LauSPlot.hh void calcSWeights(const TString &exclName, Double_t *covmat=0) Computes the sWeights from the PDFs and covariance matrix. Definition: void readInput(Bool_t ok) Set that the input tree has been successfully read. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:139 TString sweightTreeName_ The name of the sweight tree (containing the sWeights) Definition: LauSPlot.hh:296 TTree * cnTree_ Pointer to the output tree containing the cN coefficients. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:302 Bool_t checkLeaves() const Check whether the leaf structure makes sense given the PDFs we are expecting. Definition: std::vector< Double_t > scfFrac_ The per-event values of the SCF fraction. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:359 void printSumOfWeights(const TString &exclName) const Print the sum of sWeights for all species. Definition: std::map< TString, NumbMap > sWeightsCurrent_ The current-event values of the computed sWeights. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:367 void readExpt() Reads the values of each PDF likelihood for every event in the experiment. Definition: void runCalculations(const TString &option="q") Method to calculate the sWeights and cN coeffs. Definition: LeafMap leaves_ Collection to hold pointers to the leaves of the input tree. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:310 void openInputFileAndTree() Method to open the file in "update" mode and grab the input tree for reading. Definition: Bool_t scfDPSmear() const Check whether the Self Cross Feed is smeared in the DP. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:151 void readInputInfo() Read the leaf structure from the tree and check the status of the read (calls LauSPlot::readInputLeav... Definition: void definedCNBranches(Bool_t defined) Set that the cN branches have been already defined. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:163 void retrieveFittedParameters(const TString &opt) Update the yields with the newly fitted values and print them (unless print option is "Q"). Definition: std::set< TString > NameSet Type to store names, e.g. of the discriminating/control variables. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:72 TString cnTreeName_ The name of the cn tree (containing the cN coefficients) Definition: LauSPlot.hh:294 TwoDMap twodimPDFs_ The names of the species that have 2D PDFs and the names of the variables involved. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:323 Bool_t readInputLeaves() Read the leaf structure from the tree and setup the leaf map. Definition: std::map< TString, TLeaf * > LeafMap Type to associate a variable name with the leaf of the input tree. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:78 void addFriendTree() Add the sWeightTree as a friend tree of the input tree. Definition: std::vector< NumbMap > pdfTot_ The per-event values of the total PDF for each species. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:355 void createSWeightTree() Create (if not already done) the tree for storing the sWeights. Definition: std::map< TString, Double_t > NumbMap Type to associate a category name with a double precision number, e.g. a yield or PDF value for a giv... Definition: LauSPlot.hh:75 void calcTotPDFValues(const TString &exclName) Calculate the total likelihood for each species by multiply together all the PDFs for that species. Definition: void copyEventWeights(Int_t iEvent) Copy the sWeight of a given event into LauSPlot::sWeightsCurrent_, from which they can be stored in t... Definition: void initialiseFitter(const TString &opt) Initialise Minuit, set the verbosity. Definition: NumbMap origFixdSpecies_ The names and estimated yields of the fixed species - need to keep the original values. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:321 const std::vector< LauSPlot::NumbMap > & totalPdf() const Access the per-event total PDF values for each species. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:126 Bool_t definedSWeightBranches_ Flag whether the sWeights branches have already been created. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:335 LauSPlot(const TString &fileName, const TString &treeName, Int_t firstExpt, Int_t nExpt, const NameSet &variableNames, const LauSPlot::NumbMap &freeSpecies, const LauSPlot::NumbMap &fixdSpecies, const TwoDMap &twodimPDFs, Bool_t sigSplit=kFALSE, Bool_t scfDPSmeared=kFALSE) Constructor. Definition: Bool_t definedCNBranches() const Check whether the cN branches have been already created. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:157 LauSPlot & operator=(const LauSPlot &rhs) Copy assignment operator (not implemented) void definedSWeightBranches(Bool_t defined) Set that the sWeights branches have been already defined. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:175 Bool_t readInput() const Check whether the input tree has been successfully read. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:133 TString inputTreeName_ The name of the input tree (containing the per-event llhds) Definition: LauSPlot.hh:292 Bool_t definedSWeightBranches() const Check whether the sWeights branches have been already created. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:169 void createCNTree() Create (if not already done) the tree for storing the cN coeffs. Definition: void setFitParameters() const Add the species yields as fit parameters and fix them as appropriate. Definition: Bool_t definedCNBranches_ Flag whether the cN branches have already been created. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:333 TEventList * eventList_ Pointer to an event list, that is used to loop through the experiments. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:307 std::vector< std::map< TString, NumbMap > > sWeights_ The per-event values of the computed sWeights (for each species and for each combination of excluded ... Definition: LauSPlot.hh:365 void writeOutResults() Save the sWeight results as a friend tree to the input tree (in the same file) Definition: NumbMap origFreeSpecies_ The names and estimated yields of the free species - need to keep the original values. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:319 void printCovMatrixElements(const Double_t *covmat=0) const Print the supplied covariance matrix or, if pointer is null, the one previously calculated. Definition: std::multimap< TString, std::pair< TString, TString > > TwoDMap Type to associate the name of the species that have 2D PDFs with the names of the two variables invol... Definition: LauSPlot.hh:81 std::vector< std::map< TString, NumbMap > > discPdf_ The per-event values of the PDFs for each species for each disc variable. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:357 std::map< TString, NumbMap > cN_ The extended sPlot coefficients (for each species and for each combination of excluded vars) Definition: LauSPlot.hh:369 void calcCNCoeffs(const TString &exclName, const Double_t *covmat=0) Computes the cN for the extended sPlots from the covariance matrix. Definition: Bool_t signalSplit() const Check whether the signal is split into Truth Matched and Self Cross Feed. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:145 void setExperiment(Int_t iExpt) Set the event list to contain only events from the given experiment. Definition: Generated by ![]() |