0 / TMath::Power( TMath::Pi(), 0.25 );
116 const Double_t piBy2 = 0.5 * TMath::Pi();
118 const Double_t rootPiBy2 = TMath::Sqrt( 0.5 * TMath::Pi() );
120 const Double_t invPi = 1.0 / TMath::Pi();
122 const Double_t root2 = TMath::Sqrt( 2.0 );
124 const Double_t log4 = TMath::Log( 4.0 );
const Double_t mDs Mass of Ds (GeV/c^2)
const Double_t mPiSq Square of pi+- mass.
const Double_t piBy2 Pi divided by two.
const Double_t threePi Three times Pi.
const Double_t mEtaSq Square of eta mass.
const Double_t mD Mass of charged D (GeV/c^2)
const Double_t mPi0Sq Square of pi0 mass.
const Double_t log4 Logarithm of four.
const Double_t mD0Sq Square of neutral D mass.
const Double_t sin2beta Sine of twice the angle beta of the unitarity triangle.
const Double_t root2 Square root of two.
const Double_t mBs0Sq Square of neutral B_s mass.
const Double_t mEta Mass of eta (GeV/c^2)
const Double_t tauB Lifetime of the B+ in ps.
const Double_t deltaMd Mass difference of the B_H and B_L - source PDG via HFLAV 2019.
const Double_t invPi One over Pi.
Namespace to contain various constants.
const Double_t mBSq Square of charged B mass.
const Double_t mDSq Square of charged D mass.
const Double_t mB0Sq Square of neutral B_d mass.
const Double_t mDsSq Square of Ds mass.
const Double_t mK0 Mass of K0 (GeV/c^2)
const Double_t mKSq Square of K+- mass.
const Double_t pim4 One over Pi to the one-fourth.
const Double_t mD0 Mass of neutral D (GeV/c^2)
const Double_t mBs0 Mass of neutral B_s (GeV/c^2)
const Double_t mK0Sq Square of K0 mass.
const Double_t mPi0 Mass of pi0 (GeV/c^2)
const Double_t mK Mass of K+- (GeV/c^2)
const Double_t tauB0 Lifetime of the B0 in ps.
const Double_t mEtaPrimeSq Square of eta' mass.
const Double_t rootPi Square root of Pi.
const Double_t sixPi Six times Pi.
const Double_t beta Angle beta of the unitarity triangle - source PDG via HFLAV 2019.
const Double_t rootPiBy2 Square root of Pi divided by two.
const Double_t mB0 Mass of neutral B_d (GeV/c^2)
const Double_t mPi Mass of pi+- (GeV/c^2)
const Double_t mEtaPrime Mass of eta' (GeV/c^2)
const Double_t mB Mass of charged B (GeV/c^2)
const Double_t twoPi Two times Pi.