LauSimFitCoordinator.hh Bool_t finalise() Return the final parameters to the tasks and instruct them to perform their finalisation. Definition: virtual void setParsFromMinuit(Double_t *par, Int_t npar) This function sets the parameter values from Minuit. Definition: std::vector< TMatrixD > covMatrices_ The covariance sub-matrices for each task. Definition: LauSimFitCoordinator.hh:176 void printParInfo() const Print information on the parameters. Definition: std::vector< std::vector< UInt_t > > taskFreeIndices_ Lists of indices of free parameters for each task. Definition: LauSimFitCoordinator.hh:209 Bool_t readData() Instruct the tasks to read the input data for the given experiment. Definition: LauSimFitCoordinator(const LauSimFitCoordinator &rhs) Copy constructor (not implemented) std::vector< std::vector< UInt_t > > taskIndices_ Lists of indices for each task. Definition: LauSimFitCoordinator.hh:206 void initSockets() Initialise socket connections for the tasks. Definition: void getParametersFromTasksFirstTime() Determine the parameter names and initial values from all tasks. Definition: Bool_t cacheInputData() Instruct the tasks to perform the caching. Definition: TMessage * messageFromTask_ Message from tasks to the coordinator. Definition: LauSimFitCoordinator.hh:188 Bool_t withinAsymErrorCalc() const Query whether the fit is calculating the asymmetric errors. Definition: LauFitObject.hh:94 void getParametersFromTasks() Determine/update the parameter initial values from all tasks. Definition: LauSimFitCoordinator(UInt_t numTasks, UInt_t port=9090) Constructor. Definition: void addConParameters() Add parameters to the list of Gaussian constrained parameters. Definition: std::vector< Double_t * > vectorPar_ Parameter values to send to the tasks. Definition: LauSimFitCoordinator.hh:212 void checkParameter(const LauParameter *param, UInt_t index) const Check for compatibility between two same-named parameters, which should therefore be identical. Definition: std::vector< Double_t > vectorRes_ Likelihood values returned from the tasks. Definition: LauSimFitCoordinator.hh:215 Pure abstract base class for defining a parameter containing an R value. Definition: LauAbsRValue.hh:45 void runSimFit(const TString &fitNtupleFileName, const Bool_t useAsymmErrors=kFALSE, const Bool_t doTwoStageFit=kFALSE) Run the fit. Definition: The coordinator process for simultaneous/combined fits. Definition: LauSimFitCoordinator.hh:56 virtual Double_t getTotNegLogLikelihood() Calculate the new value of the negative log likelihood. Definition: LauSimFitCoordinator & operator=(const LauSimFitCoordinator &rhs) Copy assignment operator (not implemented) The abstract interface for the objects that control the calculation of the likelihood. Definition: LauFitObject.hh:47 void checkInitFitParams() Instruct the tasks to update the initial fit parameter values, if required. Definition: void updateParametersFromTasks() Update and verify the parameter initial values from all tasks. Definition: Double_t getLogLikelihoodPenalty() Calculate the penalty terms to the log likelihood from Gaussian constraints. Definition: File containing declaration of LauFitObject class. std::vector< TSocket * > socketTasks_ Sockets for each of the tasks. Definition: LauSimFitCoordinator.hh:182 std::map< UInt_t, TString > parNames_ Reverse map of index in the values vector to parameter names. Definition: LauSimFitCoordinator.hh:194 Bool_t writeOutResults() Instruct the tasks to write out the fit results. Definition: std::map< TString, UInt_t > parIndices_ Map of parameter names to index in the values vector. Definition: LauSimFitCoordinator.hh:191 Generated by ![]() |