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50 Double_t avEff = -1.0, Double_t avEffError = -1.0, Bool_t useUpperHalfOnly = kFALSE, Bool_t squareDP = kFALSE);
void raiseOrLowerBins(Double_t avEff, Double_t avEffError) Rescale the histogram bin contents based on the desired average efficiency and its uncertainty... Definition: const LauKinematics * kinematics_ Kinematics used to check events are within DP boundary. Definition: Lau2DHistDP.hh:99 Class that defines the particular 3-body decay under study. Definition: LauDaughters.hh:33 void doBinFluctuation() Fluctuate the contents of each histogram bin independently, in accordance with their errors... Definition: Double_t getBinHistValue(Int_t xBinNo, Int_t yBinNo) const Get the raw bin content from the histogram. Definition: Double_t computeAverageContents() const Compute the average bin content for bins within the kinematic boundary. Definition: Lau2DHistDP(const TH2 *hist, const LauDaughters *daughters, Bool_t useInterpolation=kTRUE, Bool_t fluctuateBins=kFALSE, Double_t avEff=-1.0, Double_t avEffError=-1.0, Bool_t useUpperHalfOnly=kFALSE, Bool_t squareDP=kFALSE) Constructor. Definition: Double_t interpolateXY(Double_t x, Double_t y) const Perform the interpolation. Definition: Bool_t useInterpolation_ Control boolean for using the linear interpolation. Definition: Lau2DHistDP.hh:125 Generated by ![]() |