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Laura++  3.6.0
A maximum likelihood fitting package for performing Dalitz-plot analysis.
LauASqMaxFinder Class Reference

Class for locating the |A|^2 max for a given model. More...

#include <LauASqMaxFinder.hh>

Inheritance diagram for LauASqMaxFinder:

Public Member Functions

 LauASqMaxFinder (LauIsobarDynamics &iso)
 Constructor. More...
Double_t find ()
 Run the minimisation to locate the maximum |A|^2 value. More...
void setParsFromMinuit (Double_t *par, Int_t npar) override
 This function sets the parameter values from Minuit. More...
Double_t getTotNegLogLikelihood () override
 Calculate the new value of the negative log likelihood. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LauFitObject
virtual ~LauFitObject ()=default
void useAsymmFitErrors (Bool_t useAsymmErrors)
 Turn on or off the computation of asymmetric errors (e.g. MINOS routine in Minuit) More...
Bool_t useAsymmFitErrors () const
 Report whether or not calculation of asymmetric errors is enabled.
void twoStageFit (Bool_t doTwoStageFit)
 Turn on or off the two stage fit. More...
Bool_t twoStageFit () const
 Report whether the two-stage fit is enabled.
virtual void withinAsymErrorCalc (const Bool_t inAsymErrCalc)
 Mark that the fit is calculating asymmetric errors. More...
Bool_t withinAsymErrorCalc () const
 Query whether the fit is calculating the asymmetric errors. More...
void setNExpts (UInt_t nExperiments, UInt_t firstExperiment, Bool_t toyExpts)
 Set the number of experiments, the first experiment, and whether this is toy. More...
UInt_t eventsPerExpt () const
 Obtain the total number of events in the current experiment.
UInt_t nExpt () const
 Obtain the number of experiments.
UInt_t firstExpt () const
 Obtain the number of the first experiment.
UInt_t iExpt () const
 Obtain the number of the current experiment.
Bool_t toyExpts () const
 Obtain whether this is toy.
void addConstraint (const TString &formula, const std::vector< TString > &pars, const Double_t mean, const Double_t width)
 Store constraint information for fit parameters. More...
void addFormulaConstraint (const TString &formula, const std::vector< TString > &pars, const Double_t mean, const Double_t width)
 Store constraint information for fit parameters. More...
void addMultiDimConstraint (const std::vector< TString > &pars, const TVectorD &means, const TMatrixD &covMat)
 Store n-dimensional constraint information for fit parameters. More...

Private Attributes

 The isobar dynamics for which we need to find the maximum |A|^2 value.
Bool_t printMinimisationWarnings_ { kTRUE }
 Flag to control printing of warnings if the fit wanders outside the DP.
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< LauParameter > > ownedParams_
 The fit parameters (owned by us)
std::vector< LauParameter * > params_
 The fit parameters in a form to be passed to the minimiser.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from LauFitObject
enum  ConstraintType { ConstraintType::Formula, ConstraintType::MultDim }
 Enumeration of the different types of constraint. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from LauFitObject
 LauFitObject ()
Bool_t checkRepetition (const std::vector< TString > &names, const ConstraintType conType)
 Check if parameters names for constraints have already been used elsewhere. More...
void generateConstraintMeans (std::vector< LauAbsRValue * > &conVars)
 Generate per-experiment mean for each Gaussian constraint. More...
const std::vector< FormulaConstraint > & formulaConstraints () const
 Const access to the formula constraints store.
std::vector< FormulaConstraint > & formulaConstraints ()
 Access to the formula constraints store.
const std::vector< MultiDimConstraint > & multiDimConstraints () const
 Const access to the ND constraints store.
std::vector< MultiDimConstraint > & multiDimConstraints ()
 Access to the ND constraints store.
const std::set< TString > & formulaConstrainedPars () const
 Const access to the parameter names used in formula constraints.
std::set< TString > & formulaConstrainedPars ()
 Access to the parameter names used in formula constraints.
const std::set< TString > & multiDimConstrainedPars () const
 Const access to the parameter names used in ND constraints.
std::set< TString > & multiDimConstrainedPars ()
 Access to the parameter names used in ND constraints.
void resetFitCounters ()
 Reset the good/bad fit counters.
void setCurrentExperiment (const UInt_t curExpt)
 Set the ID of the current experiment. More...
void startNewFit (const UInt_t nPars, const UInt_t nFreePars)
 Indicate the start of a new fit. More...
void eventsPerExpt (UInt_t nEvents)
 Set the number of events in the current experiment.
Double_t worstLogLike () const
 Access the worst log likelihood found so far.
void worstLogLike (const Double_t newWorstLogLike)
 Set a new value for the worst log likelihood. More...
void storeFitStatus (const LauAbsFitter::FitStatus &status, const TMatrixD &covMatrix)
 Store fit status information. More...
UInt_t nTotParams () const
 Access the total number of fit parameters.
UInt_t nFreeParams () const
 Access the total number of fit parameters.
const LauAbsFitter::FitStatusfitStatus () const
 Access the fit status information.
Double_t nll () const
 Access the current NLL value.
Double_t edm () const
 Access the current EDM value.
Int_t statusCode () const
 Access the fit status code.
const TMatrixD & covarianceMatrix () const
 Access the fit covariance matrix.
UInt_t numberOKFits () const
 Access the number of successful fits.
UInt_t numberBadFits () const
 Access the number of failed fits.

Detailed Description

Class for locating the |A|^2 max for a given model.

Currently supports finding the |A|^2 max for a LauIsobarDynamics object

Definition at line 46 of file LauASqMaxFinder.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LauASqMaxFinder()

LauASqMaxFinder::LauASqMaxFinder ( LauIsobarDynamics iso)


[in]isothe isobar dynamics for which we need to find the maximum |A|^2 value

Definition at line 43 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ find()

Double_t LauASqMaxFinder::find ( )

Run the minimisation to locate the maximum |A|^2 value.

the maximum |A|^2 value

Definition at line 106 of file

◆ getTotNegLogLikelihood()

Double_t LauASqMaxFinder::getTotNegLogLikelihood ( )

Calculate the new value of the negative log likelihood.

This function has to be public since it is called from the global FCN. It should not be called otherwise!

Implements LauFitObject.

Definition at line 87 of file

◆ setParsFromMinuit()

void LauASqMaxFinder::setParsFromMinuit ( Double_t *  par,
Int_t  npar 

This function sets the parameter values from Minuit.

This function has to be public since it is called from the global FCN. It should not be called otherwise!

[in]paran array storing the various parameter values
[in]nparthe number of free parameters

Implements LauFitObject.

Definition at line 69 of file

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