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51 void LauVetoes::addMassVeto(const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const Double_t minMass, const Double_t maxMass)
60 void LauVetoes::addMassSqVeto(const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const Double_t minMassSq, const Double_t maxMassSq)
68 std::cout << "INFO in LauVetoes::addMassSqVeto : Adding the veto for resPairAmpInt = 1, with " << minMassSq << " < m^2_23 < " << maxMassSq << std::endl;
73 std::cout << "INFO in LauVetoes::addMassSqVeto : Adding the veto for resPairAmpInt = 2, with " << minMassSq << " < m^2_13 < " << maxMassSq << std::endl;
78 std::cout << "INFO in LauVetoes::addMassSqVeto : Adding the veto for resPairAmpInt = 3, with " << minMassSq << " < m^2_12 < " << maxMassSq << std::endl;
83 std::cout << "INFO in LauVetoes::addMassSqVeto : Adding the veto for resPairAmpInt = 4, with " << minMassSq << " < m^2_min < " << maxMassSq << std::endl;
88 std::cout << "INFO in LauVetoes::addMassSqVeto : Adding the veto for resPairAmpInt = 5, with " << minMassSq << " < m^2_max < " << maxMassSq << std::endl;
91 std::cerr << "ERROR in LauVetoes::addMassSqVeto : Invalid resPairAmpInt. Please use 1, 2 or 3 to specify bachelor daughter track (or 4 or 5 to specify a veto on mMinSq or mMaxSq in a symmetric DP). Veto is not added." << std::endl;
121 Bool_t LauVetoes::passVeto(const Double_t m12Sq, const Double_t m23Sq, const Double_t m13Sq, const Bool_t symmetricDP, const Bool_t fullySymmetricDP) const
178 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauVetoes::passVeto : resPairAmpInt of 4 is only valid for symmetric DPs, will ignore this veto" << std::endl;
188 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauVetoes::passVeto : resPairAmpInt of 5 is only valid for symmetric DPs, will ignore this veto" << std::endl;
std::vector< Double_t > vetoMinMass_ The minimum mass-squared for each veto. Definition: LauVetoes.hh:125 Bool_t passVeto(const LauKinematics *kinematics) const Check whether the specified Dalitz plot point passes the vetoes. Definition: ClassImp(LauAbsCoeffSet) std::vector< Double_t > vetoMaxMass_ The maximum mass-squared for each veto. Definition: LauVetoes.hh:128 std::vector< Int_t > vetoPair_ The index of the vetoed mass-squared variable for each veto. Definition: LauVetoes.hh:122 File containing declaration of LauKinematics class. void addMassSqVeto(const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const Double_t minMassSq, const Double_t maxMassSq) Add a veto to the Dalitz plot. Definition: File containing declaration of LauVetoes class. void addMassVeto(const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const Double_t minMass, const Double_t maxMass) Add a veto to the Dalitz plot. Definition: Generated by ![]() |