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30 Lau2DAbsHistDP::Lau2DAbsHistDP(const LauDaughters* daughters, Bool_t useUpperHalfOnly, Bool_t squareDP) :
TRandom * zeroSeedRandom() Access the singleton random number generator with seed set from machine clock time (within +-1 sec)... Definition: Double_t computeAverageContents(TH2 const *const hist) const Compute the average bin content for bins within the kinematic boundary. Definition: void doBinFluctuation(TH2 *hist) Fluctuate the contents of each histogram bin independently, in accordance with their errors... Definition: Class that defines the particular 3-body decay under study. Definition: LauDaughters.hh:33 File containing declaration of LauDaughters class. File containing declaration of LauKinematics class. Abstract base class for defining a variation across a 2D DP based on a histogram. ... Definition: Lau2DAbsHistDP.hh:34 Bool_t withinSqDPLimits(Double_t mPrime, Double_t thetaPrime) const Check whether a given (m',theta') point is within the kinematic limits of the Dalitz plot... Definition: Bool_t withinDPBoundaries(Double_t x, Double_t y) const Check whether the given co-ordinates are within the kinematic boundary. Definition: Bool_t withinDPLimits(Double_t m13Sq, Double_t m23Sq) const Check whether a given (m13Sq,m23Sq) point is within the kinematic limits of the Dalitz plot... Definition: File containing LauRandom namespace. void raiseOrLowerBins(TH2 *hist, Double_t avEff, Double_t avEffError) Rescale the histogram bin contents based on the desired average efficiency and its uncertainty... Definition: const LauKinematics * kinematics_ Kinematics used to check events are within DP boundary. Definition: Lau2DAbsHistDP.hh:107 File containing declaration of Lau2DAbsHistDP class. void getUpperHalf(Double_t &x, Double_t &y) const If only using the upper half of the (symmetric) DP then transform into the correct half... Definition: Generated by ![]() |