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42 LauKinematics(Double_t m1, Double_t m2, Double_t m3, Double_t mParent, Bool_t calcSquareDPCoords = kFALSE);
230 inline Double_t getDPBoxArea() const {return (mSqMax_[1] - mSqMin_[1])*(mSqMax_[0] - mSqMin_[0]);}
Double_t getm23Max() const Get the m23 maximum defined as (mParent - m1) Definition: LauKinematics.hh:274 Bool_t squareDP() const Are the square Dalitz plot co-ordinates being calculated? Definition: LauKinematics.hh:51 Double_t calcThirdMassSq(Double_t firstMassSq, Double_t secondMassSq) const Calculate the third invariant mass square from the two provided (e.g. mjkSq from mijSq and mikSq) ... Definition: Double_t getc23() const Get the cosine of the helicity angle theta23. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:193 void updateMassSq_m13(Double_t m13, Double_t c13) Update the variables m12Sq_ and m23Sq_ given the invariant mass m13 and the cosine of the helicity an... Definition: void updateSqDPKinematics(Double_t mPrime, Double_t thetaPrime) Update all kinematic quantities based on the square DP co-ordinates m' and theta'. Definition: Double_t getp2_Parent() const Get the momentum of the track 2 in parent rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:358 Bool_t withinDPLimits2(Double_t m13Sq, Double_t m23Sq) const Check whether a given (m13Sq,m23Sq) point is within the kinematic limits of the Dalitz plot (alternat... Definition: Double_t getc13() const Get the cosine of the helicity angle theta13. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:199 Double_t getp2_13() const Get the momentum of the track 2 in 13 rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:347 Double_t getm23SqMax() const Get the m23Sq maximum, (mParent - m1)^2. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:306 void drawDPContour(Int_t orientation=1323, Int_t nbins=100) Method to draw the Dalitz plot contours on the top of the histo previously drawn. ... Definition: Double_t getp1_12() const Get the momentum of the track 1 in 12 rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:322 Double_t getm13Min() const Get the m13 minimum defined as (m1 + m3) Definition: LauKinematics.hh:263 Double_t getm13SqMax() const Get the m13Sq maximum, (mParent - m2)^2. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:311 Double_t distanceFromDPCentre() const Calculate the distance from the currently set (m13Sq, m23Sq) point to the centre of the Dalitz plot (... Definition: Double_t getm13Max() const Get the m13 maximum defined as (mParent - m2) Definition: LauKinematics.hh:279 Double_t genm23Sq() const Randomly generate the invariant mass squared m23Sq. Definition: Double_t getp1_Parent() const Get the momentum of the track 1 in parent rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:353 Double_t getm12Min() const Get the m12 minimum defined as (m1 + m2) Definition: LauKinematics.hh:268 std::vector< Double_t > mSqDiff_ Vector of the difference between the mSqMax and mSqMin. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:505 void updateKinematics(Double_t m13Sq, Double_t m23Sq) Update all kinematic quantities based on the DP co-ordinates m13Sq and m23Sq. Definition: void genFlatSqDP(Double_t &mPrime, Double_t &thetaPrime) const Routine to generate events flat in the square Dalitz plot. Definition: Double_t getm12Max() const Get the m12 maximum defined as (mParent - m3) Definition: LauKinematics.hh:284 void warningMessages(Bool_t boolean) Enable/disable warning messages. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:54 Double_t getp1_23() const Get the momentum of the track 1 in 23 rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:337 Double_t pCalc(Double_t energy, Double_t massSq) const General method to calculate the momentum of a particle, given its energy and invariant mass squared... Definition: Double_t getc12() const Get the cosine of the helicity angle theta12. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:187 Bool_t withinSqDPLimits(Double_t mPrime, Double_t thetaPrime) const Check whether a given (m',theta') point is within the kinematic limits of the Dalitz plot... Definition: Double_t mFromC(Double_t mijSq, Double_t cij, Double_t mij, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k) const General method to calculate mikSq given mijSq and cosHel_ij. Definition: void flipAndUpdateKinematics() Flips the DP variables m13^2 <-> m23^2 and recalculates all kinematic quantities. ... Definition: Double_t getp1_13() const Get the momentum of the track 1 in 13 rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:342 void updateMassSq_m23(Double_t m23, Double_t c23) Update the variables m12Sq_ and m13Sq_ given the invariant mass m23 and the cosine of the helicity an... Definition: Double_t getm23Min() const Get the m23 minimum defined as (m2 + m3) Definition: LauKinematics.hh:258 void updateSqDPMassSquares(Double_t mPrime, Double_t thetaPrime) Update some kinematic quantities based on the square DP co-ordinates m' and theta'. Definition: LauKinematics(Double_t m1, Double_t m2, Double_t m3, Double_t mParent, Bool_t calcSquareDPCoords=kFALSE) Constructor. Definition: void updateMassSq_m12(Double_t m12, Double_t c12) Update the variables m23Sq_ and m13Sq_ given the invariant mass m12 and the cosine of the helicity an... Definition: Double_t genm13Sq() const Randomly generate the invariant mass squared m13Sq. Definition: Double_t getp3_12() const Get the momentum of the track 3 in 12 rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:327 Double_t c23_ Cosine of the helicity angle theta23, which is defined as the angle between 1&2 in the rest frame of ... Definition: LauKinematics.hh:531 const Double_t massInt_ Mass difference between the parent particle and the sum of the daughter particles. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:510 void calcParentFrameMomenta() Calculate the momenta of each daughter in the parent rest frame. Definition: std::vector< Double_t > mDiff_ Vector of the difference between the mMax and mMin. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:496 Double_t getDPBoxArea() const Get the box area defined from the kinematic bounds. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:230 Bool_t squareDP_ Should we calculate the square DP co-ordinates or not? Definition: LauKinematics.hh:566 Double_t getp2_23() const Get the momentum of the track 2 in 23 rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:332 Double_t c12_ Cosine of the helicity angle theta12, which is defined as the angle between 1&3 in the rest frame of ... Definition: LauKinematics.hh:529 Double_t getm12SqMax() const Get the m12Sq maximum, (mParent - m3)^2. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:316 void genFlatPhaseSpace(Double_t &m13Sq, Double_t &m23Sq) const Routine to generate events flat in phase-space. Definition: Double_t genm12Sq() const Randomly generate the invariant mass squared m12Sq. Definition: Double_t calcSqDPJacobian() Calculate the Jacobian for the transformation m23^2, m13^2 -> m', theta' (square DP) ... Definition: Double_t c13_ Cosine of the helicity angle theta13, which is defined as the angle between 1&2 in the rest frame of ... Definition: LauKinematics.hh:533 void calcHelicities() Calculate cosines of the helicity angles, momenta of daughters and bachelor in various ij rest frames... Definition: Double_t cFromM(Double_t mijSq, Double_t mikSq, Double_t mij, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t k) const General method to calculate the cos(helicity) variables from the masses of the particles. Definition: Double_t getp3_Parent() const Get the momentum of the track 3 in parent rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:363 void updateMassSquares(Double_t m13Sq, Double_t m23Sq) Update some kinematic quantities based on the DP co-ordinates m13Sq and m23Sq. Definition: std::vector< Double_t > mSq_ Vector of daughter particles masses squared. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:499 Bool_t withinDPLimits() const Check whether the currently set (m13Sq,m23Sq) point is within the kinematic limits of the Dalitz plot... Definition: void calcSqDPVars() Calculate the m' and theta' variables for the square Dalitz plot. Definition: Generated by ![]() |