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Laura++  v1r0
A maximum likelihood fitting package for performing Dalitz-plot analysis.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCLau2DHistDPClass for defining a 2D DP histogram
oCLau2DHistDPPdfClass for defining a 2D DP histogram PDF
oCLauAbsBkgndDPModelThe abstract interface for a background Dalitz plot model
|\CLauBkgndDPModelClass for defining a histogram-based background Dalitz plot model
oCLauAbsCoeffSetClass for defining the abstract interface for complex coefficient classes
|oCLauBelleCPCoeffSetClass for defining a complex coefficient using the Belle CP convention. Holds a set of real values that define the complex coefficient of an amplitude component
|oCLauCartesianCPCoeffSetClass for defining a complex coefficient using the Cartesian CP convention
|oCLauCleoCPCoeffSetClass for defining a complex coefficient using the Cleo CP convention
|oCLauMagPhaseCoeffSetClass for defining a complex coefficient using a magnitude and a phase
|oCLauMagPhaseCPCoeffSetClass for defining a complex coefficient using seperate magnitudes and phases for particles and antiparticles
|\CLauRealImagCoeffSetClass for defining a complex coefficient using real and imaginary parts
oCLauAbsDPDynamicsClass for defining the abstract interface for signal Dalitz plot dynamics
|\CLauIsobarDynamicsClass for defining signal dynamics using the isobar model
oCLauAbsPdfClass for defining the abstract interface for PDF classes
|oCLau1DHistPdfClass for defining a 1D histogram PDF
|oCLau2DHistPdfClass for defining a 2D histogram PDF
|oCLauArgusPdfClass for defining an ARGUS PDF
|oCLauBifurcatedGaussPdfClass for defining a bifurcated Gaussian PDF
|oCLauChebychevPdfClass for defining a Chebychev Polynomial (1st kind) PDF
|oCLauCruijffPdfClass for defining a Cruijff PDF
|oCLauCrystalBallPdfClass for defining a Crystal Ball PDF
|oCLauDPDepBifurGaussPdfClass for defining a Bifurcated Gaussian PDF (DP dependent)
|oCLauDPDepCruijffPdfClass for defining a Cruijff PDF (with DP dependence)
|oCLauDPDepGaussPdfClass for defining a Gaussian PDF (DP dependent)
|oCLauDPDepMapPdfClass to allow having different PDFs in different regions of the DP
|oCLauDPDepSumPdfClass for defining a PDF that is the DP-dependent sum of two other PDFs
|oCLauExponentialPdfClass for defining an Exponential PDF
|oCLauGaussPdfClass for defining a Gaussian PDF
|oCLauLinearPdfClass for defining a straight line PDF
|oCLauNovosibirskPdfClass for defining a Novosibirsk function PDF
|oCLauParametricStepFuncPdfClass for defining a Parametric Step Function PDF
|oCLauSigmoidPdfClass for defining a generalised sigmoid PDF
|\CLauSumPdfClass for defining a PDF that is the sum of two other PDFs
oCLauAbsResonanceAbstract class for defining type for resonance amplitude models (Breit-Wigner, Flatte etc.)
|oCLauBelleNRClass for defining the Belle nonresonant model
|oCLauBelleSymNRClass for defining the symmetric Belle Non Resonant model
|oCLauBreitWignerResClass for defining the simple Breit-Wigner resonance model
|oCLauDabbaResClass for defining the Dabba resonance model
|oCLauFlatteResClass for defining the Flatte resonance model
|oCLauGounarisSakuraiResClass for defininf the Gounaris-Sakurai resonance model
|oCLauKappaResClass for defining the Kappa resonance model
|oCLauKMatrixProdPoleClass for defining a K-matrix production pole amplitude term
|oCLauKMatrixProdSVPClass for defining a K-matrix production "slowly-varying part" (SVP) amplitude
|oCLauLASSBWResClass for defining the resonant part of the LASS model
|oCLauLASSNRResClass for defining the non resonant part of the LASS model
|oCLauLASSResClass for defining the LASS resonance model
|oCLauNRAmplitudeClass for defining the NR amplitude model
|oCLauRelBreitWignerResClass for defining the relativistic Breit-Wigner resonance model
|\CLauSigmaResClass for defining the Sigma resonance model
oCLauAsymmCalcClass for calculating the asymmetry between two variables
oCLauCacheDataClass to contain cached data relating to an event
oCLauComplexClass for defining a complex number
oCLauDatabasePDGSingleton class that provides access to particle property records
oCLauDaughtersClass that defines the particular 3-body decay under study
oCLauEffModelClass that implements the efficiency description across the signal Dalitz plot
oCLauEmbeddedDataClass to store the data for embedding in toy experiments
oCLauFitDataTreeClass to store the input fit variables
oCLauFitNtupleClass to store the results from the fit into an ntuple
oCLauGenNtupleClass to store the results from the toy MC generation into an ntuple
oCLauIntegralsClass for performing numerical integration routines
oCLauKinematicsClass for calculating 3-body kinematic quantities
oCLauKMatrixPropagatorClass for defining a K-matrix propagator
oCLauKMatrixPropFactoryFactory class for the K-matrix propagators
oCLauParameterClass for defining the fit parameter objects
oCLauParamFixedPredicate to allow counting of the number of fixed parameters
oCLauParticlePDGClass for storing particle properties
oCLauPrintClass to define various output print commands
oCLauResonanceInfoClass for defining the properties of a resonant particle
oCLauResonanceMakerClass for creating resonances
oCLauScfMapClass for representing the 4D smearing matrix for mis-reconstructed signal (self cross feed)
oCLauStringClass for defining a string
oCLauTextFileParserClass for parsing text files
oCLauVetoesClass for defining vetoes within the Dalitz plot
 oCLauAbsFitModelAbstract interface to the fitting and toy MC model
 |oCLauCPFitModelClass for defining a CP fit model
 |\CLauSimpleFitModelDefine a Dalitz plot according to the isobar model
 \CLauSPlotClass for defining the SPlot technique