Go to the documentation of this file.
37 LauAbsPdf((!pdfs.empty() && pdfs[0]) ? pdfs[0]->varNames() : std::vector<TString>(), std::vector<LauAbsRValue*>(), (!pdfs.empty() && pdfs[0]) ? pdfs[0]->getMinAbscissas() : LauFitData(), (!pdfs.empty() && pdfs[0]) ? pdfs[0]->getMaxAbscissas() : LauFitData()),
40 dpDependence_( new Lau2DHistDP(dpHisto, daughters, kFALSE, kFALSE, 0, 0, upperHalf, daughters->squareDP()) ),
50 for ( std::vector<LauAbsPdf*>::const_iterator iter = pdfs_.begin(); iter != pdfs_.end(); ++iter){
59 cerr<<"ERROR in LauDPDepMapPdf constructor: minimum abscissa values not the same for two PDFs."<<endl;
63 cerr<<"ERROR in LauDPDepMapPdf constructor: maximum abscissa values not the same for two PDFs."<<endl;
69 cerr<<"ERROR in LauDPDepMapPdf constructor: number of input variables not the same for two PDFs."<<endl;
84 for ( std::vector<LauAbsPdf*>::const_iterator iter = pdfs_.begin(); iter != pdfs_.end(); ++iter){
98 LauAbsPdf((!pdfs.empty() && pdfs[0]) ? pdfs[0]->varNames() : std::vector<TString>(), std::vector<LauAbsRValue*>(), (!pdfs.empty() && pdfs[0]) ? pdfs[0]->getMinAbscissas() : LauFitData(), (!pdfs.empty() && pdfs[0]) ? pdfs[0]->getMaxAbscissas() : LauFitData()),
115 for ( std::vector<LauAbsPdf*>::const_iterator iter = pdfs_.begin(); iter != pdfs_.end(); ++iter){
124 cerr<<"ERROR in LauDPDepMapPdf constructor: minimum abscissa values not the same for two PDFs."<<endl;
128 cerr<<"ERROR in LauDPDepMapPdf constructor: maximum abscissa values not the same for two PDFs."<<endl;
134 cerr<<"ERROR in LauDPDepMapPdf constructor: number of input variables not the same for two PDFs."<<endl;
149 for ( std::vector<LauAbsPdf*>::const_iterator iter = pdfs_.begin(); iter != pdfs_.end(); ++iter){
201 cerr << "ERROR in LauDPDepMapPdf::determineDPRegion : No means of determining the region!" << endl;
232 cerr << "ERROR in LauDPDepMapPdf::calcLikelihoodInfo : DP vars not supplied, no means of determining the region!" << endl;
238 cerr << "ERROR in LauDPDepMapPdf::calcLikelihoodInfo : No PDF supplied for region " << regionIndex << endl;
279 cerr << "ERROR in LauDPDepMapPdf::calcPDFHeight : No PDF supplied for region " << regionIndex << endl;
300 for ( std::vector<LauAbsPdf*>::const_iterator iter = pdfs_.begin(); iter != pdfs_.end(); ++iter){
308 cerr<<"ERROR in LauDPDepMapPdf::cacheInfo : Input data does not contain Dalitz plot variables m13Sq and/or m23Sq."<<endl;
Double_t calcThirdMassSq(Double_t firstMassSq, Double_t secondMassSq) const Calculate the third invariant mass square from the two provided (e.g. mjkSq from mijSq and mikSq) ... Definition: virtual void setUnNormPDFVal(Double_t unNormPDFVal) Set the unnormalised likelihood. Definition: LauAbsPdf.hh:369 File containing declaration of LauDPDepMapPdf class. virtual Double_t getMinAbscissa() const Retrieve the minimum value of the (primary) abscissa. Definition: LauAbsPdf.hh:117 virtual Bool_t heightUpToDate() const Check if the maximum height of the PDF is up to date. Definition: LauAbsPdf.hh:264 Definition: LauDPDepMapPdf.hh:49 ClassImp(LauAbsCoeffSet) Class that defines the particular 3-body decay under study. Definition: LauDaughters.hh:33 virtual UInt_t nParameters() const Retrieve the number of PDF parameters. Definition: LauAbsPdf.hh:92 virtual Double_t getUnNormLikelihood() const Retrieve the unnormalised likelihood value. Definition: LauAbsPdf.hh:196 File containing declaration of LauDaughters class. virtual void calcPDFHeight(const LauKinematics *kinematics)=0 Calculate the maximum height of the PDF. UInt_t determineDPRegion(Double_t m13Sq, Double_t m23Sq) const Determine the DP region. Definition: virtual void calcPDFHeight(const LauKinematics *kinematics) Calculate the PDF height. Definition: virtual Bool_t checkRange(const LauAbscissas &abscissas) const Check that all abscissas are within their allowed ranges. Definition: virtual Double_t interpolateXY(Double_t x, Double_t y) const =0 Perform the interpolation. std::map< TString, Double_t > LauFitData Type for holding event data. Definition: LauFitDataTree.hh:31 Bool_t squareDP() const Determine to use or not the square Dalitz plot. Definition: LauDaughters.hh:78 Double_t distanceFromDPCentre() const Calculate the distance from the currently set (m13Sq, m23Sq) point to the centre of the Dalitz plot (... Definition: LauDPDepMapPdf(const std::vector< LauAbsPdf * > &pdfs, const LauDaughters *daughters, const TH2 *dpHisto, Bool_t upperHalf=kFALSE) Constructor - map described by 2D histogram. Definition: virtual void cacheInfo(const LauFitDataTree &inputData) Cache information from data. Definition: void updateKinematics(Double_t m13Sq, Double_t m23Sq) Update all kinematic quantities based on the DP co-ordinates m13Sq and m23Sq. Definition: Definition: LauDPDepMapPdf.hh:46 File containing declaration of LauParameter class. virtual std::vector< TString > varNames() const Retrieve the names of the abscissas. Definition: Definition: LauDPDepMapPdf.hh:50 virtual Double_t getMaxAbscissa() const Retrieve the maximum value of the (primary) abscissa. Definition: LauAbsPdf.hh:123 virtual Bool_t isDPDependent() const Specifies whether or not the PDF is DP dependent. Definition: LauAbsPdf.hh:111 File containing declaration of Lau2DHistDP class. virtual void addParameters(std::vector< LauAbsRValue * > ¶ms) Add parameters to the PDF. Definition: virtual const std::vector< LauAbsRValue * > & getParameters() const Retrieve the parameters of the PDF, e.g. so that they can be loaded into a fit. Definition: LauAbsPdf.hh:239 const LauFitData & getData(UInt_t iEvt) const Retrieve the data for a given event. Definition: virtual void calcLikelihoodInfo(const LauAbscissas &abscissas)=0 Calculate the likelihood (and all associated information) given value(s) of the abscissa(s) ... Definition: LauDPDepMapPdf.hh:47 File containing LauConstants namespace. Definition: LauDPDepMapPdf.hh:45 Bool_t haveBranch(const TString &name) const Check if the named branch is stored. Definition: virtual UInt_t nFixedParameters() const Retrieve the number of fixed PDF parameters. Definition: virtual void calcLikelihoodInfo(const LauAbscissas &abscissas) Calculate the likelihood (and intermediate info) for a given abscissa. Definition: Pure abstract base class for defining a parameter containing an R value. Definition: LauAbsRValue.hh:29 Class to allow having different PDFs in different regions of the DP. Definition: LauDPDepMapPdf.hh:40 std::vector< Double_t > LauAbscissas The type used for containing multiple abscissa values. Definition: LauAbsPdf.hh:45 Generated by ![]() |