28 #ifndef LAU_FIT_NTUPLE
29 #define LAU_FIT_NTUPLE
66 void storeParsAndErrors(
const std::vector<LauParameter*>& fitVars,
const std::vector<LauParameter>& extraVars);
Bool_t definedFitTree_
Flags whether the fit tree has been defined.
void storeCorrMatrix(UInt_t iExpt, Double_t NLL, Int_t fitStatus)
Store the correlation matrix and other fit information.
std::vector< LauParameter * > fitVars_
Fit variables.
Int_t iExpt_
Experiment number.
LauFitNtuple(const TString &fileName)
Int_t nFitPars_
Number of fit parameters.
std::vector< LauParameter > extraVars_
Extra variables.
void updateFitNtuple()
Update the fit ntuple.
TFile * rootFile_
Root file.
std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > > corrMatrix_
Correlation matrix.
void writeOutFitResults()
Write out fit results.
Class for defining the fit parameter objects.
Double_t NLL_
Minimised negative log likelihood.
virtual ~LauFitNtuple()
Int_t nFreePars_
Number of free parameters.
void storeParsAndErrors(const std::vector< LauParameter * > &fitVars, const std::vector< LauParameter > &extraVars)
Store parameters and their errors.
TTree * fitResults_
Fit results.
Class to store the results from the fit into an ntuple.
TString rootFileName_
Name of root file.
Int_t nExtraPars_
Number of extra parameters.
Int_t fitStatus_
Status of fit.
std::vector< Double_t > globalCC_
Global correlation coefficients.