LauAbsModIndPartWave Class Referenceabstract Abstract base class for defining a model independent partial wave component. More...
Inheritance diagram for LauAbsModIndPartWave:
Detailed DescriptionAbstract base class for defining a model independent partial wave component. Abstract base class for defining a model independent partial wave component. This model uses splines to produce a partial wave from two sets of real numbers that represent the amplitude at a series of points in the phase space. These real numbers at each point can be floated in the fit. Classes inheriting from this define whether these real numbers are e.g. the magnitude and phase or e.g. the real and imaginary part of the amplitude. Definition at line 48 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh. Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Definition at line 40 of file
Destructor. Definition at line 59 of file Member Function Documentation
Method to check that the supplied knot positions are valid.
Definition at line 81 of file
Method to create the parameter objects for the given knot.
Implemented in LauModIndPartWaveMagPhase, and LauModIndPartWaveRealImag.
Define the knot positions. If absent from the set provided, knots are added automatically at the upper and lower kinematic limits
Definition at line 118 of file
Evaluate the amplitude at the given point from the splines.
Implemented in LauModIndPartWaveMagPhase, and LauModIndPartWaveRealImag.
Set whether the parameters should be floated only in the second-stage of a two-stage fit. By default, the parameters describing the amplitude at each knot will float from the outset of a fit. If, however, a good estimate of these is already known, it can be more efficient to initially fix them and then to float them only in a second stage (as is done for other resonance lineshape parameters). This function allows the toggling of this behaviour.
Definition at line 65 of file
Retrieve the value of the second stage flag. Definition at line 104 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
Helper function to access the 1st parameter set. Definition at line 183 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
Helper function to access the 1st parameter set. Definition at line 177 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
Helper function to access the 2nd parameter set. Definition at line 186 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
Helper function to access the 2nd parameter set. Definition at line 180 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
Retrieve the resonance parameters, e.g. so that they can be loaded into a fit.
Reimplemented from LauAbsResonance. Definition at line 234 of file
Helper function to access the masses. Definition at line 174 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
Helper function to access the 1st spline. Definition at line 189 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
Helper function to access the 1st spline. Definition at line 192 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
Initialise the model. Implements LauAbsResonance. Definition at line 152 of file
Return the number of knots that have been defined (including those at the upper and lower kinematic limits)
Definition at line 77 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
Complex resonant amplitude.
Implements LauAbsResonance. Definition at line 172 of file
Helper function to set the current amplitude value.
Definition at line 168 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
Set the values of the two real parameters that define the amplitude at a given knot.
Implemented in LauModIndPartWaveMagPhase, and LauModIndPartWaveRealImag.
Method to set the boundary conditions of the splines.
Definition at line 215 of file
Method to set the type of interpolation used for the splines.
Definition at line 209 of file Member Data Documentation
The parameters for the first real value at the knots. Definition at line 207 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The values of the first real parameter at each knot. Definition at line 202 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The parameters for the second real value at the knots. Definition at line 209 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The values of the second real parameter at each knot. Definition at line 204 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The current value of the amplitude. Definition at line 243 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The lower boundary condition type for the first spline. Definition at line 222 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The lower boundary condition type for the second spline. Definition at line 226 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The gradient at the left boundary for the first spline if clamped. Definition at line 231 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The gradient at the left boundary for the second spline if clamped. Definition at line 235 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The masses at which knots are defined in the magnitude and phase splines. Definition at line 199 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The number of knots. Definition at line 196 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The upper boundary condition type for the first spline. Definition at line 224 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The upper boundary condition type for the second spline. Definition at line 228 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The gradient at the right boundary for the first spline if clamped. Definition at line 233 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The gradient at the right boundary for the second spline if clamped. Definition at line 237 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
Flag to determine if the parameters should be floated only in the second stage of the fit. Definition at line 240 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The spline used to interpolate the values of the first real parameter. Definition at line 212 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The spline used to interpolate the values of the second real parameter. Definition at line 214 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The type of interpolation used for the first spline. Definition at line 217 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh.
The type of interpolation used for the second spline. Definition at line 219 of file LauAbsModIndPartWave.hh. The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: Generated by ![]() |