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58 LauIsobarDynamics(LauDaughters* daughters, LauAbsEffModel* effModel, LauAbsEffModel* scfFractionModel = 0);
66 LauIsobarDynamics(LauDaughters* daughters, LauAbsEffModel* effModel, LauTagCatScfFractionModelMap scfFractionModel);
121 LauAbsResonance* addResonance(const TString& resName, const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const LauAbsResonance::LauResonanceModel resType, const LauBlattWeisskopfFactor::BlattWeisskopfCategory bwCategory = LauBlattWeisskopfFactor::Default, const LauBlattWeisskopfFactor::BarrierType bwType = LauBlattWeisskopfFactor::BWPrimeBarrier);
131 LauAbsResonance* addIncoherentResonance(const TString& resName, const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const LauAbsResonance::LauResonanceModel resType);
313 inline const std::vector< std::vector<LauComplex> >& getFiFjEffSum() const {return fifjEffSum_;}
378 inline const LauParArray& getFitFractionsEfficiencyUncorrected() const {return fitFracEffUnCorr_;}
516 void calculateAmplitudes( LauDPPartialIntegralInfo* intInfo, const UInt_t m13Point, const UInt_t m23Point );
KMStringMap kMatrixPropSet_ The names of the M-matrix components in the model mapped to their propagators. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:673 std::map< Int_t, LauAbsEffModel * > getScfFractionModels() Retrieve the model for the fraction of events that are poorly reconstructed (the self cross feed frac... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:444 std::vector< LauComplex > Amp_ The complex coefficients for the amplitude components. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:637 void modifyDataTree() Recache the amplitude values for those that have changed. Definition: Int_t nSigGenLoop_ The number of unsucessful attempts to generate an event so far. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:784 Double_t getASqMaxVarValue() const Retrieve the maximum of A squared that has been found while generating. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:177 Bool_t recalcNormalisation_ Flag to recalculate the normalisation. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:796 const std::vector< Double_t > & getFNorm() const Retrieve the normalisation factors for the dynamic parts of the amplitudes for all of the amplitude c... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:319 void updateCoeffs(const std::vector< LauComplex > &coeffs) Update the complex coefficients for the resonances. Definition: std::set< UInt_t > integralsToBeCalculated_ Resonance indices for which the amplitudes and integrals should be recalculated. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:808 Double_t m13BinWidth_ The bin width to use when integrating over m13. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:709 Bool_t flipHelicity_ The helicity flip flag for new amplitude components. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:793 std::vector< Int_t > resPairAmp_ The index of the daughter not produced by the resonance for each amplitude component. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:679 Bool_t hasResonance(const TString &resName) const Check whether this model includes a named resonance. Definition: std::vector< LauParameter > extraParameters_ any extra parameters/quantities (e.g. K-matrix total fit fractions) Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:661 Class that defines the particular 3-body decay under study. Definition: LauDaughters.hh:33 Double_t getEvtJacobian() const Retrieve the Jacobian, for the transformation into square DP coordinates, for the current event... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:286 void defineKMatrixPropagator(const TString &propName, const TString ¶mFileName, Int_t resPairAmpInt, Int_t nChannels, Int_t nPoles, Int_t rowIndex=1) Define a new K-matrix Propagator. Definition: Double_t getDPNorm() const Retrieve the normalisation factor for the log-likelihood function. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:402 std::vector< Double_t > fSqEffSum_ The event-by-event running total of the dynamical amplitude squared for each amplitude component... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:775 void calcDPNormalisationScheme() Calculate the Dalitz plot normalisation integrals across the whole Dalitz plot. Definition: LauAbsEffModel * effModel_ The efficiency model across the Dalitz plot. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:621 void calcExtraInfo(const Bool_t init=kFALSE) Calculate the fit fractions, mean efficiency and total DP rate. Definition: std::vector< Int_t > incohResPairAmp_ The index of the daughter not produced by the resonance for each incoherent amplitude component... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:685 void setASqMaxValue(Double_t value) Set the maximum value of A squared to be used in the accept/reject. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:165 Double_t DPNorm_ The normalisation factor for the log-likelihood function. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:640 LauTagCatScfFractionModelMap scfFractionModel_ The self cross feed fraction models across the Dalitz plot. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:628 LauParArray fitFrac_ The fit fractions for the amplitude components. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:643 Double_t aSqMaxVar_ The maximum value of A squared that has been seen so far while generating. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:790 Double_t scfFraction_ The fraction of events that are poorly reconstructed (the self cross feed fraction) at the current po... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:739 Abstract class for defining incoherent resonant amplitude models. Definition: LauAbsIncohRes.hh:29 Double_t m13Sq_ The invariant mass squared of the first and third daughters. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:721 Int_t iterationsMax_ The maximum allowed number of attempts when generating an event. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:781 Double_t getEvtthPrime() const Retrieve the square Dalitz plot coordinate, theta', for the current event. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:268 Double_t getASqMaxSetValue() const Retrieve the maximum value of A squared to be used in the accept/reject. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:171 TString getConjResName(const TString &resName) const Retrieve the name of the charge conjugate of a named resonance. Definition: std::vector< std::vector< LauParameter > > LauParArray Type to define an array of parameters. Definition: LauParameter.hh:576 LauAbsEffModel * getEffModel() Retrieve the model for the efficiency across the Dalitz plot. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:432 std::vector< Double_t > resonanceParValues_ List of floating resonance parameter values from previous calculation. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:802 UInt_t getnIncohAmp() const Retrieve the number of incoherent amplitude components. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:396 Pure abstract base class for defining the efficiency description across the signal Dalitz plot... Definition: LauAbsEffModel.hh:32 void setIncohIntenTerm(const UInt_t index, const Double_t value) Set the dynamic part of the intensity for a given incoherent amplitude component at the current point... Definition: Class for defining (a section of) the Dalitz plot integration binning scheme. Definition: LauDPPartialIntegralInfo.hh:33 void calcDPNormalisation() Calculate the Dalitz plot normalisation integrals across the whole Dalitz plot. Definition: const LauParArray & getFitFractions() const Retrieve the fit fractions for the amplitude components. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:372 std::vector< TString > incohResTypAmp_ The resonance types of all of the incoherent amplitude components. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:682 std::vector< LauAbsIncohRes * > sigIncohResonances_ The incoherent resonances in the model. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:667 void setASqMaxVarValue(Double_t value) Set the maximum of A squared that has been found. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:547 Double_t getEvtScfFraction() const Retrieve the fraction of events that are poorly reconstructed (the self cross feed fraction) for the ... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:280 void resAmp(const UInt_t index) Calculate the dynamic part of the amplitude for a given component at the current point in the Dalitz ... Definition: void calcLikelihoodInfo(const UInt_t iEvt) Calculate the likelihood (and all associated information) for the given event number. Definition: LauParameter getMeanEff() const Retrieve the mean efficiency across the Dalitz plot. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:360 std::vector< Double_t > fSqSum_ The event-by-event running total of the dynamical amplitude squared for each amplitude component... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:772 Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:47 Double_t getEvtmPrime() const Retrieve the square Dalitz plot coordinate, m', for the current event. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:262 Double_t m23Sq_ The invariant mass squared of the second and third daughters. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:724 Double_t evtLike_ The normalised likelihood for the current event. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:748 void setIntegralBinningFactor(const Double_t binningFactor) Set the factor relating the width of a narrow resonance and the binning size in its integration regio... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:110 std::vector< std::vector< LauComplex > > fifjEffSum_ The event-by-event running total of efficiency corrected amplitude cross terms for each pair of ampli... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:757 Bool_t fullySymmetricDP_ Whether the Dalitz plot is fully symmetric. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:694 void fillDataTree(const LauFitDataTree &fitDataTree) Fill the internal data structure that caches the resonance dynamics. Definition: LauAbsResonance * findResonance(const TString &name) Retrieve the named resonance. Definition: void resetNormVectors() Zero the various values used to store integrals info. Definition: const std::vector< std::vector< LauComplex > > & getFiFjSum() const Retrieve the event-by-event running totals of amplitude cross terms for all pairs of amplitude compon... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:307 Double_t getEvtm23Sq() const Retrieve the invariant mass squared of the second and third daughters in the current event... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:256 Double_t m23BinWidth_ The bin width to use when integrating over m23. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:712 std::vector< LauParameter * > & getFloatingParameters() Retrieve the floating parameters of the resonance models. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:462 void setNarrowResonanceThreshold(const Double_t narrowWidth) Set the value below which a resonance width is considered to be narrow. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:101 void addKMatrixProdPole(const TString &poleName, const TString &propName, Int_t poleIndex) Add a K-matrix production pole term to the model. Definition: void calcTotalAmp(const Bool_t useEff) Calculate the total Dalitz plot amplitude at the current point in the Dalitz plot. Definition: const LauComplex & getEvtDPAmp() const Retrieve the total amplitude for the current event. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:244 Double_t retrieveScfFraction(Int_t tagCat) Obtain the self cross feed fraction of the current event from the model. Definition: std::vector< TString > resTypAmp_ The resonance types of all of the amplitude components. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:676 LauKinematics * getKinematics() Retrieve the Dalitz plot kinematics. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:426 LauIsobarDynamics(LauDaughters *daughters, LauAbsEffModel *effModel, LauAbsEffModel *scfFractionModel=0) Constructor. Definition: LauCacheData * currentEvent_ The cached data for the current event. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:658 void initialiseVectors() Initialise the internal storage for this model. Definition: Double_t jacobian_ The Jacobian, for the transformation into square DP coordinates at the current point in the Dalitz pl... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:742 std::map< Int_t, LauAbsEffModel * > LauTagCatScfFractionModelMap The type used for containing multiple self cross feed fraction models for different categories (e... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:43 LauParameter getDPRate() const Retrieve the overall Dalitz plot rate. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:366 Double_t narrowWidth_ The value below which a resonance width is considered to be narrow. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:715 File containing declaration of LauComplex class. void incohResAmp(const UInt_t index) Calculate the dynamic part of the intensity for a given incoherent component at the current point in ... Definition: const LauParArray & getFitFractionsEfficiencyUncorrected() const Retrieve the fit fractions for the amplitude components. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:378 std::vector< std::vector< LauComplex > > fifjSum_ The event-by-event running total of the amplitude cross terms for each pair of amplitude components... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:763 UInt_t getnTotAmp() const Retrieve the total number of amplitude components. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:384 Double_t calcSigDPNorm() Calculate the normalisation factor for the log-likelihood function. Definition: std::vector< LauParameter > getExtraParameters() Retrieve any extra parameters/quantities (e.g. K-matrix total fit fractions) Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:456 void addGridPointToIntegrals(const Double_t weight) Add the amplitude values (with the appropriate weight) at the current grid point to the running integ... Definition: LauAbsResonance * addResonance(const TString &resName, const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const LauAbsResonance::LauResonanceModel resType, const LauBlattWeisskopfFactor::BlattWeisskopfCategory bwCategory=LauBlattWeisskopfFactor::Default, const LauBlattWeisskopfFactor::BarrierType bwType=LauBlattWeisskopfFactor::BWPrimeBarrier) Add a resonance to the Dalitz plot. Definition: void removeCharge(TString &string) const Remove the charge from the given particle name. Definition: void flipHelicityForCPEigenstates(Bool_t boolean) Set the helicity flip flag for new amplitude components. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:354 Double_t eff_ The efficiency at the current point in the Dalitz plot. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:736 void calculateAmplitudes() Calculate the amplitudes for all resonances for the current kinematics. Definition: Int_t maxGenIterations() const Retrieve the maximum number of iterations allowed when generating an event. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:197 Bool_t gotReweightedEvent() Calculates whether an event with the current kinematics should be accepted in order to produce a dist... Definition: Abstract class for defining type for resonance amplitude models (Breit-Wigner, Flatte etc... Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:37 Double_t binningFactor_ The factor relating the width of the narrowest resonance and the binning size. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:718 void addKMatrixProdSVP(const TString &SVPName, const TString &propName, Int_t channelIndex) Add a K-matrix slowly-varying part (SVP) term to the model. Definition: std::vector< LauCacheData * > data_ The cached data for all events. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:655 void findIntegralsToBeRecalculated() Determine which amplitudes and integrals need to be recalculated. Definition: Class for defining signal dynamics using the isobar model. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:39 Double_t getEventWeight() Calculate the acceptance rate, for events with the current kinematics, when generating events accordi... Definition: void setIntFileName(const TString &fileName) Set the name of the file to which to save the results of the integrals. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:84 LauAbsResonance * addIncoherentResonance(const TString &resName, const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const LauAbsResonance::LauResonanceModel resType) Add an incoherent resonance to the Dalitz plot. Definition: void writeIntegralsFile() Write the results of the integrals (and related information) to a file. Definition: File containing declaration of LauAbsResonance class. void calcDPPartialIntegral(LauDPPartialIntegralInfo *intInfo) Calculate the Dalitz plot normalisation integrals over a given range. Definition: ToyMCStatus checkToyMC(Bool_t printErrorMessages=kTRUE, Bool_t printInfoMessages=kFALSE) Check the status of the toy MC generation. Definition: UInt_t getnCohAmp() const Retrieve the number of coherent amplitude components. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:390 LauIsobarDynamics & operator=(const LauIsobarDynamics &rhs) Copy assignment operator (not implemented) const std::vector< LauCacheData * > & getCacheData() const Retrieve the cached data. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:414 Double_t getEvtEff() const Retrieve the efficiency for the current event. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:274 UInt_t nIncohAmp_ The number of incoherent amplitude components. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:634 Bool_t gotKMatrixMatch(UInt_t resAmpInt, const TString &propName) const Check whether a resonance is a K-matrix component of a given propagator. Definition: Double_t getEvtLikelihood() const Retrieve the likelihood for the current event. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:294 std::vector< LauDPPartialIntegralInfo * > dpPartialIntegralInfo_ The storage of the integration scheme. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:703 std::map< TString, TString > KMStringMap The type used for mapping K-matrix components to their propagators. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:612 Bool_t usingScfModel() Check whether a self cross feed fraction model is being used. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:450 void setDataEventNo(UInt_t iEvt) Load the data for a given event. Definition: std::map< TString, LauKMatrixPropagator * > KMPropMap The type used for containing the K-matrix propagators. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:609 void setIntegralBinWidths(const Double_t m13BinWidth, const Double_t m23BinWidth) Set the widths of the bins to use when integrating across the Dalitz plot. Definition: Bool_t normalizationSchemeDone_ Whether the scheme for the integration has been determined. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:700 std::vector< LauParameter * > resonancePars_ List of floating resonance parameters. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:799 std::vector< std::vector< UInt_t > > resonanceParResIndex_ Indices in sigResonances_ to point to the corresponding signal resonance(s) for each floating paramet... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:805 BlattWeisskopfCategory Define resonance categories that will share common barrier factor radii. Definition: LauBlattWeisskopfFactor.hh:41 LauAbsEffModel * getScfFractionModel() Retrieve the model for the fraction of events that are poorly reconstructed (the self cross feed frac... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:438 LauParameter meanDPEff_ The mean efficiency across the Dalitz plot. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:652 Bool_t integralsDone_ Whether the integrals have been performed. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:697 std::vector< Double_t > incohInten_ The dynamic part of the intensity for each incoherent amplitude component at the current point in the... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:769 LauComplex getDynamicAmp(Int_t resID) const Retrieve the normalised dynamic part of the amplitude of the given amplitude component at the current... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:301 std::vector< LauComplex > ff_ The dynamic part of the amplitude for each amplitude component at the current point in the Dalitz plo... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:766 void initialise(const std::vector< LauComplex > &coeffs) Initialise the Dalitz plot dynamics. Definition: const std::vector< std::vector< LauComplex > > & getFiFjEffSum() const Retrieve the event-by-event running totals of efficiency corrected amplitude cross terms for all pair... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:313 Double_t getEvtm13Sq() const Retrieve the invariant mass squared of the first and third daughters in the current event... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:250 std::vector< Double_t > fNorm_ The normalisation factors for the dynamic parts of the amplitude for each amplitude component... Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:778 std::vector< LauAbsResonance * > sigResonances_ The resonances in the model. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:664 void setFFTerm(const UInt_t index, const Double_t realPart, const Double_t imagPart) Set the dynamic part of the amplitude for a given amplitude component at the current point in the Dal... Definition: Double_t retrieveEfficiency() Obtain the efficiency of the current event from the model. Definition: LauParArray fitFracEffUnCorr_ The efficiency-uncorrected fit fractions for the amplitude components. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:646 Class for defining a K-matrix propagator. Definition: LauKMatrixPropagator.hh:36 Generated by ![]() |