Go to the documentation of this file.
64 LauAbsResonance::LauAbsResonance(LauResonanceInfo* resInfo, const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const LauDaughters* daughters) :
93 std::cerr << "ERROR in LauAbsResonance constructor : null LauResonanceInfo object provided" << std::endl;
98 std::cerr << "ERROR in LauAbsResonance constructor : null LauDaughters object provided" << std::endl;
118 std::cerr << "ERROR in LauAbsResonance : Total charge of daughters = " << totalCharge << ". Resonance charge = " << resCharge_ << "." << std::endl;
124 LauAbsResonance::LauAbsResonance(const TString& resName, const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const LauDaughters* daughters) :
153 std::cerr << "ERROR in LauAbsResonance constructor : null LauDaughters object provided" << std::endl;
173 std::cerr << "ERROR in LauAbsResonance : Total charge of daughters = " << totalCharge << ". Resonance charge = " << resCharge_ << "." << std::endl;
224 std::cerr << "ERROR in LauAbsResonance::amplitude : Nonsense setup of resPairAmp array." << std::endl;
286 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauAbsResonance::calcCovFactor : covariant spin factor cannot (yet) be fully calculated for spin >= 5" << std::endl;
364 legPol = -32.0*(63.0*cosHel_*cosHel_*cosHel_*cosHel_*cosHel_ - 70.0*cosHel_*cosHel_*cosHel_ + 15.0*cosHel_)/63.0;
366 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauAbsResonance::calcLegendrePoly : Legendre polynomials not (yet) implemented for spin > 5" << std::endl;
372 void LauAbsResonance::changeResonance(const Double_t newMass, const Double_t newWidth, const Int_t newSpin)
378 std::cout << "INFO in LauAbsResonance::changeResonance : Setting mass to " << resMass_->value() << std::endl;
384 std::cout << "INFO in LauAbsResonance::changeResonance : Setting width to " << resWidth_->value() << std::endl;
388 std::cout << "INFO in LauAbsResonance::changeResonance : Setting spin to " << resSpin_ << std::endl;
399 std::cout << "INFO in LauAbsResonance::changeBWBarrierRadii : Setting resonance factor radius to " << resBWRadius->value() << std::endl;
406 std::cout << "INFO in LauAbsResonance::changeBWBarrierRadii : Setting parent factor radius to " << parBWRadius->value() << std::endl;
412 //This function should always be overwritten if needed in classes inheriting from LauAbsResonance.
413 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauAbsResonance::setResonanceParameter : Unable to set parameter \"" << name << "\" to value: " << value << "." << std::endl;
418 //This function should always be overwritten if needed in classes inheriting from LauAbsResonance.
419 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauAbsResonance::floatResonanceParameter : Unable to release parameter \"" << name << "\"." << std::endl;
424 //This function should always be overwritten if needed in classes inheriting from LauAbsResonance.
425 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauAbsResonance::getResonanceParameter : Unable to get parameter \"" << name << "\"." << std::endl;
445 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauAbsResonance::fixBarrierRadii : resonance barrier factor not present, cannot fix/float it" << std::endl;
450 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauAbsResonance::fixBarrierRadii : parent barrier factor not present, cannot fix/float it" << std::endl;
464 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauAbsResonance::fixResRadius : resonance barrier factor not present" << std::endl;
475 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauAbsResonance::fixParRadius : parent barrier factor not present" << std::endl;
486 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauAbsResonance::getResRadius : resonance barrier factor not present" << std::endl;
497 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauAbsResonance::getParRadius : parent barrier factor not present" << std::endl;
TString getNameDaug1() const Get name of the first daughter particle. Definition: Int_t getChargeDaug3() const Get charge of the third daughter particle. Definition: Double_t calcCovSpinFactor(const Double_t pProd) Calculate the amplitude spin term using the covariant tensor formalism. Definition: Int_t getChargeBachelor() const Get the charge of the bachelor daughter. Definition: Double_t getc23() const Get the cosine of the helicity angle theta23. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:241 Bool_t fixed() const Check whether the parameter is fixed or floated. Definition: LauParameter.hh:214 Double_t getMassBachelor() const Get the mass of the bachelor daughter. Definition: LauAbsResonance(LauResonanceInfo *resInfo, const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const LauDaughters *daughters) Constructor (for use by standard resonances) Definition: void calcCovFactor(const Double_t erm) Calculate the spin-dependent covariant factor. Definition: Double_t calcLegendrePoly() const Calculate the Legendre polynomial for the spin factor. Definition: void changeResonance(const Double_t newMass, const Double_t newWidth, const Int_t newSpin) Allow the mass, width and spin of the resonance to be changed. Definition: Double_t getp2_Parent() const Get the momentum of the track 2 in parent rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:412 File containing declaration of LauResonanceInfo class. ClassImp(LauAbsCoeffSet) Class for defining the properties of a resonant particle. Definition: LauResonanceInfo.hh:32 Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:76 Class that defines the particular 3-body decay under study. Definition: LauDaughters.hh:33 Double_t getc13() const Get the cosine of the helicity angle theta13. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:247 Double_t getp2_13() const Get the momentum of the track 2 in 13 rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:401 File containing declaration of LauDaughters class. virtual void floatResonanceParameter(const TString &name) Allow the various parameters to float in the fit. Definition: Int_t getChargeDaug1() const Get charge of the first daughter particle. Definition: Double_t covFactor_ Covariant factor (full spin-dependent expression) Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:551 const LauParameter * getRadiusParameter() const Retrieve the radius parameter. Definition: LauBlattWeisskopfFactor.hh:82 TString getNameDaug2() const Get the name of the second daughter of the resonance. Definition: LauBlattWeisskopfFactor * resBWFactor_ Blatt Weisskopf barrier for resonance decay. Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:510 Double_t getp1_12() const Get the momentum of the track 1 in 12 rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:376 TString getNameDaug2() const Get name of the second daughter particle. Definition: void valueAndRange(Double_t newValue, Double_t newMinValue, Double_t newMaxValue) Set the value and range for the parameter. Definition: Bool_t fixResRadius() const Get the status of resonance barrier radius (fixed or released) Definition: Double_t getParRadius() const Get the radius of the parent barrier factor. Definition: File containing declaration of LauKinematics class. Double_t calcZemachSpinFactor(const Double_t pProd) const Calculate the amplitude spin term using the Zemach tensor formalism. Definition: virtual LauParameter * getResonanceParameter(const TString &name) Access the given resonance parameter. Definition: Double_t getp1_Parent() const Get the momentum of the track 1 in parent rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:407 void addFloatingParameter(LauParameter *param) Add parameter to the list of floating parameters. Definition: Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:73 Double_t getp1_23() const Get the momentum of the track 1 in 23 rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:391 File containing declaration of LauParameter class. std::vector< LauParameter * > resParameters_ All parameters of the resonance. Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:499 Double_t getc12() const Get the cosine of the helicity angle theta12. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:235 Int_t getChargeDaug2() const Get charge of the second daughter particle. Definition: virtual void setResonanceParameter(const TString &name, const Double_t value) Set value of the various parameters. Definition: Int_t getChargeParent() const Get the Charge of the parent particle. Definition: Double_t getp1_13() const Get the momentum of the track 1 in 13 rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:396 LauBlattWeisskopfFactor * parBWFactor_ Blatt Weisskopf barrier for parent decay. Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:508 virtual LauComplex resAmp(Double_t mass, Double_t spinTerm)=0 Complex resonant amplitude. TString getNameParent() const Get the name of the parent particle. Definition: Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:75 TString getNameBachelor() const Get the name of the daughter that does not originate form the resonance. Definition: Double_t getResRadius() const Get the radius of the resonance barrier factor. Definition: Double_t getp3_12() const Get the momentum of the track 3 in 12 rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:381 Bool_t fixParRadius() const Get the status of parent barrier radius (fixed or released) Definition: void fixBarrierRadii(const Bool_t fixResRadius, const Bool_t fixParRadius) Fix or release the Blatt-Weisskopf barrier radii. Definition: Abstract class for defining type for resonance amplitude models (Breit-Wigner, Flatte etc... Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:37 void changeBWBarrierRadii(const Double_t resRadius, const Double_t parRadius) Allow the Blatt-Weisskopf radius for the resonance and parent factors to be changed. Definition: File containing LauConstants namespace. File containing declaration of LauAbsResonance class. Double_t getp2_23() const Get the momentum of the track 2 in 23 rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:386 TString getNameDaug1() const Get the name of the first daughter of the resonance. Definition: virtual LauComplex amplitude(const LauKinematics *kinematics) Calculate the complex amplitude. Definition: TString getNameDaug3() const Get name of the third daughter particle. Definition: Double_t getp3_Parent() const Get the momentum of the track 3 in parent rest frame. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:417 Generated by ![]() |