Go to the documentation of this file.
27 LauBelleSymNR::LauBelleSymNR(LauResonanceInfo* resInfo, const LauAbsResonance::LauResonanceModel resType,
51 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauBelleSymNR::initialise : Dalitz plot is symmetric - this lineshape is not appropriate." << std::endl;
56 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauBelleSymNR::initialise : This lineshape is intended to be on the symmetrised axes of the DP." << std::endl;
59 if ( (model_ != LauAbsResonance::BelleSymNR) && (model_ != LauAbsResonance::BelleSymNRNoInter) && (model_ != LauAbsResonance::TaylorNR) ) {
60 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauBelleSymNR::initialise : Unknown model requested, defaulting to exponential." << std::endl;
65 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauBelleSymNR::initialise : Non-zero spin will be ignored for this model - perhaps you should use LauAbsResonance::BelleSymNRNoInter instead" << std::endl;
68 // NB we do not need to call setSpinType(LauAbsResonance::Legendre) here (as is done in LauBelleNR) since override the amplitude method and explicitly use calcLegendrePoly
117 std::cerr << " : Returning zero amplitude for mass = " << mass << " and spinTerm = " << spinTerm << "." << std::endl;
137 std::cout << "INFO in LauBelleSymNR::setResonanceParameter : Setting parameter alpha = " << this->getAlpha() << std::endl;
139 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauBelleSymNR::setResonanceParameter : Parameter name not reconised. No parameter changes made." << std::endl;
150 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauBelleSymNR::floatResonanceParameter: Parameter already floating. No parameter changes made." << std::endl;
153 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauBelleSymNR::fixResonanceParameter: Parameter name not reconised. No parameter changes made." << std::endl;
162 std::cerr << "WARNING in LauBelleSymNR::getResonanceParameter: Parameter name not reconised." << std::endl;
Double_t getc23() const Get the cosine of the helicity angle theta23. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:241 Bool_t fixed() const Check whether the parameter is fixed or floated. Definition: LauParameter.hh:214 Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:60 Double_t calcLegendrePoly() const Calculate the Legendre polynomial for the spin factor. Definition: File containing declaration of LauResonanceInfo class. ClassImp(LauAbsCoeffSet) Class for defining the properties of a resonant particle. Definition: LauResonanceInfo.hh:32 Class that defines the particular 3-body decay under study. Definition: LauDaughters.hh:33 Double_t getc13() const Get the cosine of the helicity angle theta13. Definition: LauKinematics.hh:247 Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:58 virtual LauComplex resAmp(Double_t mass, Double_t spinTerm) This is not called, amplitude is used directly instead. Definition: File containing declaration of LauDaughters class. virtual LauParameter * getResonanceParameter(const TString &name) Access the given resonance parameter. Definition: File containing declaration of LauBelleSymNR class. const LauDaughters * getDaughters() const Access the daughters object. Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:396 Int_t getPairInt() const Get the integer to identify which DP axis the resonance belongs to. Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:143 File containing declaration of LauKinematics class. void addFloatingParameter(LauParameter *param) Add parameter to the list of floating parameters. Definition: Bool_t gotSymmetricalDP() const Is Dalitz plot symmetric, i.e. 2 identical particles. Definition: LauDaughters.hh:66 std::vector< LauParameter * > & getParameters() Access the list of floating parameters. Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:445 virtual const std::vector< LauParameter * > & getFloatingParameters() Retrieve the resonance parameters, e.g. so that they can be loaded into a fit. Definition: virtual LauComplex amplitude(const LauKinematics *kinematics) Get the complex dynamical amplitude. Definition: Class for defining the symmetric Belle Non Resonant model. Definition: LauBelleSymNR.hh:33 Abstract class for defining type for resonance amplitude models (Breit-Wigner, Flatte etc... Definition: LauAbsResonance.hh:37 Bool_t fixAlpha() const See if the alpha parameter is fixed or floating. Definition: LauBelleSymNR.hh:111 void setAlpha(const Double_t alpha) Set the parameter alpha, the effective range. Definition: virtual void floatResonanceParameter(const TString &name) Allow the various parameters to float in the fit. Definition: virtual void setResonanceParameter(const TString &name, const Double_t value) Set value of the various parameters. Definition: Generated by ![]() |