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Laura++  3.6.0
A maximum likelihood fitting package for performing Dalitz-plot analysis.

Class that defines the particular 3-body decay under study. More...

#include <LauDaughters.hh>

Public Member Functions

 LauDaughters (Int_t codeParent, Int_t code1, Int_t code2, Int_t code3, Bool_t useSquareDP=kFALSE)
 Constructor from PDG codes. More...
 LauDaughters (const TString &nameParent, const TString &name1, const TString &name2, const TString &name3, Bool_t useSquareDP=kFALSE)
 Constructor from particle names. More...
virtual ~LauDaughters ()
 LauDaughters (const LauDaughters &rhs)
 Copy constructor.
Bool_t gotSymmetricalDP () const
 Is Dalitz plot symmetric, i.e. 2 identical particles. More...
Bool_t gotFullySymmetricDP () const
 Is Dalitz plot fully symmetric, i.e. 3 identical particles. More...
Bool_t gotFlavourConjugateDP () const
 Is Dalitz plot flavour-conjugate, i.e. CP(d1) = d2 and CP(d3) = d3. More...
Bool_t squareDP () const
 Determine to use or not the square Dalitz plot. More...
Double_t getMassDaug1 () const
 Get mass of first daughter particle.
Double_t getMassDaug2 () const
 Get mass of second daughter particle.
Double_t getMassDaug3 () const
 Get mass of third daughter particle.
Double_t getMassParent () const
 Get mass of the parent particle.
TString getNameDaug1 () const
 Get name of the first daughter particle.
TString getNameDaug2 () const
 Get name of the second daughter particle.
TString getNameDaug3 () const
 Get name of the third daughter particle.
TString getNameParent () const
 Get name of the parent particle.
TString getSanitisedNameDaug1 () const
 Get sanitised name of the first daughter particle.
TString getSanitisedNameDaug2 () const
 Get sanitised name of the second daughter particle.
TString getSanitisedNameDaug3 () const
 Get sanitised name of the third daughter particle.
TString getSanitisedNameParent () const
 Get sanitised name of the parent particle.
Int_t getTypeDaug1 () const
 Get PDG code of the first daughter particle.
Int_t getTypeDaug2 () const
 Get PDG code of the second daughter particle.
Int_t getTypeDaug3 () const
 Get PDG code of the third daughter particle.
Int_t getTypeParent () const
 Get PDG code of the parent particle.
Int_t getChargeDaug1 () const
 Get charge of the first daughter particle.
Int_t getChargeDaug2 () const
 Get charge of the second daughter particle.
Int_t getChargeDaug3 () const
 Get charge of the third daughter particle.
Int_t getChargeParent () const
 Get charge of the parent particle.
Int_t getCharge (Int_t resPairAmpInt) const
 Get charge of a particular two-daughter combination. More...
LauKinematicsgetKinematics ()
 Retrieve the Dalitz plot kinematics. More...
const LauKinematicsgetKinematics () const
 Retrieve the Dalitz plot kinematics. More...

Protected Member Functions

void createParticleLists ()
 Create list of all the allowed parent/daughter particles.
void setParentType (const TString &nameParent)
 Set the parent particle type. More...
void setDaugType (const TString &name1, const TString &name2, const TString &name3)
 Set the three daughter types. More...
void testDPSymmetry ()
 Check whether there is a symmetrical Dalitz plot.
void sanityCheck ()
 Check masses and charges of daughters.

Private Member Functions

LauDaughtersoperator= (const LauDaughters &rhs)
 Copy assignment operator (not implemented)

Private Attributes

 Dalitz plot kinematics.
std::vector< const LauParticlePDG * > allowedDaughters_
 All possible daughter types.
std::vector< const LauParticlePDG * > allowedParents_
 All possible parent types.
const LauParticlePDGparent_
 The parent particle.
std::vector< const LauParticlePDG * > daughters_
 The daughter particles.
Bool_t symmetricalDP_
 Boolean flag for symmetrical Dalitz plot.
Bool_t fullySymmetricDP_
 Boolean flag for fully symmetric Dalitz plot.
Bool_t flavourConjugateDP_
 Flavour-conjugate Dalitz plot.

Detailed Description

Class that defines the particular 3-body decay under study.

The decay has the form P -> h1 h2 h3 (P stands for the parent particle, and h for the daughters). The constructor accepts both string name and PDG code types to describe the particles.

Definition at line 47 of file LauDaughters.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LauDaughters() [1/2]

LauDaughters::LauDaughters ( Int_t  codeParent,
Int_t  code1,
Int_t  code2,
Int_t  code3,
Bool_t  useSquareDP = kFALSE 

Constructor from PDG codes.

[in]codeParentthe parent particle PDG code
[in]code1the first daughter PDG code
[in]code2the second daughter PDG code
[in]code3the third daughter PDG code
[in]useSquareDPthe boolean flag decision to use Square Dalitz plot (kTRUE) or standard Dalitz plot (kFALSE). Default value is kFALSE.

Definition at line 39 of file

◆ LauDaughters() [2/2]

LauDaughters::LauDaughters ( const TString &  nameParent,
const TString &  name1,
const TString &  name2,
const TString &  name3,
Bool_t  useSquareDP = kFALSE 

Constructor from particle names.

[in]nameParentthe parent particle string name
[in]name1the first daughter string name
[in]name2the second daughter string name
[in]name3the third daughter string name
[in]useSquareDPthe boolean flag decision to use Square Dalitz plot (kTRUE) or standard Dalitz plot (kFALSE). Default value is kFALSE.

Definition at line 65 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ getCharge()

Int_t LauDaughters::getCharge ( Int_t  resPairAmpInt) const

Get charge of a particular two-daughter combination.

[in]resPairAmpIntthe index of the daughter not in the combination
the charge of the two-daughter combination

Definition at line 384 of file

◆ getKinematics() [1/2]

LauKinematics* LauDaughters::getKinematics ( )

Retrieve the Dalitz plot kinematics.

the Dalitz plot kinematics

Definition at line 159 of file LauDaughters.hh.

◆ getKinematics() [2/2]

const LauKinematics* LauDaughters::getKinematics ( ) const

Retrieve the Dalitz plot kinematics.

the Dalitz plot kinematics

Definition at line 165 of file LauDaughters.hh.

◆ gotFlavourConjugateDP()

Bool_t LauDaughters::gotFlavourConjugateDP ( ) const

Is Dalitz plot flavour-conjugate, i.e. CP(d1) = d2 and CP(d3) = d3.

true/false whether the DP is flavour-conjugate

Definition at line 96 of file LauDaughters.hh.

◆ gotFullySymmetricDP()

Bool_t LauDaughters::gotFullySymmetricDP ( ) const

Is Dalitz plot fully symmetric, i.e. 3 identical particles.

true/false whether the DP is fully symmetric

Definition at line 90 of file LauDaughters.hh.

◆ gotSymmetricalDP()

Bool_t LauDaughters::gotSymmetricalDP ( ) const

Is Dalitz plot symmetric, i.e. 2 identical particles.

true/false whether the DP is symmetric

Definition at line 84 of file LauDaughters.hh.

◆ setDaugType()

void LauDaughters::setDaugType ( const TString &  name1,
const TString &  name2,
const TString &  name3 

Set the three daughter types.

[in]name1the name of the first daughter
[in]name2the name of the second daughter
[in]name3the name of the third daughter

Definition at line 179 of file

◆ setParentType()

void LauDaughters::setParentType ( const TString &  nameParent)

Set the parent particle type.

[in]nameParentthe name of the parent particle

Definition at line 154 of file

◆ squareDP()

Bool_t LauDaughters::squareDP ( ) const

Determine to use or not the square Dalitz plot.

true/false to use the squareDP model

Definition at line 102 of file LauDaughters.hh.

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