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Laura++  v1r0
A maximum likelihood fitting package for performing Dalitz-plot analysis.
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 // Copyright University of Warwick 2004 - 2013.
3 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
4 // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
6 // Authors:
7 // Thomas Latham
8 // John Back
9 // Paul Harrison
15 #include <iostream>
16 #include <iomanip>
17 #include <fstream>
18 #include <vector>
19 using std::cout;
20 using std::cerr;
21 using std::endl;
22 using std::setprecision;
23 using std::vector;
25 #include "TVirtualFitter.h"
26 #include "TSystem.h"
27 #include "TMinuit.h"
28 #include "TRandom.h"
29 #include "TFile.h"
30 #include "TMath.h"
31 #include "TH2.h"
33 #include "LauAbsBkgndDPModel.hh"
34 #include "LauAbsCoeffSet.hh"
35 #include "LauAbsDPDynamics.hh"
36 #include "LauAbsPdf.hh"
37 #include "LauAsymmCalc.hh"
38 #include "LauComplex.hh"
39 #include "LauConstants.hh"
40 #include "LauCPFitModel.hh"
41 #include "LauDaughters.hh"
42 #include "LauEffModel.hh"
43 #include "LauEmbeddedData.hh"
44 #include "LauFitNtuple.hh"
45 #include "LauKinematics.hh"
46 #include "LauPrint.hh"
47 #include "LauRandom.hh"
48 #include "LauScfMap.hh"
50 ClassImp(LauCPFitModel)
53 LauCPFitModel::LauCPFitModel(LauAbsDPDynamics* negModel, LauAbsDPDynamics* posModel, Bool_t tagged, const TString& tagVarName) : LauAbsFitModel(),
54  negSigModel_(negModel), posSigModel_(posModel),
55  negKinematics_(negModel ? negModel->getKinematics() : 0),
56  posKinematics_(posModel ? posModel->getKinematics() : 0),
57  usingBkgnd_(kFALSE),
58  nSigComp_(0),
59  nSigDPPar_(0),
60  nExtraPdfPar_(0),
61  nNormPar_(0),
62  negMeanEff_("negMeanEff",0.0,0.0,1.0), posMeanEff_("posMeanEff",0.0,0.0,1.0),
63  negDPRate_("negDPRate",0.0,0.0,100.0), posDPRate_("posDPRate",0.0,0.0,100.0),
64  signalEvents_("signalEvents",1.0,0.0,1.0),
65  signalAsym_("signalAsym",0.0,-1.0,1.0),
66  forceAsym_(kFALSE),
67  tagged_(tagged),
68  tagVarName_(tagVarName),
69  curEvtCharge_(0),
70  useSCF_(kFALSE),
71  useSCFHist_(kFALSE),
72  scfFrac_("scfFrac",0.0,0.0,1.0),
73  scfFracHist_(0),
74  scfMap_(0),
75  compareFitData_(kFALSE),
76  negParent_("B-"), posParent_("B+"),
77  negSignalTree_(0), posSignalTree_(0),
78  reuseSignal_(kFALSE),
79  useNegReweighting_(kFALSE), usePosReweighting_(kFALSE),
80  sigDPLike_(0.0),
81  scfDPLike_(0.0),
82  sigExtraLike_(0.0),
83  scfExtraLike_(0.0),
84  sigTotalLike_(0.0),
85  scfTotalLike_(0.0)
86 {
87  LauDaughters* negDaug = negSigModel_->getDaughters();
88  if (negDaug != 0) {negParent_ = negDaug->getNameParent();}
89  LauDaughters* posDaug = posSigModel_->getDaughters();
90  if (posDaug != 0) {posParent_ = posDaug->getNameParent();}
91 }
94 {
95  delete negSignalTree_;
96  delete posSignalTree_;
97  for (LauBkgndEmbDataList::iterator iter = negBkgndTree_.begin(); iter != negBkgndTree_.end(); ++iter) {
98  delete (*iter);
99  }
100  for (LauBkgndEmbDataList::iterator iter = posBkgndTree_.begin(); iter != posBkgndTree_.end(); ++iter) {
101  delete (*iter);
102  }
103  delete scfFracHist_;
104 }
107 {
108  UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
109  negBkgndDPModels_.resize( nBkgnds );
110  posBkgndDPModels_.resize( nBkgnds );
111  negBkgndPdfs_.resize( nBkgnds );
112  posBkgndPdfs_.resize( nBkgnds );
113  bkgndEvents_.resize( nBkgnds );
114  bkgndAsym_.resize( nBkgnds );
115  negBkgndTree_.resize( nBkgnds );
116  posBkgndTree_.resize( nBkgnds );
117  reuseBkgnd_.resize( nBkgnds );
118  bkgndDPLike_.resize( nBkgnds );
119  bkgndExtraLike_.resize( nBkgnds );
120  bkgndTotalLike_.resize( nBkgnds );
121 }
123 void LauCPFitModel::setNSigEvents(Double_t nSigEvents, Bool_t fixSigEvents)
124 {
125  signalEvents_.range(-2.0*(TMath::Abs(nSigEvents)+1.0),2.0*(TMath::Abs(nSigEvents)+1.0));
126  signalEvents_.value(nSigEvents);
127  signalEvents_.initValue(nSigEvents);
128  signalEvents_.genValue(nSigEvents);
129  signalEvents_.fixed(fixSigEvents);
131  signalAsym_.range(-1.0,1.0);
132  signalAsym_.value(0.0);
133  signalAsym_.initValue(0.0);
134  signalAsym_.genValue(0.0);
135  signalAsym_.fixed(kTRUE);
136 }
138 void LauCPFitModel::setNSigEvents( Double_t nSigEvents, Bool_t fixSigEvents, Double_t sigAsym, Bool_t fixSigAsym, Bool_t forceAsym )
139 {
140  signalEvents_.range(-2.0*(TMath::Abs(nSigEvents)+1.0),2.0*(TMath::Abs(nSigEvents)+1.0));
141  signalEvents_.value(nSigEvents);
142  signalEvents_.initValue(nSigEvents);
143  signalEvents_.genValue(nSigEvents);
144  signalEvents_.fixed(fixSigEvents);
146  signalAsym_.range(-1.0,1.0);
147  signalAsym_.value(sigAsym);
148  signalAsym_.initValue(sigAsym);
149  signalAsym_.genValue(sigAsym);
150  signalAsym_.fixed(fixSigAsym);
152  forceAsym_ = forceAsym;
153 }
155 void LauCPFitModel::setNBkgndEvents( const TString& bkgndClass, Double_t nBkgndEvents, Bool_t fixBkgndEvents )
156 {
157  if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( bkgndClass ) ) {
158  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
159  cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << endl;
160  return;
161  }
163  UInt_t bkgndID = this->bkgndClassID( bkgndClass );
165  bkgndEvents_[bkgndID].name( bkgndClass+"Events" );
166  bkgndEvents_[bkgndID].range(-2.0*(TMath::Abs(nBkgndEvents)+1.0), 2.0*(TMath::Abs(nBkgndEvents)+1.0));
167  bkgndEvents_[bkgndID].value(nBkgndEvents);
168  bkgndEvents_[bkgndID].initValue(nBkgndEvents);
169  bkgndEvents_[bkgndID].genValue(nBkgndEvents);
170  bkgndEvents_[bkgndID].fixed(fixBkgndEvents);
172  bkgndAsym_[bkgndID].name( bkgndClass+"Asym" );
173  bkgndAsym_[bkgndID].range(-1.0,1.0);
174  bkgndAsym_[bkgndID].value(0.0);
175  bkgndAsym_[bkgndID].initValue(0.0);
176  bkgndAsym_[bkgndID].genValue(0.0);
177  bkgndAsym_[bkgndID].fixed(kTRUE);
178 }
180 void LauCPFitModel::setNBkgndEvents(const TString& bkgndClass, Double_t nBkgndEvents, Bool_t fixBkgndEvents, Double_t bkgndAsym, Bool_t fixBkgndAsym)
181 {
182  if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( bkgndClass ) ) {
183  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
184  cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << endl;
185  return;
186  }
188  UInt_t bkgndID = this->bkgndClassID( bkgndClass );
190  bkgndEvents_[bkgndID].name( bkgndClass+"Events" );
191  bkgndEvents_[bkgndID].range(-2.0*(TMath::Abs(nBkgndEvents)+1.0), 2.0*(TMath::Abs(nBkgndEvents)+1.0));
192  bkgndEvents_[bkgndID].value(nBkgndEvents);
193  bkgndEvents_[bkgndID].initValue(nBkgndEvents);
194  bkgndEvents_[bkgndID].genValue(nBkgndEvents);
195  bkgndEvents_[bkgndID].fixed(fixBkgndEvents);
197  bkgndAsym_[bkgndID].name( bkgndClass+"Asym" );
198  bkgndAsym_[bkgndID].range(-1.0,1.0);
199  bkgndAsym_[bkgndID].value(bkgndAsym);
200  bkgndAsym_[bkgndID].initValue(bkgndAsym);
201  bkgndAsym_[bkgndID].genValue(bkgndAsym);
202  bkgndAsym_[bkgndID].fixed(fixBkgndAsym);
203 }
205 void LauCPFitModel::splitSignalComponent( const TH2* dpHisto, Bool_t upperHalf, LauScfMap* scfMap )
206 {
207  if ( useSCF_ == kTRUE ) {
208  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::splitSignalComponent : Have already setup SCF." << endl;
209  return;
210  }
212  if ( dpHisto == 0 ) {
213  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::splitSignalComponent : The histogram pointer is null." << endl;
214  return;
215  }
217  LauDaughters* daughters = negSigModel_->getDaughters();
218  scfFracHist_ = new LauEffModel( daughters, 0 );
219  scfFracHist_->setEffHisto( dpHisto, kTRUE, kFALSE, 0.0, 0.0, upperHalf, daughters->squareDP() );
221  scfMap_ = scfMap;
223  useSCF_ = kTRUE;
224  useSCFHist_ = kTRUE;
225 }
227 void LauCPFitModel::splitSignalComponent( Double_t scfFrac, Bool_t fixed )
228 {
229  if ( useSCF_ == kTRUE ) {
230  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::splitSignalComponent : Have already setup SCF." << endl;
231  return;
232  }
234  scfFrac_.range( 0.0, 1.0 );
235  scfFrac_.value( scfFrac ); scfFrac_.initValue( scfFrac ); scfFrac_.genValue( scfFrac );
236  scfFrac_.fixed( fixed );
238  useSCF_ = kTRUE;
239  useSCFHist_ = kFALSE;
240 }
242 void LauCPFitModel::setBkgndDPModels(const TString& bkgndClass, LauAbsBkgndDPModel* negModel, LauAbsBkgndDPModel* posModel)
243 {
244  if ((negModel==0) || (posModel==0)) {
245  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setBkgndDPModels : One or both of the model pointers is null." << endl;
246  return;
247  }
249  // check that this background name is valid
250  if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( bkgndClass) ) {
251  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setBkgndDPModel : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
252  cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << endl;
253  return;
254  }
256  UInt_t bkgndID = this->bkgndClassID( bkgndClass );
257  negBkgndDPModels_[bkgndID] = negModel;
258  posBkgndDPModels_[bkgndID] = posModel;
260  usingBkgnd_ = kTRUE;
261 }
264 {
265  if ( tagged_ ) {
266  if (negPdf==0 || posPdf==0) {
267  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setSignalPdfs : One or both of the PDF pointers is null." << endl;
268  return;
269  }
270  } else {
271  // if we're doing an untagged analysis we will only use the negative PDFs
272  if ( negPdf==0 ) {
273  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setSignalPdfs : The negative PDF pointer is null." << endl;
274  return;
275  }
276  if ( posPdf!=0 ) {
277  cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::setSignalPdfs : Doing an untagged fit so will not use the positive PDF." << endl;
278  }
279  }
280  negSignalPdfs_.push_back(negPdf);
281  posSignalPdfs_.push_back(posPdf);
282 }
285 {
286  if ( tagged_ ) {
287  if (negPdf==0 || posPdf==0) {
288  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setSCFPdfs : One or both of the PDF pointers is null." << endl;
289  return;
290  }
291  } else {
292  // if we're doing an untagged analysis we will only use the negative PDFs
293  if ( negPdf==0 ) {
294  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setSCFPdfs : The negative PDF pointer is null." << endl;
295  return;
296  }
297  if ( posPdf!=0 ) {
298  cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::setSCFPdfs : Doing an untagged fit so will not use the positive PDF." << endl;
299  }
300  }
301  negScfPdfs_.push_back(negPdf);
302  posScfPdfs_.push_back(posPdf);
303 }
305 void LauCPFitModel::setBkgndPdfs(const TString& bkgndClass, LauAbsPdf* negPdf, LauAbsPdf* posPdf)
306 {
307  if ( tagged_ ) {
308  if (negPdf==0 || posPdf==0) {
309  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setBkgndPdfs : One or both of the PDF pointers is null." << endl;
310  return;
311  }
312  } else {
313  // if we're doing an untagged analysis we will only use the negative PDFs
314  if ( negPdf==0 ) {
315  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setBkgndPdfs : The negative PDF pointer is null." << endl;
316  return;
317  }
318  if ( posPdf!=0 ) {
319  cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::setBkgndPdfs : Doing an untagged fit so will not use the positive PDF." << endl;
320  }
321  }
323  // check that this background name is valid
324  if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( bkgndClass ) ) {
325  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setBkgndPdfs : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
326  cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << endl;
327  return;
328  }
330  UInt_t bkgndID = this->bkgndClassID( bkgndClass );
331  negBkgndPdfs_[bkgndID].push_back(negPdf);
332  posBkgndPdfs_[bkgndID].push_back(posPdf);
334  usingBkgnd_ = kTRUE;
335 }
338 {
339  // Is there a component called compName in the signal model?
340  TString compName(coeffSet->name());
341  Bool_t negOK = negSigModel_->hasResonance(compName);
342  TString conjName = negSigModel_->getConjResName(compName);
343  Bool_t posOK = posSigModel_->hasResonance(conjName);
344  if (!negOK) {
345  cout << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setMagPhase : " << negParent_ << " signal DP model doesn't contain component \"" << compName << "\"." << endl;
346  return;
347  }
348  if (!posOK) {
349  cout << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setMagPhase : " << posParent_ << " signal DP model doesn't contain component \"" << conjName << "\"." << endl;
350  return;
351  }
353  // Do we already have it in our list of names?
354  for (std::vector<LauAbsCoeffSet*>::const_iterator iter=coeffPars_.begin(); iter!=coeffPars_.end(); ++iter) {
355  if ((*iter)->name() == compName) {
356  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : Have already set coefficients for \"" << compName << "\"." << endl;
357  return;
358  }
359  }
361  coeffSet->index(nSigComp_);
362  coeffPars_.push_back(coeffSet);
364  TString parName = coeffSet->baseName(); parName += "FitFracAsym";
365  fitFracAsymm_.push_back(LauParameter(parName, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0));
367  acp_.push_back(coeffSet->acp());
369  ++nSigComp_;
371  cout << "Added coefficients for component \"" << compName << "\" to the fit model." << endl;
372 }
375 {
376  // First of all check that, if a given component is being used,
377  // we've got the PDFs for all the variables involved
378  if ( this->useDP() ) {
379  if ((negSigModel_ == 0) || (posSigModel_ == 0)) {
380  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::initialise : the pointer to one (neg or pos) of the signal DP models is null.\n";
381  cerr << " : Removing the Dalitz Plot from the model." << endl;
382  this->useDP(kFALSE);
383  }
384  if ( usingBkgnd_ ) {
385  if ( negBkgndDPModels_.empty() || posBkgndDPModels_.empty() ) {
386  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::initialise : No background DP models found.\n";
387  cerr << " : Removing the Dalitz plot from the model." << endl;
388  this->useDP(kFALSE);
389  }
390  for (LauBkgndDPModelList::const_iterator dpmodel_iter = negBkgndDPModels_.begin(); dpmodel_iter != negBkgndDPModels_.end(); ++dpmodel_iter ) {
391  if ( (*dpmodel_iter) == 0 ) {
392  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::initialise : The pointer to one of the background DP models is null.\n";
393  cerr << " : Removing the Dalitz Plot from the model." << endl;
394  this->useDP(kFALSE);
395  break;
396  }
397  }
398  for (LauBkgndDPModelList::const_iterator dpmodel_iter = posBkgndDPModels_.begin(); dpmodel_iter != posBkgndDPModels_.end(); ++dpmodel_iter ) {
399  if ( (*dpmodel_iter) == 0 ) {
400  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::initialise : The pointer to one of the background DP models is null.\n";
401  cerr << " : Removing the Dalitz Plot from the model." << endl;
402  this->useDP(kFALSE);
403  break;
404  }
405  }
406  }
407  }
409  // Next check that, if a given component is being used we've got the
410  // right number of PDFs for all the variables involved
411  // TODO - should probably check variable names and so on as well
413  UInt_t nsigpdfvars(0);
414  for ( LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = negSignalPdfs_.begin(); pdf_iter != negSignalPdfs_.end(); ++pdf_iter ) {
415  std::vector<TString> varNames = (*pdf_iter)->varNames();
416  for ( std::vector<TString>::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) {
417  if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) {
418  ++nsigpdfvars;
419  }
420  }
421  }
422  if (useSCF_) {
423  UInt_t nscfpdfvars(0);
424  for ( LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = negScfPdfs_.begin(); pdf_iter != negScfPdfs_.end(); ++pdf_iter ) {
425  std::vector<TString> varNames = (*pdf_iter)->varNames();
426  for ( std::vector<TString>::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) {
427  if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) {
428  ++nscfpdfvars;
429  }
430  }
431  }
432  if (nscfpdfvars != nsigpdfvars) {
433  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::initialise : There are " << nsigpdfvars << " TM signal PDF variables but " << nscfpdfvars << " SCF signal PDF variables." << endl;
434  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
435  }
436  }
437  if (usingBkgnd_) {
438  for (LauBkgndPdfsList::const_iterator bgclass_iter = negBkgndPdfs_.begin(); bgclass_iter != negBkgndPdfs_.end(); ++bgclass_iter) {
439  UInt_t nbkgndpdfvars(0);
440  const LauPdfList& pdfList = (*bgclass_iter);
441  for ( LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = pdfList.begin(); pdf_iter != pdfList.end(); ++pdf_iter ) {
442  std::vector<TString> varNames = (*pdf_iter)->varNames();
443  for ( std::vector<TString>::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) {
444  if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) {
445  ++nbkgndpdfvars;
446  }
447  }
448  }
449  if (nbkgndpdfvars != nsigpdfvars) {
450  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::initialise : There are " << nsigpdfvars << " signal PDF variables but " << nbkgndpdfvars << " bkgnd PDF variables." << endl;
451  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
452  }
453  }
454  }
456  // Clear the vectors of parameter information so we can start from scratch
457  this->clearFitParVectors();
459  // Set the fit parameters for signal and background models
460  this->setSignalDPParameters();
462  // Set the fit parameters for the various extra PDFs
463  this->setExtraPdfParameters();
465  // Set the initial bg and signal events
466  this->setFitNEvents();
468  // Check that we have the expected number of fit variables
469  const LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars();
470  if (fitVars.size() != (nSigDPPar_ + nExtraPdfPar_ + nNormPar_)) {
471  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::initialise : Number of fit parameters not of expected size. Exiting" << endl;
472  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
473  }
475  // From the initial parameter values calculate the coefficients
476  // so they can be passed to the signal model
477  this->updateCoeffs();
479  // Initialisation
480  if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) {
481  this->initialiseDPModels();
482  }
484  if (!this->useDP() && negSignalPdfs_.empty()) {
485  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::initialise : Signal model doesn't exist for any variable." << endl;
486  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
487  }
489  this->setExtraNtupleVars();
490 }
493 {
494  cout << "INFO in LauCPFitModel::initialiseDPModels : Initialising signal DP model" << endl;
498  if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) {
499  for (LauBkgndDPModelList::iterator iter = negBkgndDPModels_.begin(); iter != negBkgndDPModels_.end(); ++iter) {
500  (*iter)->initialise();
501  }
502  for (LauBkgndDPModelList::iterator iter = posBkgndDPModels_.begin(); iter != posBkgndDPModels_.end(); ++iter) {
503  (*iter)->initialise();
504  }
505  }
506 }
509 {
510  // Set the fit parameters for the signal model.
512  nSigDPPar_ = 0;
513  if ( ! this->useDP() ) {
514  return;
515  }
517  cout << "INFO in LauCPFitModel::setSignalDPParameters : Setting the initial fit parameters for the signal DP model." << endl;
519  // Need to check that the number of components we have and that the dynamics has matches up
520  UInt_t nNegAmp = negSigModel_->getnAmp();
521  UInt_t nPosAmp = posSigModel_->getnAmp();
522  if (nNegAmp != nSigComp_ || nPosAmp != nSigComp_) {
523  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setSignalDPParameters : Number of signal DP components with magnitude and phase set not right." << endl;
524  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
525  }
528  // Place signal model parameters in vector of fit variables
529  LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars();
530  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
531  LauParameterPList pars = coeffPars_[i]->getParameters();
532  for (LauParameterPList::iterator iter = pars.begin(); iter != pars.end(); ++iter) {
533  if ( !(*iter)->clone() ) {
534  fitVars.push_back(*iter);
535  ++nSigDPPar_;
536  }
537  }
538  }
539 }
542 {
543  // Include all the parameters of the PDF in the fit
544  // NB all of them are passed to the fit, even though some have been fixed through parameter.fixed(kTRUE)
545  // With the new "cloned parameter" scheme only "original" parameters are passed to the fit.
546  // Their clones are updated automatically when the originals are updated.
548  nExtraPdfPar_ = 0;
551  if ( tagged_ ) {
553  }
555  if (useSCF_ == kTRUE) {
557  if ( tagged_ ) {
559  }
560  }
562  if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) {
563  for (LauBkgndPdfsList::iterator iter = negBkgndPdfs_.begin(); iter != negBkgndPdfs_.end(); ++iter) {
564  nExtraPdfPar_ += this->addFitParameters(*iter);
565  }
566  if ( tagged_ ) {
567  for (LauBkgndPdfsList::iterator iter = posBkgndPdfs_.begin(); iter != posBkgndPdfs_.end(); ++iter) {
568  nExtraPdfPar_ += this->addFitParameters(*iter);
569  }
570  }
571  }
572 }
575 {
576  nNormPar_ = 0;
578  // initialise the total number of events to be the sum of all the hypotheses
579  Double_t nTotEvts = signalEvents_.value();
580  for (LauBkgndYieldList::const_iterator iter = bkgndEvents_.begin(); iter != bkgndEvents_.end(); ++iter) {
581  nTotEvts += *iter;
582  }
583  this->eventsPerExpt(TMath::FloorNint(nTotEvts));
585  LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars();
587  // if doing an extended ML fit add the number of signal events into the fit parameters
588  if (this->doEMLFit()) {
589  cout << "INFO in LauCPFitModel::setFitNEvents : Initialising number of events for signal and background components..." << endl;
590  // add the signal fraction to the list of fit parameters
591  fitVars.push_back(&signalEvents_);
592  ++nNormPar_;
593  } else {
594  cout << "INFO in LauCPFitModel::setFitNEvents : Initialising number of events for background components (and hence signal)..." << endl;
595  }
597  // if not using the DP in the model we need an explicit signal asymmetry parameter
598  if (this->useDP() == kFALSE) {
599  fitVars.push_back(&signalAsym_);
600  ++nNormPar_;
601  }
603  if (useSCF_ && !useSCFHist_) {
604  fitVars.push_back(&scfFrac_);
605  ++nNormPar_;
606  }
608  if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) {
609  for (LauBkgndYieldList::iterator iter = bkgndEvents_.begin(); iter != bkgndEvents_.end(); ++iter) {
610  LauParameter& parameter = (*iter);
611  fitVars.push_back(&parameter);
612  ++nNormPar_;
613  }
614  for (LauBkgndYieldList::iterator iter = bkgndAsym_.begin(); iter != bkgndAsym_.end(); ++iter) {
615  LauParameter& parameter = (*iter);
616  fitVars.push_back(&parameter);
617  ++nNormPar_;
618  }
619  }
620 }
623 {
624  // Set-up other parameters derived from the fit results, e.g. fit fractions.
626  if (this->useDP() != kTRUE) {
627  return;
628  }
630  // First clear the vectors so we start from scratch
631  this->clearExtraVarVectors();
633  // Add the positive and negative fit fractions for each signal component
635  if (negFitFrac_.size() != nSigComp_) {
636  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars : Initial Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: " << negFitFrac_.size() << endl;
637  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
638  }
639  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
640  if (negFitFrac_[i].size() != nSigComp_) {
641  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars : Initial Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: " << negFitFrac_[i].size() << endl;
642  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
643  }
644  }
646  LauParameterList& extraVars = this->extraPars();
648  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
649  for (UInt_t j(i); j<nSigComp_; ++j) {
650  TString name = negFitFrac_[i][j].name();
651  name.Insert( name.Index("FitFrac"), "Neg" );
652  negFitFrac_[i][j].name(name);
653  extraVars.push_back(negFitFrac_[i][j]);
654  }
655  }
658  if (posFitFrac_.size() != nSigComp_) {
659  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars : Initial Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: " << posFitFrac_.size() << endl;
660  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
661  }
662  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
663  if (posFitFrac_[i].size() != nSigComp_) {
664  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars : Initial Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: " << posFitFrac_[i].size() << endl;
665  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
666  }
667  }
668  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
669  for (UInt_t j(i); j<nSigComp_; ++j) {
670  TString name = posFitFrac_[i][j].name();
671  name.Insert( name.Index("FitFrac"), "Pos" );
672  posFitFrac_[i][j].name(name);
673  extraVars.push_back(posFitFrac_[i][j]);
674  }
675  }
677  // Store any extra parameters/quantities from the DP model (e.g. K-matrix total fit fractions)
678  std::vector<LauParameter> negExtraPars = negSigModel_->getExtraParameters();
679  std::vector<LauParameter>::iterator negExtraIter;
680  for (negExtraIter = negExtraPars.begin(); negExtraIter != negExtraPars.end(); ++negExtraIter) {
681  LauParameter negExtraParameter = (*negExtraIter);
682  extraVars.push_back(negExtraParameter);
683  }
685  std::vector<LauParameter> posExtraPars = posSigModel_->getExtraParameters();
686  std::vector<LauParameter>::iterator posExtraIter;
687  for (posExtraIter = posExtraPars.begin(); posExtraIter != posExtraPars.end(); ++posExtraIter) {
688  LauParameter posExtraParameter = (*posExtraIter);
689  extraVars.push_back(posExtraParameter);
690  }
692  // Now add in the DP efficiency value
693  Double_t initMeanEff = negSigModel_->getMeanEff().initValue();
694  negMeanEff_.value(initMeanEff);
695  negMeanEff_.genValue(initMeanEff);
696  negMeanEff_.initValue(initMeanEff);
697  extraVars.push_back(negMeanEff_);
699  initMeanEff = posSigModel_->getMeanEff().initValue();
700  posMeanEff_.value(initMeanEff);
701  posMeanEff_.genValue(initMeanEff);
702  posMeanEff_.initValue(initMeanEff);
703  extraVars.push_back(posMeanEff_);
705  // Also add in the DP rates
706  Double_t initDPRate = negSigModel_->getDPRate().initValue();
707  negDPRate_.value(initDPRate);
708  negDPRate_.genValue(initDPRate);
709  negDPRate_.initValue(initDPRate);
710  extraVars.push_back(negDPRate_);
712  initDPRate = posSigModel_->getDPRate().initValue();
713  posDPRate_.value(initDPRate);
714  posDPRate_.genValue(initDPRate);
715  posDPRate_.initValue(initDPRate);
716  extraVars.push_back(posDPRate_);
718  // Calculate the CPC and CPV Fit Fractions, ACPs and FitFrac asymmetries
719  this->calcExtraFractions(kTRUE);
720  this->calcAsymmetries(kTRUE);
722  // Add the CP violating and CP conserving fit fractions for each signal component
723  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
724  for (UInt_t j = i; j < nSigComp_; j++) {
725  extraVars.push_back(CPVFitFrac_[i][j]);
726  }
727  }
728  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
729  for (UInt_t j = i; j < nSigComp_; j++) {
730  extraVars.push_back(CPCFitFrac_[i][j]);
731  }
732  }
734  // Add the Fit Fraction asymmetry for each signal component
735  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
736  extraVars.push_back(fitFracAsymm_[i]);
737  }
739  // Add the calculated CP asymmetry for each signal component
740  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
741  extraVars.push_back(acp_[i]);
742  }
743 }
745 void LauCPFitModel::calcExtraFractions(Bool_t initValues)
746 {
747  // Calculate the CP-conserving and CP-violating fit fractions
749  if (initValues) {
750  // create the structure
751  CPCFitFrac_.clear();
752  CPVFitFrac_.clear();
753  CPCFitFrac_.resize(nSigComp_);
754  CPVFitFrac_.resize(nSigComp_);
755  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
756  CPCFitFrac_[i].resize(nSigComp_);
757  CPVFitFrac_[i].resize(nSigComp_);
759  for (UInt_t j(i); j<nSigComp_; ++j) {
760  TString name = negFitFrac_[i][j].name();
761  name.Replace( name.Index("Neg"), 3, "CPC" );
762  CPCFitFrac_[i][j].name( name );
763  CPCFitFrac_[i][j].valueAndRange( 0.0, -100.0, 100.0 );
765  name = negFitFrac_[i][j].name();
766  name.Replace( name.Index("Neg"), 3, "CPV" );
767  CPVFitFrac_[i][j].name( name );
768  CPVFitFrac_[i][j].valueAndRange( 0.0, -100.0, 100.0 );
769  }
770  }
771  }
773  Double_t denom = negDPRate_ + posDPRate_;
775  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
776  for (UInt_t j(i); j<nSigComp_; ++j) {
778  Double_t negTerm = negFitFrac_[i][j]*negDPRate_;
779  Double_t posTerm = posFitFrac_[i][j]*posDPRate_;
781  Double_t cpcFitFrac = (negTerm + posTerm)/denom;
782  Double_t cpvFitFrac = (negTerm - posTerm)/denom;
784  CPCFitFrac_[i][j] = cpcFitFrac;
785  CPVFitFrac_[i][j] = cpvFitFrac;
787  if (initValues) {
788  CPCFitFrac_[i][j].genValue(cpcFitFrac);
789  CPCFitFrac_[i][j].initValue(cpcFitFrac);
791  CPVFitFrac_[i][j].genValue(cpvFitFrac);
792  CPVFitFrac_[i][j].initValue(cpvFitFrac);
793  }
794  }
795  }
796 }
798 void LauCPFitModel::calcAsymmetries(Bool_t initValues)
799 {
800  // Calculate the CP asymmetries
801  // Also calculate the fit fraction asymmetries
803  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
805  acp_[i] = coeffPars_[i]->acp();
807  LauAsymmCalc asymmCalc(negFitFrac_[i][i].value(), posFitFrac_[i][i].value());
808  Double_t asym = asymmCalc.getAsymmetry();
809  fitFracAsymm_[i] = asym;
810  if (initValues) {
811  fitFracAsymm_[i].genValue(asym);
812  fitFracAsymm_[i].initValue(asym);
813  }
814  }
815 }
817 void LauCPFitModel::finaliseFitResults(const TString& tablePrefixName)
818 {
819  // Retrieve parameters from the fit results for calculations and toy generation
820  // and eventually store these in output root ntuples/text files
822  // Now take the fit parameters and update them as necessary
823  // i.e. to make mag > 0.0, phase in the right range.
824  // This function will also calculate any other values, such as the
825  // fit fractions, using any errors provided by fitParErrors as appropriate.
826  // Also obtain the pull values: (measured - generated)/(average error)
828  if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) {
829  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; ++i) {
830  // Check whether we have "a/b > 0.0", and phases in the right range
831  coeffPars_[i]->finaliseValues();
832  }
833  }
835  // update the pulls on the event fractions and asymmetries
836  if (this->doEMLFit()) {
838  }
839  if (this->useDP() == kFALSE) {
841  }
842  if (useSCF_ && !useSCFHist_) {
844  }
845  if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) {
846  for (LauBkgndYieldList::iterator iter = bkgndEvents_.begin(); iter != bkgndEvents_.end(); ++iter) {
847  iter->updatePull();
848  }
849  for (LauBkgndYieldList::iterator iter = bkgndAsym_.begin(); iter != bkgndAsym_.end(); ++iter) {
850  iter->updatePull();
851  }
852  }
854  // Update the pulls on all the extra PDFs' parameters
857  if (useSCF_ == kTRUE) {
860  }
861  if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) {
862  for (LauBkgndPdfsList::iterator iter = negBkgndPdfs_.begin(); iter != negBkgndPdfs_.end(); ++iter) {
863  this->updateFitParameters(*iter);
864  }
865  for (LauBkgndPdfsList::iterator iter = posBkgndPdfs_.begin(); iter != posBkgndPdfs_.end(); ++iter) {
866  this->updateFitParameters(*iter);
867  }
868  }
870  // Fill the fit results to the ntuple
872  // update the coefficients and then calculate the fit fractions and ACP's
873  if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) {
874  this->updateCoeffs();
878  LauParArray negFitFrac = negSigModel_->getFitFractions();
879  if (negFitFrac.size() != nSigComp_) {
880  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::finaliseFitResults : Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: " << negFitFrac.size() << endl;
881  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
882  }
883  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
884  if (negFitFrac[i].size() != nSigComp_) {
885  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::finaliseFitResults : Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: " << negFitFrac[i].size() << endl;
886  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
887  }
888  }
890  LauParArray posFitFrac = posSigModel_->getFitFractions();
891  if (posFitFrac.size() != nSigComp_) {
892  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::finaliseFitResults : Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: " << posFitFrac.size() << endl;
893  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
894  }
895  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
896  if (posFitFrac[i].size() != nSigComp_) {
897  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::finaliseFitResults : Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: " << posFitFrac[i].size() << endl;
898  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
899  }
900  }
902  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
903  for (UInt_t j(i); j<nSigComp_; ++j) {
904  negFitFrac_[i][j].value(negFitFrac[i][j].value());
905  posFitFrac_[i][j].value(posFitFrac[i][j].value());
906  }
907  }
914  this->calcExtraFractions();
915  this->calcAsymmetries();
917  // Then store the final fit parameters, and any extra parameters for
918  // the signal model (e.g. fit fractions, FF asymmetries, ACPs, mean efficiency and DP rate)
920  this->clearExtraVarVectors();
921  LauParameterList& extraVars = this->extraPars();
923  // Add the positive and negative fit fractions for each signal component
924  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
925  for (UInt_t j(i); j<nSigComp_; ++j) {
926  extraVars.push_back(negFitFrac_[i][j]);
927  }
928  }
929  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
930  for (UInt_t j(i); j<nSigComp_; ++j) {
931  extraVars.push_back(posFitFrac_[i][j]);
932  }
933  }
935  // Store any extra parameters/quantities from the DP model (e.g. K-matrix total fit fractions)
936  std::vector<LauParameter> negExtraPars = negSigModel_->getExtraParameters();
937  std::vector<LauParameter>::iterator negExtraIter;
938  for (negExtraIter = negExtraPars.begin(); negExtraIter != negExtraPars.end(); ++negExtraIter) {
939  LauParameter negExtraParameter = (*negExtraIter);
940  extraVars.push_back(negExtraParameter);
941  }
943  std::vector<LauParameter> posExtraPars = posSigModel_->getExtraParameters();
944  std::vector<LauParameter>::iterator posExtraIter;
945  for (posExtraIter = posExtraPars.begin(); posExtraIter != posExtraPars.end(); ++posExtraIter) {
946  LauParameter posExtraParameter = (*posExtraIter);
947  extraVars.push_back(posExtraParameter);
948  }
950  extraVars.push_back(negMeanEff_);
951  extraVars.push_back(posMeanEff_);
952  extraVars.push_back(negDPRate_);
953  extraVars.push_back(posDPRate_);
955  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
956  for (UInt_t j(i); j<nSigComp_; ++j) {
957  extraVars.push_back(CPVFitFrac_[i][j]);
958  }
959  }
960  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
961  for (UInt_t j(i); j<nSigComp_; ++j) {
962  extraVars.push_back(CPCFitFrac_[i][j]);
963  }
964  }
965  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
966  extraVars.push_back(fitFracAsymm_[i]);
967  }
968  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
969  extraVars.push_back(acp_[i]);
970  }
972  this->printFitFractions(cout);
973  this->printAsymmetries(cout);
974  }
976  const LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars();
977  const LauParameterList& extraVars = this->extraPars();
978  LauFitNtuple* ntuple = this->fitNtuple();
979  ntuple->storeParsAndErrors(fitVars, extraVars);
981  // find out the correlation matrix for the parameters
982  ntuple->storeCorrMatrix(this->iExpt(), this->nll(), this->fitStatus());
984  // Fill the data into ntuple
985  ntuple->updateFitNtuple();
987  // Print out the partial fit fractions, phases and the
988  // averaged efficiency, reweighted by the dynamics (and anything else)
989  if (this->writeLatexTable()) {
990  TString sigOutFileName(tablePrefixName);
991  sigOutFileName += "_"; sigOutFileName += this->iExpt(); sigOutFileName += "Expt.tex";
992  this->writeOutTable(sigOutFileName);
993  }
994 }
996 void LauCPFitModel::printFitFractions(std::ostream& output)
997 {
998  // Print out Fit Fractions, total DP rate and mean efficiency
999  // First for the B- events
1000  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
1001  const TString compName(coeffPars_[i]->name());
1002  output << negParent_ << " FitFraction for component " << i << " (" << compName << ") = " << negFitFrac_[i][i] << endl;
1003  }
1004  output << negParent_ << " overall DP rate (integral of matrix element squared) = " << negDPRate_ << endl;
1005  output << negParent_ << " average efficiency weighted by whole DP dynamics = " << negMeanEff_ << endl;
1007  // Then for the positive sample
1008  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
1009  const TString compName(coeffPars_[i]->name());
1010  const TString conjName(negSigModel_->getConjResName(compName));
1011  output << posParent_ << " FitFraction for component " << i << " (" << conjName << ") = " << posFitFrac_[i][i] << endl;
1012  }
1013  output << posParent_ << " overall DP rate (integral of matrix element squared) = " << posDPRate_ << endl;
1014  output << posParent_ << " average efficiency weighted by whole DP dynamics = " << posMeanEff_ << endl;
1015 }
1017 void LauCPFitModel::printAsymmetries(std::ostream& output)
1018 {
1019  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
1020  const TString compName(coeffPars_[i]->name());
1021  output << "Fit Fraction asymmetry for component " << i << " (" << compName << ") = " << fitFracAsymm_[i] << endl;
1022  }
1023  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
1024  const TString compName(coeffPars_[i]->name());
1025  output << "ACP for component " << i << " (" << compName << ") = " << acp_[i] << endl;
1026  }
1027 }
1029 void LauCPFitModel::writeOutTable(const TString& outputFile)
1030 {
1031  // Write out the results of the fit to a tex-readable table
1032  // TODO - need to include the yields in this table
1033  std::ofstream fout(outputFile);
1034  LauPrint print;
1036  cout << "Writing out results of the fit to the tex file " << outputFile << endl;
1038  if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) {
1039  // print the fit coefficients in one table
1040  coeffPars_.front()->printTableHeading(fout);
1041  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
1042  coeffPars_[i]->printTableRow(fout);
1043  }
1044  fout << "\\hline" << endl;
1045  fout << "\\end{tabular}" << endl << endl;
1047  // print the fit fractions and asymmetries in another
1048  fout << "\\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|c|}" << endl;
1049  fout << "\\hline" << endl;
1050  fout << "Component & " << negParent_ << " Fit Fraction & " << posParent_ << " Fit Fraction & Fit Fraction Asymmetry & ACP \\\\" << endl;
1051  fout << "\\hline" << endl;
1053  Double_t negFitFracSum(0.0);
1054  Double_t posFitFracSum(0.0);
1056  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
1057  TString resName = coeffPars_[i]->name();
1058  resName = resName.ReplaceAll("_", "\\_");
1060  Double_t negFitFrac = negFitFrac_[i][i].value();
1061  Double_t posFitFrac = posFitFrac_[i][i].value();
1062  negFitFracSum += negFitFrac;
1063  posFitFracSum += posFitFrac;
1065  Double_t fitFracAsymm = fitFracAsymm_[i].value();
1067  Double_t acp = acp_[i].value();
1068  Double_t acpErr = acp_[i].error();
1070  fout << resName << " & $";
1072  print.printFormat(fout, negFitFrac);
1073  fout << "$ & $";
1074  print.printFormat(fout, posFitFrac);
1075  fout << "$ & $";
1077  print.printFormat(fout, fitFracAsymm);
1078  fout << "$ & $";
1080  print.printFormat(fout, acp);
1081  fout << " \\pm ";
1082  print.printFormat(fout, acpErr);
1083  fout << "$ \\\\" << endl;
1084  }
1085  fout << "\\hline" << endl;
1087  // Also print out sum of fit fractions
1088  fout << "Fit Fraction Sum & $";
1089  print.printFormat(fout, negFitFracSum);
1090  fout << "$ & $";
1091  print.printFormat(fout, posFitFracSum);
1092  fout << "$ & & \\\\" << endl;
1093  fout << "\\hline" << endl;
1095  fout << "DP rate & $";
1096  print.printFormat(fout, negDPRate_.value());
1097  fout << "$ & $";
1098  print.printFormat(fout, posDPRate_.value());
1099  fout << "$ & & \\\\" << endl;
1101  fout << "$< \\varepsilon > $ & $";
1102  print.printFormat(fout, negMeanEff_.value());
1103  fout << "$ & $";
1104  print.printFormat(fout, posMeanEff_.value());
1105  fout << "$ & & \\\\" << endl;
1106  fout << "\\hline" << endl;
1107  fout << "\\end{tabular}" << endl << endl;
1108  }
1110  if (!negSignalPdfs_.empty()) {
1111  fout << "\\begin{tabular}{|l|c|}" << endl;
1112  fout << "\\hline" << endl;
1113  if (useSCF_ == kTRUE) {
1114  fout << "\\Extra TM Signal PDFs' Parameters: & \\\\" << endl;
1115  } else {
1116  fout << "\\Extra Signal PDFs' Parameters: & \\\\" << endl;
1117  }
1118  this->printFitParameters(negSignalPdfs_, fout);
1119  if ( tagged_ ) {
1120  this->printFitParameters(posSignalPdfs_, fout);
1121  }
1122  if (useSCF_ == kTRUE && !negScfPdfs_.empty()) {
1123  fout << "\\hline" << endl;
1124  fout << "\\Extra SCF Signal PDFs' Parameters: & \\\\" << endl;
1125  this->printFitParameters(negScfPdfs_, fout);
1126  if ( tagged_ ) {
1127  this->printFitParameters(posScfPdfs_, fout);
1128  }
1129  }
1130  if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE && !negBkgndPdfs_.empty()) {
1131  fout << "\\hline" << endl;
1132  fout << "\\Extra Background PDFs' Parameters: & \\\\" << endl;
1133  for (LauBkgndPdfsList::const_iterator iter = negBkgndPdfs_.begin(); iter != negBkgndPdfs_.end(); ++iter) {
1134  this->printFitParameters(*iter, fout);
1135  }
1136  if ( tagged_ ) {
1137  for (LauBkgndPdfsList::const_iterator iter = posBkgndPdfs_.begin(); iter != posBkgndPdfs_.end(); ++iter) {
1138  this->printFitParameters(*iter, fout);
1139  }
1140  }
1141  }
1142  fout << "\\hline \n\\end{tabular}" << endl << endl;
1143  }
1144 }
1147 {
1148  // Update the number of signal events to be total-sum(background events)
1149  this->updateSigEvents();
1151  // Check whether we want to have randomised initial fit parameters for the signal model
1152  if (this->useRandomInitFitPars() == kTRUE) {
1153  cout << "Setting random parameters for the signal model" << endl;
1154  this->randomiseInitFitPars();
1155  }
1156 }
1159 {
1160  // Only randomise those parameters that are not fixed!
1161  cout << "Randomising the initial fit magnitudes and phases of the components..." << endl;
1163  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
1164  coeffPars_[i]->randomiseInitValues();
1165  }
1166 }
1169 {
1170  // Determine the number of events to generate for each hypothesis
1171  // If we're smearing then smear each one individually
1173  LauGenInfo nEvtsGen;
1175  // Signal
1176  Double_t evtWeight(1.0);
1177  Double_t nEvts = signalEvents_.genValue();
1178  if ( nEvts < 0.0 ) {
1179  evtWeight = -1.0;
1180  nEvts = TMath::Abs( nEvts );
1181  }
1182  Double_t asym(0.0);
1183  Double_t sigAsym(0.0);
1184  // need to include this as an alternative in case the DP isn't in the model
1185  if ( !this->useDP() || forceAsym_ ) {
1186  sigAsym = signalAsym_.genValue();
1187  } else {
1188  Double_t negRate = negSigModel_->getDPNorm();
1189  Double_t posRate = posSigModel_->getDPNorm();
1190  if (negRate+posRate>1e-30) {
1191  sigAsym = (negRate-posRate)/(negRate+posRate);
1192  }
1193  }
1194  asym = sigAsym;
1195  Int_t nPosEvts = static_cast<Int_t>((nEvts/2.0 * (1.0 - asym)) + 0.5);
1196  Int_t nNegEvts = static_cast<Int_t>((nEvts/2.0 * (1.0 + asym)) + 0.5);
1197  if (this->doPoissonSmearing()) {
1198  nNegEvts = LauRandom::randomFun()->Poisson(nNegEvts);
1199  nPosEvts = LauRandom::randomFun()->Poisson(nPosEvts);
1200  }
1201  nEvtsGen[std::make_pair("signal",-1)] = std::make_pair(nNegEvts,evtWeight);
1202  nEvtsGen[std::make_pair("signal",+1)] = std::make_pair(nPosEvts,evtWeight);
1204  // backgrounds
1205  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
1206  for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) {
1207  const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(bkgndID);
1208  const LauParameter& evtsPar = bkgndEvents_[bkgndID];
1209  const LauParameter& asymPar = bkgndAsym_[bkgndID];
1210  evtWeight = 1.0;
1211  nEvts = TMath::FloorNint( evtsPar.genValue() );
1212  if ( nEvts < 0 ) {
1213  evtWeight = -1.0;
1214  nEvts = TMath::Abs( nEvts );
1215  }
1216  asym = asymPar.genValue();
1217  nPosEvts = static_cast<Int_t>((nEvts/2.0 * (1.0 - asym)) + 0.5);
1218  nNegEvts = static_cast<Int_t>((nEvts/2.0 * (1.0 + asym)) + 0.5);
1219  if (this->doPoissonSmearing()) {
1220  nNegEvts = LauRandom::randomFun()->Poisson(nNegEvts);
1221  nPosEvts = LauRandom::randomFun()->Poisson(nPosEvts);
1222  }
1223  nEvtsGen[std::make_pair(bkgndClass,-1)] = std::make_pair(nNegEvts,evtWeight);
1224  nEvtsGen[std::make_pair(bkgndClass,+1)] = std::make_pair(nPosEvts,evtWeight);
1225  }
1227  cout << "Generating toy MC with:" << endl;
1228  cout << "Signal asymmetry = " << sigAsym << " and number of signal events = " << signalEvents_.genValue() << endl;
1229  for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) {
1230  const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(bkgndID);
1231  const LauParameter& evtsPar = bkgndEvents_[bkgndID];
1232  const LauParameter& asymPar = bkgndAsym_[bkgndID];
1233  cout << bkgndClass << " asymmetry = " << asymPar.genValue() << " and number of " << bkgndClass << " events = " << evtsPar.genValue() << endl;
1234  }
1236  return nEvtsGen;
1237 }
1240 {
1241  // Routine to generate toy Monte Carlo events according to the various models we have defined.
1243  // Determine the number of events to generate for each hypothesis
1244  LauGenInfo nEvts = this->eventsToGenerate();
1246  Bool_t genOK(kTRUE);
1247  Int_t evtNum(0);
1249  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
1250  std::vector<TString> bkgndClassNames(nBkgnds);
1251  std::vector<TString> bkgndClassNamesGen(nBkgnds);
1252  for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) {
1253  TString name( this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd) );
1254  bkgndClassNames[iBkgnd] = name;
1255  bkgndClassNamesGen[iBkgnd] = "gen"+name;
1256  }
1258  const Bool_t storeSCFTruthInfo = ( useSCF_ || ( this->enableEmbedding() &&
1259  negSignalTree_ != 0 && negSignalTree_->haveBranch("mcMatch") &&
1260  posSignalTree_ != 0 && posSignalTree_->haveBranch("mcMatch") ) );
1262  // Loop over the hypotheses and generate the requested number of events for each one
1263  for (LauGenInfo::const_iterator iter = nEvts.begin(); iter != nEvts.end(); ++iter) {
1265  const TString& type(iter->first.first);
1266  curEvtCharge_ = iter->first.second;
1267  Double_t evtWeight( iter->second.second );
1268  Int_t nEvtsGen( iter->second.first );
1270  for (Int_t iEvt(0); iEvt<nEvtsGen; ++iEvt) {
1272  this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue( "evtWeight", evtWeight );
1274  if (type == "signal") {
1275  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genSig",1);
1276  for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) {
1277  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue( bkgndClassNamesGen[iBkgnd], 0 );
1278  }
1279  genOK = this->generateSignalEvent();
1280  } else {
1281  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genSig",0);
1282  if ( storeSCFTruthInfo ) {
1283  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genTMSig",0);
1284  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genSCFSig",0);
1285  }
1286  UInt_t bkgndID(0);
1287  for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) {
1288  Int_t gen(0);
1289  if ( bkgndClassNames[iBkgnd] == type ) {
1290  gen = 1;
1291  bkgndID = iBkgnd;
1292  }
1293  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue( bkgndClassNamesGen[iBkgnd], gen );
1294  }
1295  genOK = this->generateBkgndEvent(bkgndID);
1296  }
1297  if (!genOK) {
1298  // If there was a problem with the generation then break out and return.
1299  // The problem model will have adjusted itself so that all should be OK next time.
1300  break;
1301  }
1302  if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) {
1303  this->setDPBranchValues();
1304  }
1306  // Store the event charge
1309  // Store the event number (within this experiment)
1310  // and then increment it
1311  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("iEvtWithinExpt",evtNum);
1312  ++evtNum;
1314  this->fillGenNtupleBranches();
1315  if (iEvt%500 == 0) {cout << "Generated event number " << iEvt << " out of " << nEvtsGen << " " << type << " events." << endl;}
1316  }
1318  if (!genOK) {
1319  break;
1320  }
1321  }
1323  if (this->useDP() && genOK) {
1325  negSigModel_->checkToyMC(kTRUE,kTRUE);
1326  posSigModel_->checkToyMC(kTRUE,kTRUE);
1328  // Get the fit fractions if they're to be written into the latex table
1329  if (this->writeLatexTable()) {
1330  LauParArray negFitFrac = negSigModel_->getFitFractions();
1331  if (negFitFrac.size() != nSigComp_) {
1332  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::genExpt : Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: " << negFitFrac.size() << endl;
1333  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1334  }
1335  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
1336  if (negFitFrac[i].size() != nSigComp_) {
1337  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::genExpt : Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: " << negFitFrac[i].size() << endl;
1338  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1339  }
1340  }
1341  LauParArray posFitFrac = posSigModel_->getFitFractions();
1342  if (posFitFrac.size() != nSigComp_) {
1343  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::genExpt : Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: " << posFitFrac.size() << endl;
1344  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1345  }
1346  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
1347  if (posFitFrac[i].size() != nSigComp_) {
1348  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::genExpt : Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: " << posFitFrac[i].size() << endl;
1349  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1350  }
1351  }
1353  for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
1354  for (UInt_t j(i); j<nSigComp_; ++j) {
1355  negFitFrac_[i][j].value(negFitFrac[i][j].value());
1356  posFitFrac_[i][j].value(posFitFrac[i][j].value());
1357  }
1358  }
1363  }
1364  }
1366  // If we're reusing embedded events or if the generation is being
1367  // reset then clear the lists of used events
1368  if (reuseSignal_ || !genOK) {
1369  if (negSignalTree_) {
1371  }
1372  if (posSignalTree_) {
1374  }
1375  }
1376  for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) {
1377  LauEmbeddedData* data = negBkgndTree_[bkgndID];
1378  if (reuseBkgnd_[bkgndID] || !genOK) {
1379  if (data) {
1380  data->clearUsedList();
1381  }
1382  }
1383  }
1384  for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) {
1385  LauEmbeddedData* data = posBkgndTree_[bkgndID];
1386  if (reuseBkgnd_[bkgndID] || !genOK) {
1387  if (data) {
1388  data->clearUsedList();
1389  }
1390  }
1391  }
1393  return genOK;
1394 }
1397 {
1398  // Generate signal event
1399  Bool_t genOK(kTRUE);
1400  Bool_t genSCF(kFALSE);
1402  LauAbsDPDynamics* model(0);
1403  LauKinematics* kinematics(0);
1404  LauEmbeddedData* embeddedData(0);
1405  LauPdfList* sigPdfs(0);
1406  LauPdfList* scfPdfs(0);
1408  Bool_t doReweighting(kFALSE);
1410  if (curEvtCharge_<0) {
1411  model = negSigModel_;
1412  kinematics = negKinematics_;
1413  sigPdfs = &negSignalPdfs_;
1414  scfPdfs = &negScfPdfs_;
1415  if (this->enableEmbedding()) {
1416  embeddedData = negSignalTree_;
1417  doReweighting = useNegReweighting_;
1418  }
1419  } else {
1420  model = posSigModel_;
1421  kinematics = posKinematics_;
1422  if ( tagged_ ) {
1423  sigPdfs = &posSignalPdfs_;
1424  scfPdfs = &posScfPdfs_;
1425  } else {
1426  sigPdfs = &negSignalPdfs_;
1427  scfPdfs = &negScfPdfs_;
1428  }
1429  if (this->enableEmbedding()) {
1430  embeddedData = posSignalTree_;
1431  doReweighting = usePosReweighting_;
1432  }
1433  }
1435  if (this->useDP()) {
1436  if (embeddedData) {
1437  if (doReweighting) {
1438  // Select a (random) event from the generated data. Then store the
1439  // reconstructed DP co-ords, together with other pdf information,
1440  // as the embedded data.
1441  genOK = embeddedData->getReweightedEvent(model);
1442  } else {
1443  // Just get the information of a (randomly) selected event in the
1444  // embedded data
1445  embeddedData->getEmbeddedEvent(kinematics);
1446  }
1447  genSCF = this->storeSignalMCMatch( embeddedData );
1448  } else {
1449  genOK = model->generate();
1450  if ( genOK && useSCF_ ) {
1451  Double_t frac(0.0);
1452  if ( useSCFHist_ ) {
1453  frac = scfFracHist_->calcEfficiency( kinematics );
1454  } else {
1455  frac = scfFrac_.genValue();
1456  }
1457  if ( frac < LauRandom::randomFun()->Rndm() ) {
1458  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genTMSig",1);
1459  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genSCFSig",0);
1460  genSCF = kFALSE;
1461  } else {
1462  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genTMSig",0);
1463  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genSCFSig",1);
1464  genSCF = kTRUE;
1466  // Optionally smear the DP position
1467  // of the SCF event
1468  if ( scfMap_ != 0 ) {
1469  Double_t xCoord(0.0), yCoord(0.0);
1470  if ( kinematics->squareDP() ) {
1471  xCoord = kinematics->getmPrime();
1472  yCoord = kinematics->getThetaPrime();
1473  } else {
1474  xCoord = kinematics->getm13Sq();
1475  yCoord = kinematics->getm23Sq();
1476  }
1478  // Find the bin number where this event is generated
1479  Int_t binNo = scfMap_->binNumber( xCoord, yCoord );
1481  // Retrieve the migration histogram
1482  TH2* histo = scfMap_->trueHist( binNo );
1484  LauEffModel * effModel = model->getEffModel();
1485  do {
1486  // Get a random point from the histogram
1487  histo->GetRandom2( xCoord, yCoord );
1489  // Update the kinematics
1490  if ( kinematics->squareDP() ) {
1491  kinematics->updateSqDPKinematics( xCoord, yCoord );
1492  } else {
1493  kinematics->updateKinematics( xCoord, yCoord );
1494  }
1495  } while ( ! effModel->passVeto( kinematics ) );
1496  }
1497  }
1498  }
1499  }
1500  } else {
1501  if (embeddedData) {
1502  embeddedData->getEmbeddedEvent(0);
1503  genSCF = this->storeSignalMCMatch( embeddedData );
1504  } else if ( useSCF_ ) {
1505  Double_t frac = scfFrac_.genValue();
1506  if ( frac < LauRandom::randomFun()->Rndm() ) {
1507  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genTMSig",1);
1508  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genSCFSig",0);
1509  genSCF = kFALSE;
1510  } else {
1511  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genTMSig",0);
1512  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genSCFSig",1);
1513  genSCF = kTRUE;
1514  }
1515  }
1516  }
1517  if (genOK) {
1518  if ( useSCF_ ) {
1519  if ( genSCF ) {
1520  this->generateExtraPdfValues(scfPdfs, embeddedData);
1521  } else {
1522  this->generateExtraPdfValues(sigPdfs, embeddedData);
1523  }
1524  } else {
1525  this->generateExtraPdfValues(sigPdfs, embeddedData);
1526  }
1527  }
1528  // Check for problems with the embedding
1529  if (embeddedData && (embeddedData->nEvents() == embeddedData->nUsedEvents())) {
1530  cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::generateSignalEvent : Source of embedded signal events used up, clearing the list of used events." << endl;
1531  embeddedData->clearUsedList();
1532  }
1534  return genOK;
1535 }
1538 {
1539  // Generate Bkgnd event
1540  Bool_t genOK(kTRUE);
1542  LauAbsBkgndDPModel* model(0);
1543  LauEmbeddedData* embeddedData(0);
1544  LauPdfList* extraPdfs(0);
1545  LauKinematics* kinematics(0);
1547  if (curEvtCharge_<0) {
1548  model = negBkgndDPModels_[bkgndID];
1549  if (this->enableEmbedding()) {
1550  embeddedData = negBkgndTree_[bkgndID];
1551  }
1552  extraPdfs = &negBkgndPdfs_[bkgndID];
1553  kinematics = negKinematics_;
1554  } else {
1555  model = posBkgndDPModels_[bkgndID];
1556  if (this->enableEmbedding()) {
1557  embeddedData = posBkgndTree_[bkgndID];
1558  }
1559  if ( tagged_ ) {
1560  extraPdfs = &posBkgndPdfs_[bkgndID];
1561  } else {
1562  extraPdfs = &negBkgndPdfs_[bkgndID];
1563  }
1564  kinematics = posKinematics_;
1565  }
1567  if (this->useDP()) {
1568  if (embeddedData) {
1569  embeddedData->getEmbeddedEvent(kinematics);
1570  } else {
1571  if (model == 0) {
1572  const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(bkgndID);
1573  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::generateBkgndEvent : Can't find the DP model for background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << endl;
1574  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1575  }
1576  genOK = model->generate();
1577  }
1578  } else {
1579  if (embeddedData) {
1580  embeddedData->getEmbeddedEvent(0);
1581  }
1582  }
1583  if (genOK) {
1584  this->generateExtraPdfValues(extraPdfs, embeddedData);
1585  }
1587  // Check for problems with the embedding
1588  if (embeddedData && (embeddedData->nEvents() == embeddedData->nUsedEvents())) {
1589  const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(bkgndID);
1590  cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::generateBkgndEvent : Source of embedded " << bkgndClass << " events used up, clearing the list of used events." << endl;
1591  embeddedData->clearUsedList();
1592  }
1594  return genOK;
1595 }
1598 {
1599  // Setup the required ntuple branches
1600  this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("evtWeight");
1601  this->addGenNtupleIntegerBranch("genSig");
1602  if ( useSCF_ || ( this->enableEmbedding() &&
1603  negSignalTree_ != 0 && negSignalTree_->haveBranch("mcMatch") &&
1604  posSignalTree_ != 0 && posSignalTree_->haveBranch("mcMatch") ) ) {
1605  this->addGenNtupleIntegerBranch("genTMSig");
1606  this->addGenNtupleIntegerBranch("genSCFSig");
1607  }
1608  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
1609  for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) {
1610  TString name( this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd) );
1611  name.Prepend("gen");
1612  this->addGenNtupleIntegerBranch(name);
1613  }
1614  this->addGenNtupleIntegerBranch("charge");
1615  if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) {
1616  this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("m12");
1617  this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("m23");
1618  this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("m13");
1619  this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("m12Sq");
1620  this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("m23Sq");
1621  this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("m13Sq");
1622  this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("cosHel12");
1623  this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("cosHel23");
1624  this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("cosHel13");
1626  this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("mPrime");
1627  this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("thPrime");
1628  }
1629  }
1630  for (LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = negSignalPdfs_.begin(); pdf_iter != negSignalPdfs_.end(); ++pdf_iter) {
1631  std::vector<TString> varNames = (*pdf_iter)->varNames();
1632  for ( std::vector<TString>::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) {
1633  if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) {
1634  this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch( (*var_iter) );
1635  }
1636  }
1637  }
1638 }
1641 {
1642  LauKinematics* kinematics(0);
1643  if (curEvtCharge_<0) {
1644  kinematics = negKinematics_;
1645  } else {
1646  kinematics = posKinematics_;
1647  }
1649  // Store all the DP information
1650  this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("m12", kinematics->getm12());
1651  this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("m23", kinematics->getm23());
1652  this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("m13", kinematics->getm13());
1653  this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("m12Sq", kinematics->getm12Sq());
1654  this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("m23Sq", kinematics->getm23Sq());
1655  this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("m13Sq", kinematics->getm13Sq());
1656  this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("cosHel12", kinematics->getc12());
1657  this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("cosHel23", kinematics->getc23());
1658  this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("cosHel13", kinematics->getc13());
1659  if (kinematics->squareDP()) {
1660  this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("mPrime", kinematics->getmPrime());
1661  this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("thPrime", kinematics->getThetaPrime());
1662  }
1663 }
1666 {
1667  LauKinematics* kinematics(0);
1668  if (curEvtCharge_<0) {
1669  kinematics = negKinematics_;
1670  } else {
1671  kinematics = posKinematics_;
1672  }
1674  if (!extraPdfs) {
1675  std::cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::generateExtraPdfValues : Null pointer to PDF list." << std::endl;
1676  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1677  }
1679  if (extraPdfs->empty()) {
1680  //std::cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::generateExtraPdfValues : PDF list is empty." << std::endl;
1681  return;
1682  }
1684  // Generate from the extra PDFs
1685  for (LauPdfList::iterator pdf_iter = extraPdfs->begin(); pdf_iter != extraPdfs->end(); ++pdf_iter) {
1686  LauFitData genValues;
1687  if (embeddedData) {
1688  genValues = embeddedData->getValues( (*pdf_iter)->varNames() );
1689  } else {
1690  genValues = (*pdf_iter)->generate(kinematics);
1691  }
1692  for ( LauFitData::const_iterator var_iter = genValues.begin(); var_iter != genValues.end(); ++var_iter ) {
1693  TString varName = var_iter->first;
1694  if ( varName != "m13Sq" && varName != "m23Sq" ) {
1695  Double_t value = var_iter->second;
1696  this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue(varName,value);
1697  }
1698  }
1699  }
1700 }
1703 {
1704  // Default to TM
1705  Bool_t genSCF(kFALSE);
1706  Int_t match(1);
1708  // Check that we have a valid pointer and that embedded data has
1709  // the mcMatch branch. If so then get the match value.
1710  if ( embeddedData && embeddedData->haveBranch("mcMatch") ) {
1711  match = TMath::Nint( embeddedData->getValue("mcMatch") );
1712  }
1714  // Set the variables accordingly.
1715  if (match) {
1716  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genTMSig",1);
1717  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genSCFSig",0);
1718  genSCF = kFALSE;
1719  } else {
1720  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genTMSig",0);
1721  this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genSCFSig",1);
1722  genSCF = kTRUE;
1723  }
1725  return genSCF;
1726 }
1729 {
1730  // Update the signal parameters and then the total normalisation for the signal likelihood
1731  if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) {
1732  this->updateCoeffs();
1735  }
1737  // Update the signal fraction from the background fractions if not doing an extended fit
1738  if ( !this->doEMLFit() && !signalEvents_.fixed() ) {
1739  this->updateSigEvents();
1740  }
1741 }
1744 {
1745  // The background parameters will have been set from Minuit.
1746  // We need to update the signal events using these.
1747  Double_t nTotEvts = this->eventsPerExpt();
1749  signalEvents_.range(-2.0*nTotEvts,2.0*nTotEvts);
1750  for (LauBkgndYieldList::iterator iter = bkgndEvents_.begin(); iter != bkgndEvents_.end(); ++iter) {
1751  (*iter).range(-2.0*nTotEvts,2.0*nTotEvts);
1752  }
1754  if (signalEvents_.fixed()) {
1755  return;
1756  }
1758  // Subtract background events (if any) from signal.
1759  Double_t signalEvents = nTotEvts;
1760  if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) {
1761  for (LauBkgndYieldList::const_iterator iter = bkgndEvents_.begin(); iter != bkgndEvents_.end(); ++iter) {
1762  signalEvents -= (*iter);
1763  }
1764  }
1765  signalEvents_.value(signalEvents);
1766 }
1769 {
1770  // Fill the internal data trees of the signal and background models.
1771  // Note that we store the events of both charges in both the
1772  // negative and the positive models. It's only later, at the stage
1773  // when the likelihood is being calculated, that we separate them.
1775  LauFitDataTree* inputFitData = this->fitData();
1777  // First the Dalitz plot variables (m_ij^2)
1778  if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) {
1780  // need to append SCF smearing bins before caching DP amplitudes
1781  if ( scfMap_ != 0 ) {
1782  this->appendBinCentres( inputFitData );
1783  }
1785  negSigModel_->fillDataTree(*inputFitData);
1786  posSigModel_->fillDataTree(*inputFitData);
1788  if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) {
1789  for (LauBkgndDPModelList::iterator iter = negBkgndDPModels_.begin(); iter != negBkgndDPModels_.end(); ++iter) {
1790  (*iter)->fillDataTree(*inputFitData);
1791  }
1792  for (LauBkgndDPModelList::iterator iter = posBkgndDPModels_.begin(); iter != posBkgndDPModels_.end(); ++iter) {
1793  (*iter)->fillDataTree(*inputFitData);
1794  }
1795  }
1796  }
1798  // ...and then the extra PDFs
1799  this->cacheInfo(negSignalPdfs_, *inputFitData);
1800  this->cacheInfo(negScfPdfs_, *inputFitData);
1801  for (LauBkgndPdfsList::iterator iter = negBkgndPdfs_.begin(); iter != negBkgndPdfs_.end(); ++iter) {
1802  this->cacheInfo((*iter), *inputFitData);
1803  }
1804  if ( tagged_ ) {
1805  this->cacheInfo(posSignalPdfs_, *inputFitData);
1806  this->cacheInfo(posScfPdfs_, *inputFitData);
1807  for (LauBkgndPdfsList::iterator iter = posBkgndPdfs_.begin(); iter != posBkgndPdfs_.end(); ++iter) {
1808  this->cacheInfo((*iter), *inputFitData);
1809  }
1810  }
1812  // the SCF fractions and jacobians
1813  if ( useSCF_ && useSCFHist_ ) {
1814  if ( !inputFitData->haveBranch( "m13Sq" ) || !inputFitData->haveBranch( "m23Sq" ) ) {
1815  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::cacheInputFitVars : Input data does not contain DP branches and so can't cache the SCF fraction." << endl;
1816  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1817  }
1819  UInt_t nEvents = inputFitData->nEvents();
1820  recoSCFFracs_.clear();
1821  recoSCFFracs_.reserve( nEvents );
1822  if ( negKinematics_->squareDP() ) {
1823  recoJacobians_.clear();
1824  recoJacobians_.reserve( nEvents );
1825  }
1826  for (UInt_t iEvt = 0; iEvt < nEvents; iEvt++) {
1827  const LauFitData& dataValues = inputFitData->getData(iEvt);
1828  LauFitData::const_iterator m13_iter = dataValues.find("m13Sq");
1829  LauFitData::const_iterator m23_iter = dataValues.find("m23Sq");
1830  negKinematics_->updateKinematics( m13_iter->second, m23_iter->second );
1831  Double_t scfFrac = scfFracHist_->calcEfficiency( negKinematics_ );
1832  recoSCFFracs_.push_back( scfFrac );
1833  if ( negKinematics_->squareDP() ) {
1835  }
1836  }
1837  }
1839  // finally cache the event charge
1840  evtCharges_.clear();
1841  if ( tagged_ ) {
1842  if ( !inputFitData->haveBranch( tagVarName_ ) ) {
1843  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::cacheInputFitVars : Input data does not contain branch \"" << tagVarName_ << "\"." << endl;
1844  gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1845  }
1846  UInt_t nEvents = inputFitData->nEvents();
1847  evtCharges_.reserve( nEvents );
1848  for (UInt_t iEvt = 0; iEvt < nEvents; iEvt++) {
1849  const LauFitData& dataValues = inputFitData->getData(iEvt);
1850  LauFitData::const_iterator iter = dataValues.find( tagVarName_ );
1851  curEvtCharge_ = static_cast<Int_t>( iter->second );
1852  evtCharges_.push_back( curEvtCharge_ );
1853  }
1854  }
1855 }
1858 {
1859  // We'll be caching the DP amplitudes and efficiencies of the centres of the true bins.
1860  // To do so, we attach some fake points at the end of inputData, the number of the entry
1861  // minus the total number of events corresponding to the number of the histogram for that
1862  // given true bin in the LauScfMap object. (What this means is that when Laura is provided with
1863  // the LauScfMap object by the user, it's the latter who has to make sure that it contains the
1864  // right number of histograms and in exactly the right order!)
1866  // Get the x and y co-ordinates of the bin centres
1867  std::vector<Double_t> binCentresXCoords;
1868  std::vector<Double_t> binCentresYCoords;
1869  scfMap_->listBinCentres(binCentresXCoords, binCentresYCoords);
1871  // The SCF histograms could be in square Dalitz plot histograms.
1872  // The dynamics takes normal Dalitz plot coords, so we might have to convert them back.
1873  Bool_t sqDP = negKinematics_->squareDP();
1874  UInt_t nBins = binCentresXCoords.size();
1875  fakeSCFFracs_.clear();
1876  fakeSCFFracs_.reserve( nBins );
1877  if ( sqDP ) {
1878  fakeJacobians_.clear();
1879  fakeJacobians_.reserve( nBins );
1880  }
1882  for (UInt_t iBin = 0; iBin < nBins; ++iBin) {
1884  if ( sqDP ) {
1885  negKinematics_->updateSqDPKinematics(binCentresXCoords[iBin],binCentresYCoords[iBin]);
1886  binCentresXCoords[iBin] = negKinematics_->getm13Sq();
1887  binCentresYCoords[iBin] = negKinematics_->getm23Sq();
1889  } else {
1890  negKinematics_->updateKinematics(binCentresXCoords[iBin],binCentresYCoords[iBin]);
1891  }
1894  }
1896  // Set up inputFitVars_ object to hold the fake events
1897  inputData->appendFakePoints(binCentresXCoords,binCentresYCoords);
1898 }
1901 {
1902  // Find out whether we have B- or B+
1903  if ( tagged_ ) {
1904  curEvtCharge_ = evtCharges_[iEvt];
1906  // check that the charge is either +1 or -1
1907  if (TMath::Abs(curEvtCharge_)!=1) {
1908  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::getTotEvtLikelihood : Charge/tag not accepted value: " << curEvtCharge_ << endl;
1909  if (curEvtCharge_>0) {
1910  curEvtCharge_ = +1;
1911  } else {
1912  curEvtCharge_ = -1;
1913  }
1914  cerr << " : Making it: " << curEvtCharge_ << "." << endl;
1915  }
1916  }
1918  // Get the DP likelihood for signal and backgrounds
1919  this->getEvtDPLikelihood(iEvt);
1921  // Get the combined extra PDFs likelihood for signal and backgrounds
1922  this->getEvtExtraLikelihoods(iEvt);
1924  // If appropriate, combine the TM and SCF likelihoods
1925  Double_t sigLike = sigDPLike_ * sigExtraLike_;
1926  if ( useSCF_ ) {
1927  Double_t scfFrac(0.0);
1928  if (useSCFHist_) {
1929  scfFrac = recoSCFFracs_[iEvt];
1930  } else {
1931  scfFrac = scfFrac_.value();
1932  }
1933  sigLike *= (1.0 - scfFrac);
1934  if ( (scfMap_ != 0) && (this->useDP() == kTRUE) ) {
1935  // if we're smearing the SCF DP PDF then the SCF frac
1936  // is already included in the SCF DP likelihood
1937  sigLike += (scfDPLike_ * scfExtraLike_);
1938  } else {
1939  sigLike += (scfFrac * scfDPLike_ * scfExtraLike_);
1940  }
1941  }
1943  // Get the correct event fractions depending on the charge
1944  // Signal asymmetry is built into the DP model... but when the DP
1945  // isn't in the fit we need an explicit parameter
1946  Double_t signalEvents = signalEvents_ * 0.5;
1947  if (this->useDP() == kFALSE) {
1948  signalEvents *= (1.0 - curEvtCharge_ * signalAsym_);
1949  }
1951  // Construct the total event likelihood
1952  Double_t likelihood(0.0);
1953  if (usingBkgnd_) {
1954  likelihood = sigLike*signalEvents;
1955  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
1956  for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) {
1957  Double_t bkgndEvents = bkgndEvents_[bkgndID] * 0.5 * (1.0 - curEvtCharge_ * bkgndAsym_[bkgndID]);
1958  likelihood += bkgndEvents*bkgndDPLike_[bkgndID]*bkgndExtraLike_[bkgndID];
1959  }
1960  } else {
1961  likelihood = sigLike*0.5;
1962  }
1963  return likelihood;
1964 }
1967 {
1968  Double_t eventSum(0.0);
1969  eventSum += signalEvents_;
1970  if (usingBkgnd_) {
1971  for (LauBkgndYieldList::const_iterator iter = bkgndEvents_.begin(); iter != bkgndEvents_.end(); ++iter) {
1972  eventSum += (*iter);
1973  }
1974  }
1975  return eventSum;
1976 }
1979 {
1980  // Function to return the signal and background likelihoods for the
1981  // Dalitz plot for the given event evtNo.
1983  if ( ! this->useDP() ) {
1984  // There's always going to be a term in the likelihood for the
1985  // signal, so we'd better not zero it.
1986  sigDPLike_ = 1.0;
1987  scfDPLike_ = 1.0;
1989  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
1990  for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) {
1991  if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) {
1992  bkgndDPLike_[bkgndID] = 1.0;
1993  } else {
1994  bkgndDPLike_[bkgndID] = 0.0;
1995  }
1996  }
1998  return;
1999  }
2001  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
2002  if ( tagged_ ) {
2003  if (curEvtCharge_==+1) {
2008  for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) {
2009  if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) {
2010  bkgndDPLike_[bkgndID] = posBkgndDPModels_[bkgndID]->getLikelihood(iEvt);
2011  } else {
2012  bkgndDPLike_[bkgndID] = 0.0;
2013  }
2014  }
2015  } else {
2020  for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) {
2021  if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) {
2022  bkgndDPLike_[bkgndID] = negBkgndDPModels_[bkgndID]->getLikelihood(iEvt);
2023  } else {
2024  bkgndDPLike_[bkgndID] = 0.0;
2025  }
2026  }
2027  }
2028  } else {
2035  for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) {
2036  if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) {
2037  bkgndDPLike_[bkgndID] = 0.5 * ( posBkgndDPModels_[bkgndID]->getLikelihood(iEvt) +
2038  negBkgndDPModels_[bkgndID]->getLikelihood(iEvt) );
2039  } else {
2040  bkgndDPLike_[bkgndID] = 0.0;
2041  }
2042  }
2043  }
2045  if ( useSCF_ == kTRUE ) {
2046  if ( scfMap_ == 0 ) {
2047  // we're not smearing the SCF DP position
2048  // so the likelihood is the same as the TM
2050  } else {
2051  // calculate the smeared SCF DP likelihood
2052  scfDPLike_ = this->getEvtSCFDPLikelihood(iEvt);
2053  }
2054  }
2056  // Calculate the signal normalisation
2057  // NB the 2.0 is there so that the 0.5 factor is applied to
2058  // signal and background in the same place otherwise you get
2059  // normalisation problems when you switch off the DP in the fit
2060  Double_t norm = negSigModel_->getDPNorm() + posSigModel_->getDPNorm();
2061  sigDPLike_ *= 2.0/norm;
2062  scfDPLike_ *= 2.0/norm;
2063 }
2066 {
2067  Double_t scfDPLike(0.0);
2069  Double_t recoJacobian(1.0);
2070  Double_t xCoord(0.0);
2071  Double_t yCoord(0.0);
2073  Bool_t squareDP = negKinematics_->squareDP();
2074  if ( squareDP ) {
2075  xCoord = negSigModel_->getEvtmPrime();
2076  yCoord = negSigModel_->getEvtthPrime();
2077  recoJacobian = recoJacobians_[iEvt];
2078  } else {
2079  xCoord = negSigModel_->getEvtm13Sq();
2080  yCoord = negSigModel_->getEvtm23Sq();
2081  }
2083  // Find the bin that our reco event falls in
2084  Int_t recoBin = scfMap_->binNumber( xCoord, yCoord );
2086  // Find out which true Bins contribute to the given reco bin
2087  const std::vector<Int_t>* trueBins = scfMap_->trueBins(recoBin);
2089  const Int_t nDataEvents = this->eventsPerExpt();
2091  // Loop over the true bins
2092  for (std::vector<Int_t>::const_iterator iter = trueBins->begin(); iter != trueBins->end(); ++iter)
2093  {
2094  Int_t trueBin = (*iter);
2096  // prob of a true event in the given true bin migrating to the reco bin
2097  Double_t pRecoGivenTrue = scfMap_->prob( recoBin, trueBin );
2098  Double_t pTrue(0.0);
2100  // We've cached the DP amplitudes and the efficiency for the
2101  // true bin centres, just after the data points
2102  if ( tagged_ ) {
2103  LauAbsDPDynamics* sigModel(0);
2104  if (curEvtCharge_<0) {
2105  sigModel = negSigModel_;
2106  } else {
2107  sigModel = posSigModel_;
2108  }
2110  sigModel->calcLikelihoodInfo( nDataEvents + trueBin );
2112  pTrue = sigModel->getEvtDPAmp().abs2() * sigModel->getEvtEff();
2113  } else {
2114  posSigModel_->calcLikelihoodInfo( nDataEvents + trueBin );
2115  negSigModel_->calcLikelihoodInfo( nDataEvents + trueBin );
2117  pTrue = 0.5 * ( posSigModel_->getEvtDPAmp().abs2() * posSigModel_->getEvtEff() +
2119  }
2121  // Get the cached SCF fraction (and jacobian if we're using the square DP)
2122  Double_t scfFraction = fakeSCFFracs_[ trueBin ];
2123  Double_t jacobian(1.0);
2124  if ( squareDP ) {
2125  jacobian = fakeJacobians_[ trueBin ];
2126  }
2128  scfDPLike += pTrue * jacobian * scfFraction * pRecoGivenTrue;
2129  }
2131  // Divide by the reco jacobian
2132  scfDPLike /= recoJacobian;
2134  return scfDPLike;
2135 }
2138 {
2139  // Function to return the signal and background likelihoods for the
2140  // extra variables for the given event evtNo.
2142  sigExtraLike_ = 1.0;
2144  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
2146  if ( ! tagged_ || curEvtCharge_<0 ) {
2147  sigExtraLike_ = this->prodPdfValue( negSignalPdfs_, iEvt );
2149  if (useSCF_) {
2150  scfExtraLike_ = this->prodPdfValue( negScfPdfs_, iEvt );
2151  }
2153  for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) {
2154  if (usingBkgnd_) {
2155  bkgndExtraLike_[bkgndID] = this->prodPdfValue( negBkgndPdfs_[bkgndID], iEvt );
2156  } else {
2157  bkgndExtraLike_[bkgndID] = 0.0;
2158  }
2159  }
2160  } else {
2161  sigExtraLike_ = this->prodPdfValue( negSignalPdfs_, iEvt );
2163  if (useSCF_) {
2164  scfExtraLike_ = this->prodPdfValue( negScfPdfs_, iEvt );
2165  }
2167  for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) {
2168  if (usingBkgnd_) {
2169  bkgndExtraLike_[bkgndID] = this->prodPdfValue( negBkgndPdfs_[bkgndID], iEvt );
2170  } else {
2171  bkgndExtraLike_[bkgndID] = 0.0;
2172  }
2173  }
2174  }
2175 }
2178 {
2179  negCoeffs_.clear(); posCoeffs_.clear();
2180  negCoeffs_.reserve(nSigComp_); posCoeffs_.reserve(nSigComp_);
2181  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
2182  negCoeffs_.push_back(coeffPars_[i]->antiparticleCoeff());
2183  posCoeffs_.push_back(coeffPars_[i]->particleCoeff());
2184  }
2185 }
2188 {
2189  // add branches for storing the experiment number and the number of
2190  // the event within the current experiment
2191  this->addSPlotNtupleIntegerBranch("iExpt");
2192  this->addSPlotNtupleIntegerBranch("iEvtWithinExpt");
2194  // Store the efficiency of the event (for inclusive BF calculations).
2195  if (this->storeDPEff()) {
2196  this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch("efficiency");
2198  this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch("scffraction");
2199  }
2200  }
2202  // Store the total event likelihood for each species.
2203  if (useSCF_) {
2204  this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch("sigTMTotalLike");
2205  this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch("sigSCFTotalLike");
2206  this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch("sigSCFFrac");
2207  } else {
2208  this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch("sigTotalLike");
2209  }
2210  if (usingBkgnd_) {
2211  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
2212  for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) {
2213  TString name( this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd) );
2214  name += "TotalLike";
2215  this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch(name);
2216  }
2217  }
2219  // Store the DP likelihoods
2220  if (this->useDP()) {
2221  if (useSCF_) {
2222  this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch("sigTMDPLike");
2223  this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch("sigSCFDPLike");
2224  } else {
2225  this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch("sigDPLike");
2226  }
2227  if (usingBkgnd_) {
2228  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
2229  for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) {
2230  TString name( this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd) );
2231  name += "DPLike";
2232  this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch(name);
2233  }
2234  }
2235  }
2237  // Store the likelihoods for each extra PDF
2238  if (useSCF_) {
2239  this->addSPlotNtupleBranches(&negSignalPdfs_, "sigTM");
2240  this->addSPlotNtupleBranches(&negScfPdfs_, "sigSCF");
2241  } else {
2242  this->addSPlotNtupleBranches(&negSignalPdfs_, "sig");
2243  }
2244  if (usingBkgnd_) {
2245  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
2246  for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) {
2247  const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd);
2248  const LauPdfList* pdfList = &(negBkgndPdfs_[iBkgnd]);
2249  this->addSPlotNtupleBranches(pdfList, bkgndClass);
2250  }
2251  }
2252 }
2254 void LauCPFitModel::addSPlotNtupleBranches(const LauPdfList* extraPdfs, const TString& prefix)
2255 {
2256  if (extraPdfs) {
2257  // Loop through each of the PDFs
2258  for (LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = extraPdfs->begin(); pdf_iter != extraPdfs->end(); ++pdf_iter) {
2260  // Count the number of input variables that are not
2261  // DP variables (used in the case where there is DP
2262  // dependence for e.g. MVA)
2263  UInt_t nVars(0);
2264  std::vector<TString> varNames = (*pdf_iter)->varNames();
2265  for ( std::vector<TString>::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) {
2266  if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) {
2267  ++nVars;
2268  }
2269  }
2271  if ( nVars == 1 ) {
2272  // If the PDF only has one variable then
2273  // simply add one branch for that variable
2274  TString varName = (*pdf_iter)->varName();
2275  TString name(prefix);
2276  name += varName;
2277  name += "Like";
2278  this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch(name);
2279  } else if ( nVars == 2 ) {
2280  // If the PDF has two variables then we
2281  // need a branch for them both together and
2282  // branches for each
2283  TString allVars("");
2284  for ( std::vector<TString>::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) {
2285  allVars += (*var_iter);
2286  TString name(prefix);
2287  name += (*var_iter);
2288  name += "Like";
2289  this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch(name);
2290  }
2291  TString name(prefix);
2292  name += allVars;
2293  name += "Like";
2294  this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch(name);
2295  } else {
2296  cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::addSPlotNtupleBranches : Can't yet deal with 3D PDFs." << endl;
2297  }
2298  }
2299  }
2300 }
2302 Double_t LauCPFitModel::setSPlotNtupleBranchValues(LauPdfList* extraPdfs, const TString& prefix, UInt_t iEvt)
2303 {
2304  // Store the PDF value for each variable in the list
2305  Double_t totalLike(1.0);
2306  Double_t extraLike(0.0);
2307  if (extraPdfs) {
2308  for (LauPdfList::iterator pdf_iter = extraPdfs->begin(); pdf_iter != extraPdfs->end(); ++pdf_iter) {
2310  // calculate the likelihood for this event
2311  (*pdf_iter)->calcLikelihoodInfo(iEvt);
2312  extraLike = (*pdf_iter)->getLikelihood();
2313  totalLike *= extraLike;
2315  // Count the number of input variables that are not
2316  // DP variables (used in the case where there is DP
2317  // dependence for e.g. MVA)
2318  UInt_t nVars(0);
2319  std::vector<TString> varNames = (*pdf_iter)->varNames();
2320  for ( std::vector<TString>::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) {
2321  if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) {
2322  ++nVars;
2323  }
2324  }
2326  if ( nVars == 1 ) {
2327  // If the PDF only has one variable then
2328  // simply store the value for that variable
2329  TString varName = (*pdf_iter)->varName();
2330  TString name(prefix);
2331  name += varName;
2332  name += "Like";
2333  this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue(name, extraLike);
2334  } else if ( nVars == 2 ) {
2335  // If the PDF has two variables then we
2336  // store the value for them both together
2337  // and for each on their own
2338  TString allVars("");
2339  for ( std::vector<TString>::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) {
2340  allVars += (*var_iter);
2341  TString name(prefix);
2342  name += (*var_iter);
2343  name += "Like";
2344  Double_t indivLike = (*pdf_iter)->getLikelihood( (*var_iter) );
2345  this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue(name, indivLike);
2346  }
2347  TString name(prefix);
2348  name += allVars;
2349  name += "Like";
2350  this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue(name, extraLike);
2351  } else {
2352  cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::setSPlotNtupleBranchValues : Can't yet deal with 3D PDFs." << endl;
2353  }
2354  }
2355  }
2356  return totalLike;
2357 }
2360 {
2361  LauSPlot::NameSet nameSet;
2362  if (this->useDP()) {
2363  nameSet.insert("DP");
2364  }
2365  // Loop through all the signal PDFs
2366  for (LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = negSignalPdfs_.begin(); pdf_iter != negSignalPdfs_.end(); ++pdf_iter) {
2367  // Loop over the variables involved in each PDF
2368  std::vector<TString> varNames = (*pdf_iter)->varNames();
2369  for ( std::vector<TString>::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) {
2370  // If they are not DP coordinates then add them
2371  if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) {
2372  nameSet.insert( (*var_iter) );
2373  }
2374  }
2375  }
2376  return nameSet;
2377 }
2380 {
2381  LauSPlot::NumbMap numbMap;
2382  if (!signalEvents_.fixed() && this->doEMLFit()) {
2383  numbMap["sig"] = signalEvents_.genValue();
2384  }
2385  if ( usingBkgnd_ ) {
2386  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
2387  for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) {
2388  const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd);
2389  const LauParameter& par = bkgndEvents_[iBkgnd];
2390  if (!par.fixed()) {
2391  numbMap[bkgndClass] = par.genValue();
2392  }
2393  }
2394  }
2395  return numbMap;
2396 }
2399 {
2400  LauSPlot::NumbMap numbMap;
2401  if (signalEvents_.fixed() && this->doEMLFit()) {
2402  numbMap["sig"] = signalEvents_.genValue();
2403  }
2404  if ( usingBkgnd_ ) {
2405  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
2406  for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) {
2407  const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd);
2408  const LauParameter& par = bkgndEvents_[iBkgnd];
2409  if (par.fixed()) {
2410  numbMap[bkgndClass] = par.genValue();
2411  }
2412  }
2413  }
2414  return numbMap;
2415 }
2418 {
2419  // This makes the assumption that the form of the positive and
2420  // negative PDFs are the same, which seems reasonable to me
2422  LauSPlot::TwoDMap twodimMap;
2424  for (LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = negSignalPdfs_.begin(); pdf_iter != negSignalPdfs_.end(); ++pdf_iter) {
2425  // Count the number of input variables that are not DP variables
2426  UInt_t nVars(0);
2427  std::vector<TString> varNames = (*pdf_iter)->varNames();
2428  for ( std::vector<TString>::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) {
2429  if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) {
2430  ++nVars;
2431  }
2432  }
2433  if ( nVars == 2 ) {
2434  if (useSCF_) {
2435  twodimMap.insert( std::make_pair( "sigTM", std::make_pair( varNames[0], varNames[1] ) ) );
2436  } else {
2437  twodimMap.insert( std::make_pair( "sig", std::make_pair( varNames[0], varNames[1] ) ) );
2438  }
2439  }
2440  }
2442  if ( useSCF_ ) {
2443  for (LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = negScfPdfs_.begin(); pdf_iter != negScfPdfs_.end(); ++pdf_iter) {
2444  // Count the number of input variables that are not DP variables
2445  UInt_t nVars(0);
2446  std::vector<TString> varNames = (*pdf_iter)->varNames();
2447  for ( std::vector<TString>::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) {
2448  if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) {
2449  ++nVars;
2450  }
2451  }
2452  if ( nVars == 2 ) {
2453  twodimMap.insert( std::make_pair( "sigSCF", std::make_pair( varNames[0], varNames[1] ) ) );
2454  }
2455  }
2456  }
2458  if (usingBkgnd_) {
2459  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
2460  for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) {
2461  const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd);
2462  const LauPdfList& pdfList = negBkgndPdfs_[iBkgnd];
2463  for (LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = pdfList.begin(); pdf_iter != pdfList.end(); ++pdf_iter) {
2464  // Count the number of input variables that are not DP variables
2465  UInt_t nVars(0);
2466  std::vector<TString> varNames = (*pdf_iter)->varNames();
2467  for ( std::vector<TString>::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) {
2468  if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) {
2469  ++nVars;
2470  }
2471  }
2472  if ( nVars == 2 ) {
2473  twodimMap.insert( std::make_pair( bkgndClass, std::make_pair( varNames[0], varNames[1] ) ) );
2474  }
2475  }
2476  }
2477  }
2479  return twodimMap;
2480 }
2483 {
2484  cout << "Storing per-event likelihood values..." << endl;
2486  // if we've not been using the DP model then we need to cache all
2487  // the info here so that we can get the efficiency from it
2489  LauFitDataTree* inputFitData = this->fitData();
2491  if (!this->useDP() && this->storeDPEff()) {
2494  negSigModel_->fillDataTree(*inputFitData);
2495  posSigModel_->fillDataTree(*inputFitData);
2496  }
2498  UInt_t evtsPerExpt(this->eventsPerExpt());
2500  LauAbsDPDynamics* sigModel(0);
2501  LauPdfList* sigPdfs(0);
2502  LauPdfList* scfPdfs(0);
2503  LauBkgndPdfsList* bkgndPdfs(0);
2505  for (UInt_t iEvt = 0; iEvt < evtsPerExpt; ++iEvt) {
2507  this->setSPlotNtupleIntegerBranchValue("iExpt",this->iExpt());
2508  this->setSPlotNtupleIntegerBranchValue("iEvtWithinExpt",iEvt);
2510  // Find out whether we have B- or B+
2511  if ( tagged_ ) {
2512  const LauFitData& dataValues = inputFitData->getData(iEvt);
2513  LauFitData::const_iterator iter = dataValues.find("charge");
2514  curEvtCharge_ = static_cast<Int_t>(iter->second);
2516  if (curEvtCharge_==+1) {
2517  sigModel = posSigModel_;
2518  sigPdfs = &posSignalPdfs_;
2519  scfPdfs = &posScfPdfs_;
2520  bkgndPdfs = &posBkgndPdfs_;
2521  } else {
2522  sigModel = negSigModel_;
2523  sigPdfs = &negSignalPdfs_;
2524  scfPdfs = &negScfPdfs_;
2525  bkgndPdfs = &negBkgndPdfs_;
2526  }
2527  } else {
2528  sigPdfs = &negSignalPdfs_;
2529  scfPdfs = &negScfPdfs_;
2530  bkgndPdfs = &negBkgndPdfs_;
2531  }
2533  // the DP information
2534  this->getEvtDPLikelihood(iEvt);
2535  if (this->storeDPEff()) {
2536  if (!this->useDP()) {
2539  }
2540  if ( tagged_ ) {
2541  this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue("efficiency",sigModel->getEvtEff());
2543  this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue("scffraction",sigModel->getEvtScfFraction());
2544  }
2545  } else {
2549  }
2550  }
2551  }
2552  if (this->useDP()) {
2554  if (useSCF_) {
2556  this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue("sigTMDPLike",sigDPLike_);
2557  this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue("sigSCFDPLike",scfDPLike_);
2558  } else {
2559  this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue("sigDPLike",sigDPLike_);
2560  }
2561  if (usingBkgnd_) {
2562  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
2563  for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) {
2564  TString name = this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd);
2565  name += "DPLike";
2566  this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue(name,bkgndDPLike_[iBkgnd]);
2567  }
2568  }
2569  } else {
2570  sigTotalLike_ = 1.0;
2571  if (useSCF_) {
2572  scfTotalLike_ = 1.0;
2573  }
2574  if (usingBkgnd_) {
2575  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
2576  for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) {
2577  bkgndTotalLike_[iBkgnd] = 1.0;
2578  }
2579  }
2580  }
2582  // the signal PDF values
2583  if ( useSCF_ ) {
2584  sigTotalLike_ *= this->setSPlotNtupleBranchValues(sigPdfs, "sigTM", iEvt);
2585  scfTotalLike_ *= this->setSPlotNtupleBranchValues(scfPdfs, "sigSCF", iEvt);
2586  } else {
2587  sigTotalLike_ *= this->setSPlotNtupleBranchValues(sigPdfs, "sig", iEvt);
2588  }
2590  // the beckground PDF values
2591  if (usingBkgnd_) {
2592  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
2593  for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) {
2594  const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd);
2595  LauPdfList& pdfs = (*bkgndPdfs)[iBkgnd];
2596  bkgndTotalLike_[iBkgnd] *= this->setSPlotNtupleBranchValues(&(pdfs), bkgndClass, iEvt);
2597  }
2598  }
2600  // the total likelihoods
2601  if (useSCF_) {
2602  Double_t scfFrac(0.0);
2603  if ( useSCFHist_ ) {
2604  scfFrac = recoSCFFracs_[iEvt];
2605  } else {
2606  scfFrac = scfFrac_.value();
2607  }
2608  this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue("sigSCFFrac",scfFrac);
2609  sigTotalLike_ *= ( 1.0 - scfFrac );
2610  if ( scfMap_ == 0 ) {
2611  scfTotalLike_ *= scfFrac;
2612  }
2613  this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue("sigTMTotalLike",sigTotalLike_);
2614  this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue("sigSCFTotalLike",scfTotalLike_);
2615  } else {
2616  this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue("sigTotalLike",sigTotalLike_);
2617  }
2618  if (usingBkgnd_) {
2619  const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses();
2620  for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) {
2621  TString name = this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd);
2622  name += "TotalLike";
2624  }
2625  }
2626  // fill the tree
2627  this->fillSPlotNtupleBranches();
2628  }
2629  cout << "Finished storing per-event likelihood values." << endl;
2630 }
2632 void LauCPFitModel::embedNegSignal(const TString& fileName, const TString& treeName,
2633  Bool_t reuseEventsWithinEnsemble, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinExperiment,
2634  Bool_t useReweighting)
2635 {
2636  if (negSignalTree_) {
2637  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::embedNegSignal : Already embedding signal from a file." << endl;
2638  return;
2639  }
2641  if (!reuseEventsWithinEnsemble && reuseEventsWithinExperiment) {
2642  cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::embedNegSignal : Conflicting options provided, will not reuse events at all." << endl;
2643  reuseEventsWithinExperiment = kFALSE;
2644  }
2646  negSignalTree_ = new LauEmbeddedData(fileName,treeName,reuseEventsWithinExperiment);
2647  Bool_t dataOK = negSignalTree_->findBranches();
2648  if (!dataOK) {
2649  delete negSignalTree_; negSignalTree_ = 0;
2650  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::embedNegSignal : Problem creating data tree for embedding." << endl;
2651  return;
2652  }
2653  reuseSignal_ = reuseEventsWithinEnsemble;
2654  useNegReweighting_ = useReweighting;
2655  if (this->enableEmbedding() == kFALSE) {this->enableEmbedding(kTRUE);}
2656 }
2658 void LauCPFitModel::embedNegBkgnd(const TString& bkgndClass, const TString& fileName, const TString& treeName,
2659  Bool_t reuseEventsWithinEnsemble, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinExperiment)
2660 {
2661  if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( bkgndClass ) ) {
2662  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::embedBkgnd : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
2663  cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << endl;
2664  return;
2665  }
2667  UInt_t bkgndID = this->bkgndClassID( bkgndClass );
2669  if (negBkgndTree_[bkgndID]) {
2670  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::embedNegBkgnd : Already embedding background from a file." << endl;
2671  return;
2672  }
2674  if (!reuseEventsWithinEnsemble && reuseEventsWithinExperiment) {
2675  cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::embedNegBkgnd : Conflicting options provided, will not reuse events at all." << endl;
2676  reuseEventsWithinExperiment = kFALSE;
2677  }
2679  negBkgndTree_[bkgndID] = new LauEmbeddedData(fileName,treeName,reuseEventsWithinExperiment);
2680  Bool_t dataOK = negBkgndTree_[bkgndID]->findBranches();
2681  if (!dataOK) {
2682  delete negBkgndTree_[bkgndID]; negBkgndTree_[bkgndID] = 0;
2683  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::embedNegBkgnd : Problem creating data tree for embedding." << endl;
2684  return;
2685  }
2686  reuseBkgnd_[bkgndID] = reuseEventsWithinEnsemble;
2687  if (this->enableEmbedding() == kFALSE) {this->enableEmbedding(kTRUE);}
2688 }
2690 void LauCPFitModel::embedPosSignal(const TString& fileName, const TString& treeName,
2691  Bool_t reuseEventsWithinEnsemble, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinExperiment,
2692  Bool_t useReweighting)
2693 {
2694  if (posSignalTree_) {
2695  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::embedPosSignal : Already embedding signal from a file." << endl;
2696  return;
2697  }
2699  if (!reuseEventsWithinEnsemble && reuseEventsWithinExperiment) {
2700  cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::embedPosSignal : Conflicting options provided, will not reuse events at all." << endl;
2701  reuseEventsWithinExperiment = kFALSE;
2702  }
2704  posSignalTree_ = new LauEmbeddedData(fileName,treeName,reuseEventsWithinExperiment);
2705  Bool_t dataOK = posSignalTree_->findBranches();
2706  if (!dataOK) {
2707  delete posSignalTree_; posSignalTree_ = 0;
2708  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::embedPosSignal : Problem creating data tree for embedding." << endl;
2709  return;
2710  }
2711  reuseSignal_ = reuseEventsWithinEnsemble;
2712  usePosReweighting_ = useReweighting;
2713  if (this->enableEmbedding() == kFALSE) {this->enableEmbedding(kTRUE);}
2714 }
2716 void LauCPFitModel::embedPosBkgnd(const TString& bkgndClass, const TString& fileName, const TString& treeName,
2717  Bool_t reuseEventsWithinEnsemble, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinExperiment)
2718 {
2719  if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( bkgndClass ) ) {
2720  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::embedBkgnd : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
2721  cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << endl;
2722  return;
2723  }
2725  UInt_t bkgndID = this->bkgndClassID( bkgndClass );
2727  if (posBkgndTree_[bkgndID]) {
2728  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::embedPosBkgnd : Already embedding background from a file." << endl;
2729  return;
2730  }
2732  if (!reuseEventsWithinEnsemble && reuseEventsWithinExperiment) {
2733  cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::embedPosBkgnd : Conflicting options provided, will not reuse events at all." << endl;
2734  reuseEventsWithinExperiment = kFALSE;
2735  }
2737  posBkgndTree_[bkgndID] = new LauEmbeddedData(fileName,treeName,reuseEventsWithinExperiment);
2738  Bool_t dataOK = posBkgndTree_[bkgndID]->findBranches();
2739  if (!dataOK) {
2740  delete posBkgndTree_[bkgndID]; posBkgndTree_[bkgndID] = 0;
2741  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::embedPosBkgnd : Problem creating data tree for embedding." << endl;
2742  return;
2743  }
2744  reuseBkgnd_[bkgndID] = reuseEventsWithinEnsemble;
2745  if (this->enableEmbedding() == kFALSE) {this->enableEmbedding(kTRUE);}
2746 }
2748 void LauCPFitModel::weightEvents( const TString& /*dataFileName*/, const TString& /*dataTreeName*/ )
2749 {
2750  cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::weightEvents : Method not available for this fit model." << endl;
2751  return;
2752 }
Double_t range() const
The range allowed for the parameter.
void generateExtraPdfValues(LauPdfList *extraPdfs, LauEmbeddedData *embeddedData)
Generate from the extra PDFs.
void splitSignalComponent(const TH2 *dpHisto, Bool_t upperHalf=kFALSE, LauScfMap *scfMap=0)
Split the signal component into well-reconstructed and mis-reconstructed parts.
Bool_t generateSignalEvent()
Generate signal event.
virtual void addSPlotNtupleIntegerBranch(const TString &name)
Add a branch to the sPlot tree for storing an integer.
Class for defining the abstract interface for signal Dalitz plot dynamics.
The abstract interface for a background Dalitz plot model.
void storeCorrMatrix(UInt_t iExpt, Double_t NLL, Int_t fitStatus)
Store the correlation matrix and other fit information.
Bool_t squareDP() const
Are the square Dalitz plot co-ordinates being calculated?
std::vector< LauParameter > acp_
A_CP parameter.
virtual LauSPlot::NameSet variableNames() const
Returns the names of all variables in the fit.
Double_t getc23() const
Get the cosine of the helicity angle theta23.
TRandom * randomFun()
Access the singleton random number generator with a particular seed.
std::vector< LauParameter > LauParameterList
List of parameters.
Bool_t fixed() const
Check whether the parameter is fixed or floated.
LauKinematics * negKinematics_
The B- Dalitz plot kinematics object.
UInt_t nEvents() const
Retrieve the number of events.
UInt_t eventsPerExpt() const
Obtain the total number of events in the current experiment.
virtual Double_t getEvtthPrime() const =0
Retrieve the square Dalitz plot coordinate, theta&#39;, for the current event.
virtual void setNBkgndEvents(const TString &bkgndClass, Double_t nBkgndEvents, Bool_t fixBkgndEvents=kFALSE)
Set the background event yield(s)
virtual void printAsymmetries(std::ostream &output)
Print the asymmetries.
Bool_t writeLatexTable() const
Determine whether writing out of the latex table is enabled.
LauPdfList negSignalPdfs_
The B- signal PDFs.
void addSPlotNtupleBranches(const LauPdfList *extraPdfs, const TString &prefix)
Add sPlot branches for the extra PDFs.
Bool_t forceAsym_
Option to force an asymmetry.
Double_t scfTotalLike_
Total SCF likelihood.
void setExtraPdfParameters()
Set the fit parameters for the extra PDFs.
void updateSqDPKinematics(Double_t mPrime, Double_t thetaPrime)
Update all kinematic quantities based on the square DP co-ordinates m&#39; and theta&#39;.
LauBkgndDPModelList posBkgndDPModels_
The B+ background Dalitz plot models.
void setEffHisto(const TH2 *effHisto, Bool_t useInterpolation=kTRUE, Bool_t fluctuateBins=kFALSE, Double_t avEff=-1.0, Double_t absError=-1.0, Bool_t useUpperHalfOnly=kFALSE, Bool_t squareDP=kFALSE)
Set the efficiency variation across the phase space using a predetermined 2D histogram.
void cacheInfo(LauPdfList &pdfList, const LauFitDataTree &theData)
Have all PDFs in the list cache the data.
virtual void setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue(const TString &name, Int_t value)
Set the value of an integer branch in the gen tree.
File containing declaration of LauAsymmCalc class.
UInt_t nNormPar_
Number of parameters.
LauEmbeddedData * posSignalTree_
The B+ signal event tree.
virtual TString baseName() const
Retrieve the base name of the coefficient set.
Default constructor.
Double_t getm23() const
Get the m23 invariant mass.
Int_t curEvtCharge_
Current event charge.
void calcExtraFractions(Bool_t initValues=kFALSE)
Calculate the CP-conserving and CP-violating fit fractions.
const TString & name() const
The parameter name.
virtual LauParameter acp()=0
Calculate the CP asymmetry.
Double_t getmPrime() const
Get m&#39; value.
Class that defines the particular 3-body decay under study.
Definition: LauDaughters.hh:33
UInt_t addFitParameters(LauPdfList &pdfList)
Add parameters of the PDFs in the list to the list of all fit parameters.
Class for calculating the asymmetry between two variables.
Definition: LauAsymmCalc.hh:25
LauEmbeddedData * negSignalTree_
The B- signal event tree.
Bool_t useDP() const
Is the Dalitz plot term in the likelihood.
LauDaughters * getDaughters()
Retrieve the daughters.
Double_t getc13() const
Get the cosine of the helicity angle theta13.
File containing declaration of LauAbsCoeffSet class.
void clearUsedList()
Clear the list of used events.
Bool_t useNegReweighting_
Boolean to use reweighting for B-.
TH2 * trueHist(Int_t trueBin)
Retrieve the migration histogram for trueBin.
std::vector< LauComplex > negCoeffs_
The complex coefficients for B-.
LauBkgndPdfsList posBkgndPdfs_
The B+ background PDFs.
std::multimap< TString, std::pair< TString, TString > > TwoDMap
Type to associate the name of the species that have 2D PDFs with the names of the two variables invol...
Definition: LauSPlot.hh:68
LauParArray negFitFrac_
The B- fit fractions.
void listBinCentres(std::vector< Double_t > &xCoords, std::vector< Double_t > &yCoords) const
Create lists of the co-ordinates of the centres of true bins.
virtual void getEvtExtraLikelihoods(UInt_t iEvt)
Determine the signal and background likelihood for the extra variables for a given event...
Double_t sigDPLike_
Signal DP likelihood value.
File containing declaration of LauDaughters class.
const std::vector< Int_t > * trueBins(Int_t recoBin) const
Find which true bins contribute to the given reco bin.
LauPdfList negScfPdfs_
The B- SCF PDFs.
Bool_t useSCF_
Is the signal split into TM and SCF.
virtual Bool_t genExpt()
Toy MC generation and fitting overloaded functions.
virtual void setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue(const TString &name, Double_t value)
Set the value of a double branch in the gen tree.
TString negParent_
Name of the parent particle.
TString posParent_
Name of the parent particle.
void embedNegSignal(const TString &fileName, const TString &treeName, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinEnsemble, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinExperiment=kFALSE, Bool_t useReweighting=kFALSE)
Embed full simulation events for the B- signal, rather than generating toy from the PDFs...
File containing declaration of LauScfMap class.
std::vector< Double_t > fakeSCFFracs_
The cached values of the SCF fraction for each bin centre.
std::vector< std::vector< LauParameter > > LauParArray
Type to define an array of parameters.
LauParameter getDPRate() const
Retrieve the overall Dalitz plot rate.
Int_t fitStatus() const
Access the fit status information.
Bool_t storeSignalMCMatch(LauEmbeddedData *embeddedData)
Store the MC truth info on the TM/SCF nature of the embedded signal event.
Bool_t usingBkgnd_
Background boolean.
File containing declaration of LauPrint class.
virtual void calcLikelihoodInfo(Double_t m13Sq, Double_t m23Sq)=0
Calculate the likelihood (and all associated information) given values of the Dalitz plot coordinates...
LauGenInfo eventsToGenerate()
Determine the number of events to generate for each hypothesis.
Double_t prodPdfValue(LauPdfList &pdfList, UInt_t iEvt)
Calculate the product of the per-event likelihoods of the PDFs in the list.
std::vector< LauAbsPdf * > LauPdfList
List of Pdfs.
std::map< TString, Double_t > LauFitData
Type for holding event data.
LauBkgndYieldList bkgndAsym_
Background asymmetries(s)
Double_t getm23Sq() const
Get the m23 invariant mass square.
Bool_t squareDP() const
Determine to use or not the square Dalitz plot.
Definition: LauDaughters.hh:72
virtual Bool_t hasResonance(const TString &resName) const
Check whether this model includes a named resonance.
std::vector< LauParameter > getExtraParameters()
Retrieve any extra parameters/quantities (e.g. K-matrix total fit fractions)
LauParameter negDPRate_
The average DP rate for B-.
Class to define various output print commands.
Definition: LauPrint.hh:29
Double_t getValue(const TString &name) const
Get the value of a specified branch.
std::vector< Double_t > bkgndTotalLike_
Total background likelihood(s)
virtual void fillGenNtupleBranches()
Fill the gen tuple branches.
std::vector< Double_t > recoSCFFracs_
The cached values of the SCF fraction for each event.
LauParameter posDPRate_
The average DP rate for B+.
void updateFitNtuple()
Update the fit ntuple.
File containing declaration of LauKinematics class.
virtual void setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue(const TString &name, Double_t value)
Set the value of a double branch in the sPlot tree.
LauParameter getMeanEff() const
Retrieve the mean efficiency across the Dalitz plot.
File containing declaration of LauEmbeddedData class.
std::vector< Double_t > bkgndExtraLike_
Background likelihood value(s) from extra PDFs.
void setupGenNtupleBranches()
Setup the required ntuple branches.
void printFitParameters(const LauPdfList &pdfList, std::ostream &fout) const
Print the fit parameters for all PDFs in the list.
LauAbsDPDynamics * posSigModel_
The B+ signal Dalitz plot model.
Double_t scfExtraLike_
SCF likelihood from extra PDFs.
Bool_t haveBranch(const TString &name) const
Boolean to determine whether branch exists.
File containing declaration of LauCPFitModel class.
Bool_t reuseSignal_
Boolean to reuse signal events.
LauParArray posFitFrac_
The B+ fit fractions.
virtual void cacheInputFitVars()
Read in the input fit data variables, e.g. m13Sq and m23Sq.
void setSignalDPParameters()
Set the fit parameters for the DP model.
void randomiseInitFitPars()
Randomise the initial fit parameters.
void appendBinCentres(LauFitDataTree *inputData)
virtual UInt_t index() const
Retrieve the index number of the coefficient set.
void updateKinematics(Double_t m13Sq, Double_t m23Sq)
Update all kinematic quantities based on the DP co-ordinates m13Sq and m23Sq.
virtual void checkInitFitParams()
Check the initial fit parameters.
const LauParameterList & extraPars() const
Access the extra variables.
Double_t abs2() const
Obtain the square of the absolute value of the complex number.
Definition: LauComplex.hh:229
std::vector< LauParameter * > LauParameterPList
List of parameter pointers.
virtual void fillDataTree(const LauFitDataTree &inputFitTree)=0
Obtain data from a fit tree.
const Bool_t tagged_
IS the analysis tagged?
UInt_t nExtraPdfPar_
Number of extra PDF parameters.
virtual void finaliseFitResults(const TString &tablePrefixName)
Get the fit results and store them.
Bool_t passVeto(const LauKinematics *kinematics) const
Determine whether the given DP position is outside the vetoes.
virtual void printFitFractions(std::ostream &output)
Print the fit fractions, total DP rate and mean efficiency.
Double_t calcEfficiency(const LauKinematics *kinematics) const
Determine the efficiency for a given point in the Dalitz plot.
virtual void calcExtraInfo(Bool_t init=kFALSE)=0
Calculate the fit fractions, mean efficiency and total DP rate.
Class for defining a CP fit model.
Abstract interface to the fitting and toy MC model.
UInt_t iExpt() const
Obtain the number of the current experiment.
const TString tagVarName_
Event charge.
virtual Double_t getEvtScfFraction() const =0
Retrieve the fraction of events that are poorly reconstructed (the self cross feed fraction) in the D...
virtual void addGenNtupleIntegerBranch(const TString &name)
Add a branch to the gen tree for storing an integer.
std::vector< Int_t > evtCharges_
Vector to store event charges.
const LauFitNtuple * fitNtuple() const
Access the fit ntuple.
Int_t binNumber(Double_t xCoord, Double_t yCoord) const
Find the global bin number for the given co-ordinates.
Bool_t doPoissonSmearing() const
Determine whether Poisson smearing is enabled for the toy MC generation.
Double_t getc12() const
Get the cosine of the helicity angle theta12.
Double_t getm13() const
Get the m13 invariant mass.
std::vector< LauPdfList > LauBkgndPdfsList
Typedef for a vector of background PDFs.
void calcAsymmetries(Bool_t initValues=kFALSE)
Calculate the CP asymmetries.
std::map< TString, Double_t > NumbMap
Type to associate a category name with a double precision number, e.g. a yield or PDF value for a giv...
Definition: LauSPlot.hh:62
Bool_t doEMLFit() const
Determine whether an extended maximum likelihood fit it being performed.
LauScfMap * scfMap_
The smearing matrix for the SCF DP PDF.
File containing declaration of LauComplex class.
Double_t sigExtraLike_
Signal likelihood from extra PDFs.
virtual TString getConjResName(const TString &resName) const
Retrieve the name of the charge conjugate of a named resonance.
LauFitData getValues(const std::vector< TString > &names) const
Get values of specified branches.
virtual void initialise()
Initialise the fit.
virtual LauSPlot::NumbMap fixdSpeciesNames() const
Returns the names and yields of species that are fixed in the fit.
virtual void setNSigEvents(Double_t nSigEvents, Bool_t fixSigEvents=kFALSE)
Set the signal event yield.
Class for defining the abstract interface for complex coefficient classes.
Double_t nll() const
Access the current NLL value.
Double_t sigTotalLike_
Total signal likelihood.
void clearFitParVectors()
Clear the vectors containing fit parameters.
void setAmpCoeffSet(LauAbsCoeffSet *coeffSet)
Set the DP amplitude coefficients.
Class for defining the fit parameter objects.
Definition: LauParameter.hh:31
Class to store the data for embedding in toy experiments.
virtual Double_t getEvtmPrime() const =0
Retrieve the square Dalitz plot coordinate, m&#39;, for the current event.
virtual void addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch(const TString &name)
Add a branch to the sPlot tree for storing a double.
UInt_t nSigComp_
Number of signal components.
virtual void setupSPlotNtupleBranches()
Add branches to store experiment number and the event number within the experiment.
void clearExtraVarVectors()
Clear the vectors containing extra ntuple variables.
void getEmbeddedEvent(LauKinematics *kinematics)
Retrieve an event from the data sample.
std::vector< Double_t > bkgndDPLike_
Background DP likelihood value(s)
void embedNegBkgnd(const TString &bgClass, const TString &fileName, const TString &treeName, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinEnsemble, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinExperiment=kFALSE)
Embed full simulation events for the given background class, rather than generating toy from the PDFs...
LauBkgndEmbDataList negBkgndTree_
The B- background event tree.
void appendFakePoints(const std::vector< Double_t > &xCoords, const std::vector< Double_t > &yCoords)
Add fake events to the data.
virtual ToyMCStatus checkToyMC(Bool_t printErrorMessages=kTRUE, Bool_t printInfoMessages=kFALSE)=0
Check the status of the toy MC generation.
File containing declaration of LauAbsPdf class.
Bool_t storeDPEff() const
Determine whether the efficiency information should be stored in the sPlot ntuple.
LauBkgndReuseEventsList reuseBkgnd_
Vector of booleans to reuse background events.
std::vector< LauAbsCoeffSet * > coeffPars_
Magnitudes and Phases.
LauParameter posMeanEff_
The mean efficiency for B+ model.
LauAbsDPDynamics * negSigModel_
The B- signal Dalitz plot model.
UInt_t bkgndClassID(const TString &className) const
The number assigned to a background class.
const LauFitData & getData(UInt_t iEvt) const
Retrieve the data for a given event.
File containing LauRandom namespace.
UInt_t getnAmp() const
Retrieve the number of amplitude components.
Bool_t useRandomInitFitPars() const
Determine whether the initial values of the fit parameters, in particular the isobar coefficient para...
File containing declaration of LauEffModel class.
const LauFitDataTree * fitData() const
Access the data store.
File containing declaration of LauAbsDPDynamics class.
LauParArray CPCFitFrac_
The CP conserving fit fraction.
virtual void weightEvents(const TString &dataFileName, const TString &dataTreeName)
Weight events based on the DP model.
Bool_t validBkgndClass(const TString &className) const
Check if the given background class is in the list.
Bool_t usePosReweighting_
Boolean to use reweighting for B+.
Bool_t generateBkgndEvent(UInt_t bgID)
Generate background event.
virtual Double_t getEvtm23Sq() const =0
Retrieve the invariant mass squared of the second and third daughters in the current event...
virtual void writeOutTable(const TString &outputFile)
Write the fit results in latex table format.
Double_t getm12Sq() const
Get the m12 invariant mass square.
Double_t getDPNorm() const
Retrieve the normalisation factor for the log-likelihood function.
Class that implements the efficiency description across the signal Dalitz plot.
Definition: LauEffModel.hh:37
TString getNameParent() const
Get name of the parent particle.
UInt_t nUsedEvents() const
Retrieve the number of events that have already been sampled.
virtual void updateCoeffs(const std::vector< LauComplex > &coeffs)
Update the complex coefficients for the resonances.
Double_t getm13Sq() const
Get the m13 invariant mass square.
void storeParsAndErrors(const std::vector< LauParameter * > &fitVars, const std::vector< LauParameter > &extraVars)
Store parameters and their errors.
virtual void updateCoeffs()
Update the coefficients.
virtual void setSPlotNtupleIntegerBranchValue(const TString &name, Int_t value)
Set the value of an integer branch in the sPlot tree.
Double_t setSPlotNtupleBranchValues(LauPdfList *extraPdfs, const TString &prefix, UInt_t iEvt)
Set the branches for the sPlot ntuple with extra PDFs.
Double_t initValue() const
The initial value of the parameter.
virtual ~LauCPFitModel()
std::vector< LauComplex > posCoeffs_
The complex coefficients for B+.
virtual void initialiseDPModels()
Initialise the signal DP models.
void updateSigEvents()
Update the signal events after Minuit sets background parameters.
virtual Double_t getEvtm13Sq() const =0
Retrieve the invariant mass squared of the first and third daughters in the current event...
Bool_t getReweightedEvent(LauAbsDPDynamics *dynamics)
Retrieve an event from the data sample, applying an accept/reject based on the given DP model...
Double_t getm12() const
Get the m12 invariant mass.
virtual void fillSPlotNtupleBranches()
Fill the sPlot tuple.
virtual void setupBkgndVectors()
Define the length of the background vectors.
File containing LauConstants namespace.
void setSignalPdfs(LauAbsPdf *negPdf, LauAbsPdf *posPdf)
Set the signal PDFs.
void setFitNEvents()
Set the initial yields.
virtual LauSPlot::TwoDMap twodimPDFs() const
Returns the species and variables for all 2D PDFs in the fit.
virtual LauSPlot::NumbMap freeSpeciesNames() const
Returns the names and yields of species that are free in the fit.
LauEffModel * scfFracHist_
The histogram giving the DP-dependence of the SCF fraction.
void printFormat(std::ostream &stream, Double_t value) const
Method to choose the printing format to a specified level of precision.
Class to store the results from the fit into an ntuple.
Definition: LauFitNtuple.hh:41
LauParameter signalAsym_
Signal asymmetry.
UInt_t nSigDPPar_
Number of signal DP parameters.
Bool_t haveBranch(const TString &name) const
Check if the named branch is stored.
virtual void propagateParUpdates()
Class for representing the 4D smearing matrix for mis-reconstructed signal (self cross feed) ...
Definition: LauScfMap.hh:29
virtual void storePerEvtLlhds()
Store the per event likelihood values.
Double_t scfDPLike_
SCF DP likelihood value.
Double_t getThetaPrime() const
Get theta&#39; value.
void updatePull()
Call to update the bias and pull values.
UInt_t nBkgndClasses() const
Returns the number of background classes.
const TString & bkgndClassName(UInt_t classID) const
Get the name of a background class from the number.
std::vector< Double_t > recoJacobians_
The cached values of the sqDP jacobians for each event.
Bool_t enableEmbedding() const
Determine whether embedding of events is enabled in the generation.
virtual Double_t getEventSum() const
Get the total number of events.
virtual TString name() const
Retrieve the name of the coefficient set.
Class for defining the abstract interface for PDF classes.
Definition: LauAbsPdf.hh:40
const LauParameterPList & fitPars() const
Access the fit variables.
LauPdfList posScfPdfs_
The B+ SCF PDFs.
virtual const LauComplex & getEvtDPAmp() const =0
Retrieve the total amplitude of all amplitude components at the current point in the Dalitz plot...
LauBkgndYieldList bkgndEvents_
Background yield(s)
Class for calculating 3-body kinematic quantities.
Double_t value() const
The value of the parameter.
LauBkgndDPModelList negBkgndDPModels_
The B- background Dalitz plot models.
const LauParArray & getFitFractions() const
Retrieve the fit fractions for the amplitude components.
UInt_t nEvents() const
Retrieve the number of events.
LauParArray CPVFitFrac_
The CP violating fit fraction.
virtual void addGenNtupleDoubleBranch(const TString &name)
Add a branch to the gen tree for storing a double.
LauPdfList posSignalPdfs_
The B+ signal PDFs.
Double_t calcSqDPJacobian()
Calculate the Jacobian for the transformation m23^2, m13^2 -&gt; m&#39;, theta&#39; (square DP) ...
void updateFitParameters(LauPdfList &pdfList)
Update the fit parameters for all PDFs in the list.
void embedPosBkgnd(const TString &bgClass, const TString &fileName, const TString &treeName, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinEnsemble, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinExperiment=kFALSE)
Embed full simulation events for the given background class, rather than generating toy from the PDFs...
std::vector< Double_t > fakeJacobians_
The cached values of the sqDP jacobians for each true bin.
virtual Double_t getEvtEff() const =0
Retrieve the efficiency for the current event.
Double_t getAsymmetry()
Retrieve the asymmetry.
Definition: LauAsymmCalc.hh:42
virtual Double_t getEvtSCFDPLikelihood(UInt_t iEvt)
Calculate the SCF likelihood for the DP for a given event.
LauParameter signalEvents_
Signal yield.
Bool_t usingScfModel()
Check whether a self cross feed fraction model is being used.
Bool_t findBranches()
Find and read the branches in data tree.
File containing declaration of LauAbsBkgndDPModel class.
void setSCFPdfs(LauAbsPdf *negPdf, LauAbsPdf *posPdf)
Set the SCF PDF for a given variable.
std::map< std::pair< TString, Int_t >, std::pair< Int_t, Double_t > > LauGenInfo
Define a map to be used to store a category name and numbers.
Bool_t useSCFHist_
Is the SCF fraction DP-dependent.
LauParameter negMeanEff_
The mean efficiency for B- model.
void setBkgndPdfs(const TString &bkgndClass, LauAbsPdf *negPdf, LauAbsPdf *posPdf)
Set the background PDFs.
Double_t prob(Int_t recoBin, Int_t trueBin) const
Probability of a true event in the given true bin migrating to the reco bin.
virtual Double_t getTotEvtLikelihood(UInt_t iEvt)
Get the total likelihood for each event.
virtual void getEvtDPLikelihood(UInt_t iEvt)
Calculate the signal and background likelihoods for the DP for a given event.
LauEffModel * getEffModel()
Retrieve the model for the efficiency across the Dalitz plot.
Double_t genValue() const
The value generated for the parameter.
LauBkgndEmbDataList posBkgndTree_
The B+ background event tree.
void setBkgndDPModels(const TString &bkgndClass, LauAbsBkgndDPModel *negModel, LauAbsBkgndDPModel *posModel)
Set the background DP models.
LauBkgndPdfsList negBkgndPdfs_
The B- background PDFs.
virtual void initialise(const std::vector< LauComplex > &coeffs)=0
Initialise the Dalitz plot dynamics.
Class to store the input fit variables.
LauParameter scfFrac_
The (global) SCF fraction parameter.
std::set< TString > NameSet
Type to store names, e.g. of the discriminating/control variables.
Definition: LauSPlot.hh:59
File containing declaration of LauFitNtuple class.
void setDPBranchValues()
Store all of the DP information.
LauKinematics * posKinematics_
The B+ Dalitz plot kinematics object.
void embedPosSignal(const TString &fileName, const TString &treeName, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinEnsemble, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinExperiment=kFALSE, Bool_t useReweighting=kFALSE)
Embed full simulation events for the B+ signal, rather than generating toy from the PDFs...
std::vector< LauParameter > fitFracAsymm_
The fit fraction asymmetries.
virtual Bool_t generate()=0
Generate a toy MC event from the model.
void setExtraNtupleVars()
Set-up other parameters that are derived from the fit results, e.g. fit fractions.
virtual Bool_t generate()=0
Generate a toy MC signal event.