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Laura++  v3r0
A maximum likelihood fitting package for performing Dalitz-plot analysis.

Abstract interface to the fitting and toy MC model. More...

#include <LauAbsFitModel.hh>

Inheritance diagram for LauAbsFitModel:
LauFitObject LauCPFitModel LauSimpleFitModel


struct  StoreConstraints
 Struct to store constraint information until the fit is run. More...

Public Member Functions

 LauAbsFitModel ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~LauAbsFitModel ()
 Destructor. More...
Bool_t useDP () const
 Is the Dalitz plot term in the likelihood. More...
void useDP (Bool_t usingDP)
 Switch on/off the Dalitz plot term in the Likelihood (allows fits to other quantities, e.g. B mass) More...
Bool_t doSFit () const
 Return the flag to store the status of using an sFit or not. More...
void doSFit (const TString &sWeightBranchName, Double_t scaleFactor=1.0)
 Do an sFit (use sWeights to isolate signal decays rather than using background histograms) More...
Bool_t doEMLFit () const
 Determine whether an extended maximum likelihood fit it being performed. More...
void doEMLFit (Bool_t emlFit)
 Choice to perform an extended maximum likelihood fit. More...
virtual Bool_t twoStageFit () const
 Determine whether the two-stage fit is enabled. More...
virtual void twoStageFit (Bool_t doTwoStageFit)
 Turn on or off the two stage fit. More...
Bool_t useAsymmFitErrors () const
 Determine whether calculation of asymmetric errors is enabled. More...
void useAsymmFitErrors (Bool_t useAsymmErrors)
 Turn on or off the computation of asymmetric errors (e.g. MINOS routine in Minuit) More...
Bool_t doPoissonSmearing () const
 Determine whether Poisson smearing is enabled for the toy MC generation. More...
void doPoissonSmearing (Bool_t poissonSmear)
 Turn Poisson smearing (for the toy MC generation) on or off. More...
Bool_t enableEmbedding () const
 Determine whether embedding of events is enabled in the generation. More...
void enableEmbedding (Bool_t enable)
 Turn on or off embedding of events in the generation. More...
virtual void withinAsymErrorCalc (Bool_t inAsymErrCalc)
 Mark that the fit is calculating asymmetric errors. More...
Bool_t writeLatexTable () const
 Determine whether writing out of the latex table is enabled. More...
void writeLatexTable (Bool_t writeTable)
 Turn on or off the writing out of the latex table. More...
void writeSPlotData (const TString &fileName, const TString &treeName, Bool_t storeDPEfficiency, const TString &verbosity="q")
 Set up the sPlot ntuple. More...
Bool_t writeSPlotData () const
 Determine whether the sPlot data is to be written out. More...
Bool_t storeDPEff () const
 Determine whether the efficiency information should be stored in the sPlot ntuple. More...
Bool_t useRandomInitFitPars () const
 Determine whether the initial values of the fit parameters, in particular the isobar coefficient parameters, are to be randomised. More...
void useRandomInitFitPars (Bool_t boolean)
 Randomise the initial values of the fit parameters, in particular the isobar coefficient parameters. More...
void setNExpts (UInt_t nExperiments, UInt_t firstExperiment=0)
 Set the number of experiments and the first experiment. More...
UInt_t eventsPerExpt () const
 Obtain the total number of events in the current experiment. More...
UInt_t nExpt () const
 Obtain the number of experiments. More...
UInt_t firstExpt () const
 Obtain the number of the first experiment. More...
UInt_t iExpt () const
 Obtain the number of the current experiment. More...
virtual void setBkgndClassNames (const std::vector< TString > &names)
 Setup the background class names. More...
UInt_t nBkgndClasses () const
 Returns the number of background classes. More...
virtual void setNSigEvents (LauParameter *nSigEvents)=0
 Set the number of signal events. More...
virtual void setNBkgndEvents (LauParameter *nBkgndEvents)=0
 Set the number of background events. More...
virtual void setAmpCoeffSet (LauAbsCoeffSet *coeffSet)=0
 Set the DP amplitude coefficients. More...
void compareFitData (UInt_t toyMCScale=10, const TString &mcFileName="fitToyMC.root", const TString &tableFileName="fitToyMCTable.tex", Bool_t poissonSmearing=kTRUE)
 Specify that a toy MC sample should be created for a successful fit to an experiment. More...
virtual void weightEvents (const TString &dataFileName, const TString &dataTreeName)=0
 Reweighting - allows e.g. MC events to be weighted by the DP model. More...
void run (const TString &applicationCode, const TString &dataFileName, const TString &dataTreeName, const TString &histFileName, const TString &tableFileName="")
 Start the toy generation / fitting. More...
void runSlave (const TString &dataFileName, const TString &dataTreeName, const TString &histFileName, const TString &tableFileName="", const TString &addressMaster="localhost", const UInt_t portMaster=9090)
 Start the slave process for simultaneous fitting. More...
virtual void setParsFromMinuit (Double_t *par, Int_t npar)
 This function sets the parameter values from Minuit. More...
Double_t getTotNegLogLikelihood ()
 Calculates the total negative log-likelihood. More...
virtual void addConstraint (const TString &formula, const std::vector< TString > &pars, const Double_t mean, const Double_t width)
 Store constraint information for fit parameters. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LauFitObject
virtual ~LauFitObject ()
 Destructor. More...

Protected Types

typedef std::vector< LauAbsPdf * > LauPdfList
 List of Pdfs. More...
typedef std::vector
< LauParameter * > 
 List of parameter pointers. More...
typedef std::vector
< LauAbsRValue * > 
 List of parameter pointers. More...
typedef std::set< LauParameter * > LauParameterPSet
 Set of parameter pointers. More...
typedef std::vector< LauParameterLauParameterList
 List of parameters. More...
typedef std::map< UInt_t, TString > LauBkgndClassMap
 A type to store background classes. More...

Protected Member Functions

void initSockets ()
 Initialise socket connections for the slaves. More...
void clearFitParVectors ()
 Clear the vectors containing fit parameters. More...
void clearExtraVarVectors ()
 Clear the vectors containing extra ntuple variables. More...
virtual void generate (const TString &dataFileName, const TString &dataTreeName, const TString &histFileName, const TString &tableFileNameBase)
 Generate toy MC. More...
virtual Bool_t genExpt ()=0
 The method that actually generates the toy MC events for the given experiment. More...
void fit (const TString &dataFileName, const TString &dataTreeName, const TString &histFileName, const TString &tableFileNameBase)
 Perform the total fit. More...
void fitSlave (const TString &dataFileName, const TString &dataTreeName, const TString &histFileName, const TString &tableFileNameBase)
 Slaves required when performing a simultaneous fit. More...
void fitExpt ()
 Routine to perform the actual fit for a given experiment. More...
Bool_t runMinimisation ()
 Routine to perform the minimisation. More...
void createFitToyMC (const TString &mcFileName, const TString &tableFileName)
 Create a toy MC sample from the fitted parameters. More...
Bool_t cacheFitData (const TString &dataFileName, const TString &dataTreeName)
 Store variables from the input file into the internal data storage. More...
virtual void cacheInputFitVars ()=0
 Cache the input data values to calculate the likelihood during the fit. More...
virtual void cacheInputSWeights ()
 Cache the value of the sWeights to be used in the sFit. More...
virtual void initialise ()=0
 Initialise the fit par vectors. More...
virtual void recalculateNormalisation ()=0
 Recalculate normalisation the signal DP model(s) More...
virtual void initialiseDPModels ()=0
 Initialise the DP models. More...
virtual void updateCoeffs ()=0
virtual void propagateParUpdates ()=0
 This function (specific to each model) calculates anything that depends on the fit parameter values. More...
Double_t getLogLikelihood (UInt_t iStart, UInt_t iEnd)
 Calculate the sum of the log-likelihood over the specified events. More...
Double_t getLogLikelihoodPenalty ()
 Calculate the penalty terms to the log likelihood from Gaussian constraints. More...
virtual Double_t getTotEvtLikelihood (UInt_t iEvt)=0
 Calculates the likelihood for a given event. More...
virtual Double_t getEventSum () const =0
 Returns the sum of the expected events over all hypotheses; used in the EML fit scenario. More...
virtual void printEventInfo (UInt_t iEvt) const
 Prints the values of all the fit variables for the specified event - useful for diagnostics. More...
virtual void printVarsInfo () const
 Same as printEventInfo, but printing out the values of the variables in the fit. More...
virtual void checkInitFitParams ()=0
 Update initial fit parameters if required. More...
virtual void finaliseFitResults (const TString &tableFileName)=0
 Write the results of the fit into the ntuple. More...
virtual void writeOutTable (const TString &outputFile)=0
 Write the latex table. More...
virtual void storePerEvtLlhds ()=0
 Store the per-event likelihood values. More...
virtual void writeOutAllFitResults ()
 Write out any fit results. More...
virtual void calculateSPlotData ()
 Calculate the sPlot data. More...
void setGenValues ()
 Make sure all parameters hold their genValue as the current value. More...
virtual void setupBkgndVectors ()=0
 Method to set up the storage for background-related quantities called by setBkgndClassNames. More...
Bool_t validBkgndClass (const TString &className) const
 Check if the given background class is in the list. More...
UInt_t bkgndClassID (const TString &className) const
 The number assigned to a background class. More...
const TString & bkgndClassName (UInt_t classID) const
 Get the name of a background class from the number. More...
void eventsPerExpt (UInt_t nEvents)
 Set the number of events in the current experiment. More...
virtual void setupGenNtupleBranches ()=0
 Setup the generation ntuple branches. More...
virtual void addGenNtupleIntegerBranch (const TString &name)
 Add a branch to the gen tree for storing an integer. More...
virtual void addGenNtupleDoubleBranch (const TString &name)
 Add a branch to the gen tree for storing a double. More...
virtual void setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue (const TString &name, Int_t value)
 Set the value of an integer branch in the gen tree. More...
virtual void setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue (const TString &name, Double_t value)
 Set the value of a double branch in the gen tree. More...
virtual Int_t getGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue (const TString &name) const
 Get the value of an integer branch in the gen tree. More...
virtual Double_t getGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue (const TString &name) const
 Get the value of a double branch in the gen tree. More...
virtual void fillGenNtupleBranches ()
 Fill the gen tuple branches. More...
virtual void setupSPlotNtupleBranches ()=0
 Setup the branches of the sPlot tuple. More...
virtual void addSPlotNtupleIntegerBranch (const TString &name)
 Add a branch to the sPlot tree for storing an integer. More...
virtual void addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch (const TString &name)
 Add a branch to the sPlot tree for storing a double. More...
virtual void setSPlotNtupleIntegerBranchValue (const TString &name, Int_t value)
 Set the value of an integer branch in the sPlot tree. More...
virtual void setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue (const TString &name, Double_t value)
 Set the value of a double branch in the sPlot tree. More...
virtual void fillSPlotNtupleBranches ()
 Fill the sPlot tuple. More...
virtual LauSPlot::NameSet variableNames () const =0
 Returns the names of all variables in the fit. More...
virtual LauSPlot::NumbMap freeSpeciesNames () const =0
 Returns the names and yields of species that are free in the fit. More...
virtual LauSPlot::NumbMap fixdSpeciesNames () const =0
 Returns the names and yields of species that are fixed in the fit. More...
virtual LauSPlot::TwoDMap twodimPDFs () const =0
 Returns the species and variables for all 2D PDFs in the fit. More...
virtual Bool_t splitSignal () const =0
 Check if the signal is split into well-reconstructed and mis-reconstructed types. More...
virtual Bool_t scfDPSmear () const =0
 Check if the mis-reconstructed signal is to be smeared in the DP. More...
UInt_t addFitParameters (LauPdfList &pdfList)
 Add parameters of the PDFs in the list to the list of all fit parameters. More...
void addConParameters ()
 Add parameters to the list of Gaussian constrained parameters. More...
void printFitParameters (const LauPdfList &pdfList, std::ostream &fout) const
 Print the fit parameters for all PDFs in the list. More...
void updateFitParameters (LauPdfList &pdfList)
 Update the fit parameters for all PDFs in the list. More...
void cacheInfo (LauPdfList &pdfList, const LauFitDataTree &theData)
 Have all PDFs in the list cache the data. More...
Double_t prodPdfValue (LauPdfList &pdfList, UInt_t iEvt)
 Calculate the product of the per-event likelihoods of the PDFs in the list. More...
Bool_t pdfsDependOnDP () const
 Do any of the PDFs have a dependence on the DP? More...
void pdfsDependOnDP (Bool_t dependOnDP)
 Do any of the PDFs have a dependence on the DP? More...
const LauParameterPListfitPars () const
 Access the fit variables. More...
LauParameterPListfitPars ()
const LauParameterPSetresPars () const
 Access the fit variables which affect the DP normalisation. More...
LauParameterPSetresPars ()
const LauParameterListextraPars () const
 Access the extra variables. More...
LauParameterListextraPars ()
const LauAbsRValuePListconPars () const
 Access the Gaussian constrained variables. More...
LauAbsRValuePListconPars ()
const LauFitNtuplefitNtuple () const
 Access the fit ntuple. More...
LauFitNtuplefitNtuple ()
const LauGenNtuplegenNtuple () const
 Access the gen ntuple. More...
LauGenNtuplegenNtuple ()
const LauGenNtuplesPlotNtuple () const
 Access the sPlot ntuple. More...
LauGenNtuplesPlotNtuple ()
const LauFitDataTreefitData () const
 Access the data store. More...
LauFitDataTreefitData ()
Double_t nll () const
 Access the current NLL value. More...
Int_t fitStatus () const
 Access the fit status information. More...
const TMatrixD & covarianceMatrix () const
 Access the fit covariance matrix. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from LauFitObject
 LauFitObject ()
 Constructor. More...

Private Member Functions

 LauAbsFitModel (const LauAbsFitModel &rhs)
 Copy constructor (not implemented) More...
LauAbsFitModeloperator= (const LauAbsFitModel &rhs)
 Copy assignment operator (not implemented) More...

Private Attributes

std::vector< StoreConstraintsstoreCon_
 Store the constraints for fit parameters until initialisation is complete. More...
Bool_t twoStageFit_
 Option to perform a two stage fit. More...
Bool_t useAsymmFitErrors_
 Option to use asymmetric errors. More...
Bool_t compareFitData_
 Option to make toy from 1st successful experiment. More...
Bool_t writeLatexTable_
 Option to output a Latex format table. More...
Bool_t writeSPlotData_
 Option to write sPlot data. More...
Bool_t storeDPEff_
 Option to store DP efficiencies in the sPlot ntuple. More...
Bool_t randomFit_
 Option to randomise the initial values of the fit parameters. More...
Bool_t emlFit_
 Option to perform an extended ML fit. More...
Bool_t poissonSmear_
 Option to perform Poisson smearing. More...
Bool_t enableEmbedding_
 Option to enable embedding. More...
Bool_t usingDP_
 Option to include the DP as part of the fit. More...
Bool_t pdfsDependOnDP_
 Option to state if pdfs depend on DP position. More...
UInt_t firstExpt_
 The number of the first experiment to consider. More...
UInt_t nExpt_
 The number of experiments to consider. More...
UInt_t evtsPerExpt_
 The number of events per experiment. More...
UInt_t iExpt_
 The number of the current experiment. More...
LauParameterPList fitVars_
 Internal vector of fit parameters. More...
LauParameterPSet resVars_
 Internal set of fit parameters upon which the DP normalisation depends. More...
LauParameterList extraVars_
 Extra variables that aren't in the fit but are stored in the ntuple. More...
LauAbsRValuePList conVars_
 Internal vectors of Gaussian parameters. More...
 The input data. More...
 The fit ntuple. More...
 The generated ntuple. More...
 The sPlot ntuple. More...
Int_t fitStatus_
 The status of the fit. More...
Double_t NLL_
 The negative log-likelihood. More...
TMatrixD covMatrix_
 The fit covariance matrix. More...
UInt_t numberOKFits_
 The number of good fits. More...
UInt_t numberBadFits_
 The number of bad fits. More...
UInt_t nParams_
 The number of fit parameters. More...
UInt_t nFreeParams_
 The number of free fit parameters. More...
Double_t worstLogLike_
 The worst LL value found so far. More...
Bool_t withinAsymErrorCalc_
 Flag to indicate if the asymmetric error calculation (e.g. MINOS) is currently running. More...
LauBkgndClassMap bkgndClassNames_
 The background class names. More...
const TString nullString_
 An empty string. More...
Bool_t doSFit_
 Option to perfom the sFit. More...
TString sWeightBranchName_
 The name of the sWeight branch. More...
std::vector< Double_t > sWeights_
 The vector of sWeights. More...
Double_t sWeightScaleFactor_
 The sWeight scaling factor. More...
TStopwatch timer_
 The fit timer. More...
TStopwatch cumulTimer_
 The total fit timer. More...
TString fitToyMCFileName_
 The output file name for Toy MC. More...
TString fitToyMCTableName_
 The output table name for Toy MC. More...
UInt_t fitToyMCScale_
 The scaling factor (toy vs data statistics) More...
Bool_t fitToyMCPoissonSmear_
 Option to perform Poisson smearing. More...
TString sPlotFileName_
 The name of the sPlot file. More...
TString sPlotTreeName_
 The name of the sPlot tree. More...
TString sPlotVerbosity_
 Control the verbosity of the sFit. More...
TSocket * sMaster_
 A socket to enable parallel setup. More...
TMessage * messageFromMaster_
 Message from master to the slaves. More...
UInt_t slaveId_
 Slave id number. More...
UInt_t nSlaves_
 The total number of slaves. More...
Double_t * parValues_
 Parameter values array (for reading from the master) More...

Detailed Description

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<LauAbsRValue*> LauAbsFitModel::LauAbsRValuePList

List of parameter pointers.

Definition at line 328 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

typedef std::map<UInt_t,TString> LauAbsFitModel::LauBkgndClassMap

A type to store background classes.

Definition at line 334 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

typedef std::vector<LauParameter> LauAbsFitModel::LauParameterList

List of parameters.

Definition at line 332 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

typedef std::vector<LauParameter*> LauAbsFitModel::LauParameterPList

List of parameter pointers.

Definition at line 326 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

typedef std::set<LauParameter*> LauAbsFitModel::LauParameterPSet

Set of parameter pointers.

Definition at line 330 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

typedef std::vector<LauAbsPdf*> LauAbsFitModel::LauPdfList

List of Pdfs.

Definition at line 324 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

LauAbsFitModel::LauAbsFitModel ( )


Definition at line 43 of file

LauAbsFitModel::~LauAbsFitModel ( )


Definition at line 93 of file

LauAbsFitModel::LauAbsFitModel ( const LauAbsFitModel rhs)

Copy constructor (not implemented)

Member Function Documentation

void LauAbsFitModel::addConParameters ( )

Add parameters to the list of Gaussian constrained parameters.

Definition at line 1174 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::addConstraint ( const TString &  formula,
const std::vector< TString > &  pars,
const Double_t  mean,
const Double_t  width 

Store constraint information for fit parameters.

[in]formulathe formula to be used in the LauFormulaPar
[in]parsa vector of LauParameter names to be used in the Formula, in the order specified by the formula
[in]meanthe value of the mean of the Gaussian constraint
[in]widththe value of the width of the Gaussian constraint

Implements LauFitObject.

Definition at line 1164 of file

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::addFitParameters ( LauPdfList pdfList)

Add parameters of the PDFs in the list to the list of all fit parameters.

[in]pdfLista list of Pdfs
the number of parameters added

Definition at line 1141 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::addGenNtupleDoubleBranch ( const TString &  name)

Add a branch to the gen tree for storing a double.

[in]namethe name of the branch

Definition at line 408 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::addGenNtupleIntegerBranch ( const TString &  name)

Add a branch to the gen tree for storing an integer.

[in]namethe name of the branch

Definition at line 403 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch ( const TString &  name)

Add a branch to the sPlot tree for storing a double.

[in]namethe name of the branch

Definition at line 443 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::addSPlotNtupleIntegerBranch ( const TString &  name)

Add a branch to the sPlot tree for storing an integer.

[in]namethe name of the branch

Definition at line 438 of file

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::bkgndClassID ( const TString &  className) const

The number assigned to a background class.

[in]classNamethe name of the class to check
the background class ID number

Definition at line 254 of file

const TString & LauAbsFitModel::bkgndClassName ( UInt_t  classID) const

Get the name of a background class from the number.

[in]classIDthe ID number of the background class
the class name

Definition at line 272 of file

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::cacheFitData ( const TString &  dataFileName,
const TString &  dataTreeName 

Store variables from the input file into the internal data storage.

[in]dataFileNamethe name of the input file
[in]dataTreeNamethe name of the input tree

Definition at line 795 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::cacheInfo ( LauPdfList pdfList,
const LauFitDataTree theData 

Have all PDFs in the list cache the data.

[in]pdfListthe list of pdfs
[in]theDatathe data from the fit

Definition at line 1245 of file

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::cacheInputFitVars ( )
protectedpure virtual

Cache the input data values to calculate the likelihood during the fit.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

void LauAbsFitModel::cacheInputSWeights ( )

Cache the value of the sWeights to be used in the sFit.

Definition at line 811 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::calculateSPlotData ( )

Calculate the sPlot data.

Definition at line 898 of file

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::checkInitFitParams ( )
protectedpure virtual

Update initial fit parameters if required.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

void LauAbsFitModel::clearExtraVarVectors ( )

Clear the vectors containing extra ntuple variables.

Definition at line 299 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::clearFitParVectors ( )

Clear the vectors containing fit parameters.

Definition at line 284 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::compareFitData ( UInt_t  toyMCScale = 10,
const TString &  mcFileName = "fitToyMC.root",
const TString &  tableFileName = "fitToyMCTable.tex",
Bool_t  poissonSmearing = kTRUE 

Specify that a toy MC sample should be created for a successful fit to an experiment.

Generation uses the fitted parameters so that the user can compare the fit to the data

[in]toyMCScalethe scale factor to get the number of events to generate
[in]mcFileNamethe file name where the toy sample will be stored
[in]tableFileNamename of the output tex file
[in]poissonSmearingturn smearing on or off

Definition at line 911 of file

const LauAbsRValuePList& LauAbsFitModel::conPars ( ) const

Access the Gaussian constrained variables.

Definition at line 674 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauAbsRValuePList& LauAbsFitModel::conPars ( )

Definition at line 675 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

const TMatrixD& LauAbsFitModel::covarianceMatrix ( ) const

Access the fit covariance matrix.

Definition at line 700 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::createFitToyMC ( const TString &  mcFileName,
const TString &  tableFileName 

Create a toy MC sample from the fitted parameters.

[in]mcFileNamethe file name where the toy sample will be stored
[in]tableFileNamename of the output tex file

Definition at line 920 of file

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::doEMLFit ( ) const

Determine whether an extended maximum likelihood fit it being performed.

Definition at line 108 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::doEMLFit ( Bool_t  emlFit)

Choice to perform an extended maximum likelihood fit.

[in]emlFitboolean specifying whether or not to perform the EML

Definition at line 114 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::doPoissonSmearing ( ) const

Determine whether Poisson smearing is enabled for the toy MC generation.

Definition at line 142 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::doPoissonSmearing ( Bool_t  poissonSmear)

Turn Poisson smearing (for the toy MC generation) on or off.

[in]poissonSmearboolean specifying whether or not to do Poisson smearing

Definition at line 148 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::doSFit ( ) const

Return the flag to store the status of using an sFit or not.

Definition at line 98 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::doSFit ( const TString &  sWeightBranchName,
Double_t  scaleFactor = 1.0 

Do an sFit (use sWeights to isolate signal decays rather than using background histograms)

[in]sWeightBranchNamename of the branch of the tree containing the sWeights
[in]scaleFactorscaling factor to get the uncertainties correct

Definition at line 210 of file

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::enableEmbedding ( ) const

Determine whether embedding of events is enabled in the generation.

Definition at line 151 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::enableEmbedding ( Bool_t  enable)

Turn on or off embedding of events in the generation.

[in]enableboolean specifying whether to embed events

Definition at line 157 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::eventsPerExpt ( ) const

Obtain the total number of events in the current experiment.

Definition at line 209 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::eventsPerExpt ( UInt_t  nEvents)

Set the number of events in the current experiment.

Definition at line 514 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

const LauParameterList& LauAbsFitModel::extraPars ( ) const

Access the extra variables.

Definition at line 670 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauParameterList& LauAbsFitModel::extraPars ( )

Definition at line 671 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::fillGenNtupleBranches ( )

Fill the gen tuple branches.

Definition at line 433 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::fillSPlotNtupleBranches ( )

Fill the sPlot tuple.

Definition at line 458 of file

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::finaliseFitResults ( const TString &  tableFileName)
protectedpure virtual

Write the results of the fit into the ntuple.

[in]tableFileNamethe structure containing the results of the fit

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::firstExpt ( ) const

Obtain the number of the first experiment.

Definition at line 215 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::fit ( const TString &  dataFileName,
const TString &  dataTreeName,
const TString &  histFileName,
const TString &  tableFileNameBase 

Perform the total fit.

[in]dataFileNamethe name of the data file
[in]dataTreeNamethe name of the tree containing the data
[in]histFileNamethe name of the histogram output file
[in]tableFileNameBasethe name the of latex output file

Definition at line 463 of file

const LauFitDataTree* LauAbsFitModel::fitData ( ) const

Access the data store.

Definition at line 690 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauFitDataTree* LauAbsFitModel::fitData ( )

Definition at line 691 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::fitExpt ( )

Routine to perform the actual fit for a given experiment.

Definition at line 835 of file

const LauFitNtuple* LauAbsFitModel::fitNtuple ( ) const

Access the fit ntuple.

Definition at line 678 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauFitNtuple* LauAbsFitModel::fitNtuple ( )

Definition at line 679 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

const LauParameterPList& LauAbsFitModel::fitPars ( ) const

Access the fit variables.

Definition at line 662 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauParameterPList& LauAbsFitModel::fitPars ( )

Definition at line 663 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::fitSlave ( const TString &  dataFileName,
const TString &  dataTreeName,
const TString &  histFileName,
const TString &  tableFileNameBase 

Slaves required when performing a simultaneous fit.

[in]dataFileNamethe name of the data file
[in]dataTreeNamethe name of the tree containing the data
[in]histFileNamethe name of the histogram output file
[in]tableFileNameBasethe name the of latex output file

Definition at line 578 of file

Int_t LauAbsFitModel::fitStatus ( ) const

Access the fit status information.

Definition at line 697 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

virtual LauSPlot::NumbMap LauAbsFitModel::fixdSpeciesNames ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Returns the names and yields of species that are fixed in the fit.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

virtual LauSPlot::NumbMap LauAbsFitModel::freeSpeciesNames ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Returns the names and yields of species that are free in the fit.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

void LauAbsFitModel::generate ( const TString &  dataFileName,
const TString &  dataTreeName,
const TString &  histFileName,
const TString &  tableFileNameBase 

Generate toy MC.

[in]dataFileNamethe name of the file where the generated events are stored
[in]dataTreeNamethe name of the tree used to store the variables
[in]histFileNamethe name of the histogram output file (currently not used)
[in]tableFileNameBasethe name the latex output file

Definition at line 331 of file

virtual Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::genExpt ( )
protectedpure virtual

The method that actually generates the toy MC events for the given experiment.

the success/failure flag of the generation procedure

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

const LauGenNtuple* LauAbsFitModel::genNtuple ( ) const

Access the gen ntuple.

Definition at line 682 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauGenNtuple* LauAbsFitModel::genNtuple ( )

Definition at line 683 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

virtual Double_t LauAbsFitModel::getEventSum ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Returns the sum of the expected events over all hypotheses; used in the EML fit scenario.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

Double_t LauAbsFitModel::getGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue ( const TString &  name) const

Get the value of a double branch in the gen tree.

[in]namethe name of the branch
the value of the parameter

Definition at line 428 of file

Int_t LauAbsFitModel::getGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue ( const TString &  name) const

Get the value of an integer branch in the gen tree.

[in]namethe name of the branch
the value of the parameter

Definition at line 423 of file

Double_t LauAbsFitModel::getLogLikelihood ( UInt_t  iStart,
UInt_t  iEnd 

Calculate the sum of the log-likelihood over the specified events.

[in]iStartthe event number of the first event to be considered
[in]iEndthe event number of the final event to be considered

Definition at line 1058 of file

Double_t LauAbsFitModel::getLogLikelihoodPenalty ( )

Calculate the penalty terms to the log likelihood from Gaussian constraints.

Definition at line 1042 of file

virtual Double_t LauAbsFitModel::getTotEvtLikelihood ( UInt_t  iEvt)
protectedpure virtual

Calculates the likelihood for a given event.

[in]iEvtthe event number

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

Double_t LauAbsFitModel::getTotNegLogLikelihood ( )

Calculates the total negative log-likelihood.

This function has to be public since it is called from the global FCN. It should not be called otherwise!

Implements LauFitObject.

Definition at line 1019 of file

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::iExpt ( ) const

Obtain the number of the current experiment.

Definition at line 218 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::initialise ( )
protectedpure virtual

Initialise the fit par vectors.

Each class that inherits from this one must implement this sensibly for all vectors specified in clearFitParVectors, i.e. specify parameter names, initial, min, max and fixed values

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::initialiseDPModels ( )
protectedpure virtual

Initialise the DP models.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

void LauAbsFitModel::initSockets ( )

Initialise socket connections for the slaves.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::nBkgndClasses ( ) const

Returns the number of background classes.

Definition at line 227 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::nExpt ( ) const

Obtain the number of experiments.

Definition at line 212 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Double_t LauAbsFitModel::nll ( ) const

Access the current NLL value.

Definition at line 694 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauAbsFitModel& LauAbsFitModel::operator= ( const LauAbsFitModel rhs)

Copy assignment operator (not implemented)

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::pdfsDependOnDP ( ) const

Do any of the PDFs have a dependence on the DP?

the flag to indicated if there is a DP dependence

Definition at line 653 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::pdfsDependOnDP ( Bool_t  dependOnDP)

Do any of the PDFs have a dependence on the DP?

[in]dependOnDPthe flag to indicated if there is a DP dependence

Definition at line 659 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::printEventInfo ( UInt_t  iEvt) const

Prints the values of all the fit variables for the specified event - useful for diagnostics.

[in]iEvtthe event number

Definition at line 1262 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::printFitParameters ( const LauPdfList pdfList,
std::ostream &  fout 
) const

Print the fit parameters for all PDFs in the list.

[in]pdfLista list of Pdfs
[in]foutthe output stream to write to

Definition at line 1221 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::printVarsInfo ( ) const

Same as printEventInfo, but printing out the values of the variables in the fit.

Definition at line 1271 of file

Double_t LauAbsFitModel::prodPdfValue ( LauPdfList pdfList,
UInt_t  iEvt 

Calculate the product of the per-event likelihoods of the PDFs in the list.

[in]pdfListthe list of pdfs
[in]iEvtthe event number

Definition at line 1252 of file

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::propagateParUpdates ( )
protectedpure virtual

This function (specific to each model) calculates anything that depends on the fit parameter values.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::recalculateNormalisation ( )
protectedpure virtual

Recalculate normalisation the signal DP model(s)

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

const LauParameterPSet& LauAbsFitModel::resPars ( ) const

Access the fit variables which affect the DP normalisation.

Definition at line 666 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauParameterPSet& LauAbsFitModel::resPars ( )

Definition at line 667 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::run ( const TString &  applicationCode,
const TString &  dataFileName,
const TString &  dataTreeName,
const TString &  histFileName,
const TString &  tableFileName = "" 

Start the toy generation / fitting.

[in]applicationCodespecifies what to do, perform a fit ("fit") or generate toy MC ("gen")
[in]dataFileNamethe name of the input data file
[in]dataTreeNamethe name of the tree containing the data
[in]histFileNamethe file name for the output histograms
[in]tableFileNamethe file name for the latex output file

Definition at line 111 of file

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::runMinimisation ( )

Routine to perform the minimisation.

the success/failure flag of the fit
void LauAbsFitModel::runSlave ( const TString &  dataFileName,
const TString &  dataTreeName,
const TString &  histFileName,
const TString &  tableFileName = "",
const TString &  addressMaster = "localhost",
const UInt_t  portMaster = 9090 

Start the slave process for simultaneous fitting.

[in]dataFileNamethe name of the input data file
[in]dataTreeNamethe name of the tree containing the data
[in]histFileNamethe file name for the output histograms
[in]tableFileNamethe file name for the latex output file
[in]addressMasterthe hostname of the machine running the master process
[in]portMasterthe port number on which the master process is listening

Definition at line 158 of file

virtual Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::scfDPSmear ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Check if the mis-reconstructed signal is to be smeared in the DP.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet ( LauAbsCoeffSet coeffSet)
pure virtual

Set the DP amplitude coefficients.

[in]coeffSetthe set of coefficients

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

void LauAbsFitModel::setBkgndClassNames ( const std::vector< TString > &  names)

Setup the background class names.

[in]namesa vector of all the background names

Definition at line 222 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue ( const TString &  name,
Double_t  value 

Set the value of a double branch in the gen tree.

[in]namethe name of the branch
[in]valuethe value to be stored

Definition at line 418 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue ( const TString &  name,
Int_t  value 

Set the value of an integer branch in the gen tree.

[in]namethe name of the branch
[in]valuethe value to be stored

Definition at line 413 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::setGenValues ( )

Make sure all parameters hold their genValue as the current value.

Definition at line 305 of file

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::setNBkgndEvents ( LauParameter nBkgndEvents)
pure virtual

Set the number of background events.

The name of the parameter must be that of the corresponding background category (so that it can be correctly assigned)

[in]nBkgndEventscontains the name, yield and option to fix the yield of the background

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

void LauAbsFitModel::setNExpts ( UInt_t  nExperiments,
UInt_t  firstExperiment = 0 

Set the number of experiments and the first experiment.

[in]nExperimentsthe number of experiments
[in]firstExperimentthe number of the first experiment

Definition at line 203 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::setNSigEvents ( LauParameter nSigEvents)
pure virtual

Set the number of signal events.

[in]nSigEventscontains the signal yield and option to fix it

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

void LauAbsFitModel::setParsFromMinuit ( Double_t *  par,
Int_t  npar 

This function sets the parameter values from Minuit.

This function has to be public since it is called from the global FCN. It should not be called otherwise!

[in]paran array storing the various parameter values
[in]nparthe number of free parameters

Implements LauFitObject.

Definition at line 1098 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue ( const TString &  name,
Double_t  value 

Set the value of a double branch in the sPlot tree.

[in]namethe name of the branch
[in]valuethe value to be stored

Definition at line 453 of file

void LauAbsFitModel::setSPlotNtupleIntegerBranchValue ( const TString &  name,
Int_t  value 

Set the value of an integer branch in the sPlot tree.

[in]namethe name of the branch
[in]valuethe value to be stored

Definition at line 448 of file

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::setupBkgndVectors ( )
protectedpure virtual

Method to set up the storage for background-related quantities called by setBkgndClassNames.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::setupGenNtupleBranches ( )
protectedpure virtual

Setup the generation ntuple branches.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::setupSPlotNtupleBranches ( )
protectedpure virtual

Setup the branches of the sPlot tuple.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

virtual Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::splitSignal ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Check if the signal is split into well-reconstructed and mis-reconstructed types.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

const LauGenNtuple* LauAbsFitModel::sPlotNtuple ( ) const

Access the sPlot ntuple.

Definition at line 686 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauGenNtuple* LauAbsFitModel::sPlotNtuple ( )

Definition at line 687 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::storeDPEff ( ) const

Determine whether the efficiency information should be stored in the sPlot ntuple.

Definition at line 190 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::storePerEvtLlhds ( )
protectedpure virtual

Store the per-event likelihood values.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

virtual LauSPlot::TwoDMap LauAbsFitModel::twodimPDFs ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Returns the species and variables for all 2D PDFs in the fit.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

virtual Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::twoStageFit ( ) const

Determine whether the two-stage fit is enabled.

Definition at line 117 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::twoStageFit ( Bool_t  doTwoStageFit)

Turn on or off the two stage fit.

The two-stage fit allows certain parameters to be fixed in one stage and floated in another stage of the fit. Can be used, for example, in a CP fit where the CP-parameters are fixed to zero in the first stage (while the CP-average parameters are determined), then floated in the second.

[in]doTwoStageFitboolean specifying whether or not the two-stage fit should be enabled

Definition at line 130 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::updateCoeffs ( )
protectedpure virtual

For each amp in the fit this function takes its particular parameters and from them calculates the single complex number that is its coefficient. The vector of these coeffs can then be passed to the signal dynamics.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

void LauAbsFitModel::updateFitParameters ( LauPdfList pdfList)

Update the fit parameters for all PDFs in the list.

[in]pdfLista list of Pdfs

Definition at line 1214 of file

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::useAsymmFitErrors ( ) const

Determine whether calculation of asymmetric errors is enabled.

Definition at line 133 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::useAsymmFitErrors ( Bool_t  useAsymmErrors)

Turn on or off the computation of asymmetric errors (e.g. MINOS routine in Minuit)

[in]useAsymmErrorsboolean specifying whether or not the computation of asymmetric errors is enabled

Definition at line 139 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::useDP ( ) const

Is the Dalitz plot term in the likelihood.

Definition at line 89 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::useDP ( Bool_t  usingDP)

Switch on/off the Dalitz plot term in the Likelihood (allows fits to other quantities, e.g. B mass)

[in]usingDPthe boolean flag

Definition at line 95 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::useRandomInitFitPars ( ) const

Determine whether the initial values of the fit parameters, in particular the isobar coefficient parameters, are to be randomised.

Definition at line 193 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::useRandomInitFitPars ( Bool_t  boolean)

Randomise the initial values of the fit parameters, in particular the isobar coefficient parameters.

Definition at line 196 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::validBkgndClass ( const TString &  className) const

Check if the given background class is in the list.

[in]classNamethe name of the class to check
true or false

Definition at line 237 of file

virtual LauSPlot::NameSet LauAbsFitModel::variableNames ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Returns the names of all variables in the fit.

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::weightEvents ( const TString &  dataFileName,
const TString &  dataTreeName 
pure virtual

Reweighting - allows e.g. MC events to be weighted by the DP model.

[in]dataFileNamethe name of the data file
[in]dataTreeNamethe name of the tree containing the data

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::withinAsymErrorCalc ( Bool_t  inAsymErrCalc)

Mark that the fit is calculating asymmetric errors.

This is called by the fitter interface to mark when entering and exiting the asymmetric error calculation

[in]inAsymErrCalcboolean marking that the fit is calculating the asymmetric errors

Implements LauFitObject.

Definition at line 166 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::writeLatexTable ( ) const

Determine whether writing out of the latex table is enabled.

Definition at line 169 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::writeLatexTable ( Bool_t  writeTable)

Turn on or off the writing out of the latex table.

[in]writeTableboolean specifying whether or not the latex table should be written out

Definition at line 175 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

void LauAbsFitModel::writeOutAllFitResults ( )

Write out any fit results.

Definition at line 890 of file

virtual void LauAbsFitModel::writeOutTable ( const TString &  outputFile)
protectedpure virtual

Write the latex table.

[in]outputFilethe name of the output file

Implemented in LauCPFitModel, and LauSimpleFitModel.

void LauAbsFitModel::writeSPlotData ( const TString &  fileName,
const TString &  treeName,
Bool_t  storeDPEfficiency,
const TString &  verbosity = "q" 

Set up the sPlot ntuple.

[in]fileNamethe sPlot file name
[in]treeNamethe sPlot tree name
[in]storeDPEfficiencywhether or not to store the efficiency information too
[in]verbositydefine the level of output

Definition at line 314 of file

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::writeSPlotData ( ) const

Determine whether the sPlot data is to be written out.

Definition at line 187 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Member Data Documentation

LauBkgndClassMap LauAbsFitModel::bkgndClassNames_

The background class names.

Definition at line 812 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::compareFitData_

Option to make toy from 1st successful experiment.

Definition at line 735 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauAbsRValuePList LauAbsFitModel::conVars_

Internal vectors of Gaussian parameters.

Definition at line 776 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

TMatrixD LauAbsFitModel::covMatrix_

The fit covariance matrix.

Definition at line 796 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

TStopwatch LauAbsFitModel::cumulTimer_

The total fit timer.

Definition at line 832 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::doSFit_

Option to perfom the sFit.

Definition at line 819 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::emlFit_

Option to perform an extended ML fit.

Definition at line 745 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::enableEmbedding_

Option to enable embedding.

Definition at line 749 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::evtsPerExpt_

The number of events per experiment.

Definition at line 762 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauParameterList LauAbsFitModel::extraVars_

Extra variables that aren't in the fit but are stored in the ntuple.

Definition at line 773 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::firstExpt_

The number of the first experiment to consider.

Definition at line 758 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauFitNtuple* LauAbsFitModel::fitNtuple_

The fit ntuple.

Definition at line 783 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Int_t LauAbsFitModel::fitStatus_

The status of the fit.

Definition at line 792 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

TString LauAbsFitModel::fitToyMCFileName_

The output file name for Toy MC.

Definition at line 837 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::fitToyMCPoissonSmear_

Option to perform Poisson smearing.

Definition at line 843 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::fitToyMCScale_

The scaling factor (toy vs data statistics)

Definition at line 841 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

TString LauAbsFitModel::fitToyMCTableName_

The output table name for Toy MC.

Definition at line 839 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauParameterPList LauAbsFitModel::fitVars_

Internal vector of fit parameters.

Definition at line 767 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauGenNtuple* LauAbsFitModel::genNtuple_

The generated ntuple.

Definition at line 785 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::iExpt_

The number of the current experiment.

Definition at line 764 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauFitDataTree* LauAbsFitModel::inputFitData_

The input data.

Definition at line 781 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

TMessage* LauAbsFitModel::messageFromMaster_

Message from master to the slaves.

Definition at line 859 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::nExpt_

The number of experiments to consider.

Definition at line 760 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::nFreeParams_

The number of free fit parameters.

Definition at line 804 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Double_t LauAbsFitModel::NLL_

The negative log-likelihood.

Definition at line 794 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::nParams_

The number of fit parameters.

Definition at line 802 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::nSlaves_

The total number of slaves.

Definition at line 863 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

const TString LauAbsFitModel::nullString_

An empty string.

Definition at line 814 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::numberBadFits_

The number of bad fits.

Definition at line 800 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::numberOKFits_

The number of good fits.

Definition at line 798 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Double_t* LauAbsFitModel::parValues_

Parameter values array (for reading from the master)

Definition at line 865 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::pdfsDependOnDP_

Option to state if pdfs depend on DP position.

Definition at line 753 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::poissonSmear_

Option to perform Poisson smearing.

Definition at line 747 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::randomFit_

Option to randomise the initial values of the fit parameters.

Definition at line 743 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauParameterPSet LauAbsFitModel::resVars_

Internal set of fit parameters upon which the DP normalisation depends.

Definition at line 770 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

UInt_t LauAbsFitModel::slaveId_

Slave id number.

Definition at line 861 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

TSocket* LauAbsFitModel::sMaster_

A socket to enable parallel setup.

Definition at line 857 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

TString LauAbsFitModel::sPlotFileName_

The name of the sPlot file.

Definition at line 848 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

LauGenNtuple* LauAbsFitModel::sPlotNtuple_

The sPlot ntuple.

Definition at line 787 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

TString LauAbsFitModel::sPlotTreeName_

The name of the sPlot tree.

Definition at line 850 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

TString LauAbsFitModel::sPlotVerbosity_

Control the verbosity of the sFit.

Definition at line 852 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

std::vector<StoreConstraints> LauAbsFitModel::storeCon_

Store the constraints for fit parameters until initialisation is complete.

Definition at line 726 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::storeDPEff_

Option to store DP efficiencies in the sPlot ntuple.

Definition at line 741 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

TString LauAbsFitModel::sWeightBranchName_

The name of the sWeight branch.

Definition at line 821 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

std::vector<Double_t> LauAbsFitModel::sWeights_

The vector of sWeights.

Definition at line 823 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Double_t LauAbsFitModel::sWeightScaleFactor_

The sWeight scaling factor.

Definition at line 825 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

TStopwatch LauAbsFitModel::timer_

The fit timer.

Definition at line 830 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::twoStageFit_

Option to perform a two stage fit.

Definition at line 731 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::useAsymmFitErrors_

Option to use asymmetric errors.

Definition at line 733 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::usingDP_

Option to include the DP as part of the fit.

Definition at line 751 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::withinAsymErrorCalc_

Flag to indicate if the asymmetric error calculation (e.g. MINOS) is currently running.

Definition at line 808 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Double_t LauAbsFitModel::worstLogLike_

The worst LL value found so far.

Definition at line 806 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::writeLatexTable_

Option to output a Latex format table.

Definition at line 737 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

Bool_t LauAbsFitModel::writeSPlotData_

Option to write sPlot data.

Definition at line 739 of file LauAbsFitModel.hh.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: