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Laura++  3.6.0
A maximum likelihood fitting package for performing Dalitz-plot analysis.
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 /*
3 Copyright 2008 University of Warwick
5 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 limitations under the License.
16 */
18 /*
19 Laura++ package authors:
20 John Back
21 Paul Harrison
22 Thomas Latham
23 */
29 #include "LauKMatrixPropagator.hh"
31 #include "LauComplex.hh"
32 #include "LauKinematics.hh"
33 #include "LauTextFileParser.hh"
35 #include "TMath.h"
36 #include "TSystem.h"
38 #include <cmath>
39 #include <cstdlib>
40 #include <fstream>
41 #include <iostream>
43 using std::cerr;
44 using std::cout;
45 using std::endl;
48  const TString& paramFile,
49  Int_t resPairAmpInt,
50  Int_t nChannels,
51  Int_t nPoles,
52  Int_t rowIndex ) :
53  name_( name ),
54  paramFileName_( paramFile ),
55  resPairAmpInt_( resPairAmpInt ),
56  index_( rowIndex - 1 ),
57  nChannels_( nChannels ),
58  nPoles_( nPoles )
59 {
60  // Constructor
62  // Check that the index is OK
63  if ( index_ < 0 || index_ >= nChannels_ ) {
64  std::cerr << "ERROR in LauKMatrixPropagator constructor. The rowIndex, which is set to "
65  << rowIndex << ", must be between 1 and the number of channels " << nChannels_
66  << std::endl;
67  gSystem->Exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
68  }
70  this->setParameters( paramFile );
71 }
74 {
75  // Destructor
76  realProp_.Clear();
77  negImagProp_.Clear();
78  ScattKMatrix_.Clear();
79  ReRhoMatrix_.Clear();
80  ImRhoMatrix_.Clear();
81  GammaMatrix_.Clear();
82  ReTMatrix_.Clear();
83  ImTMatrix_.Clear();
84  IMatrix_.Clear();
85  zeroMatrix_.Clear();
86 }
88 LauComplex LauKMatrixPropagator::getPropTerm( const Int_t channel ) const
89 {
90  // Get the (i,j) = (index_, channel) term of the propagator
91  // matrix. This allows us not to return the full propagator matrix.
92  Double_t realTerm = this->getRealPropTerm( channel );
93  Double_t imagTerm = this->getImagPropTerm( channel );
95  LauComplex propTerm( realTerm, imagTerm );
96  return propTerm;
97 }
99 Double_t LauKMatrixPropagator::getRealPropTerm( const Int_t channel ) const
100 {
101  // Get the real part of the (i,j) = (index_, channel) term of the propagator
102  // matrix. This allows us not to return the full propagator matrix.
103  if ( parametersSet_ == kFALSE ) {
104  return 0.0;
105  }
107  Double_t propTerm = realProp_[index_][channel];
108  return propTerm;
109 }
111 Double_t LauKMatrixPropagator::getImagPropTerm( const Int_t channel ) const
112 {
113  // Get the imaginary part of the (i,j) = (index_, channel) term of the propagator
114  // matrix. This allows us not to return the full propagator matrix.
115  if ( parametersSet_ == kFALSE ) {
116  return 0.0;
117  }
119  Double_t imagTerm = -1.0 * negImagProp_[index_][channel];
120  return imagTerm;
121 }
124 {
125  // Calculate the K-matrix propagator for the given s value.
126  // The K-matrix amplitude is given by
127  // T_i = sum_{ij} (I - iK*rho)^-1 * P_j, where P is the production K-matrix.
128  // i = index for the state (e.g. S-wave index = 0).
129  // Here, we only find the (I - iK*rho)^-1 matrix part.
131  // Check if we have almost the same s value as before. If so, don't re-calculate
132  // the propagator nor any of the pole mass summation terms.
133  if ( TMath::Abs( s - previousS_ ) < 1e-6 * s ) {
134  //cout<<"Already got propagator for s = "<<s<<endl;
135  return;
136  }
138  if ( parametersSet_ == kFALSE ) {
139  //cerr<<"ERROR in LauKMatrixPropagator::updatePropagator. Parameters have not been set."<<endl;
140  return;
141  }
143  // Calculate the denominator pole mass terms and Adler zero factor
144  this->calcPoleDenomVect( s );
145  this->updateAdlerZeroFactor( s );
147  // Calculate the scattering K-matrix (real and symmetric)
148  this->calcScattKMatrix( s );
149  // Calculate the phase space density matrix, which is diagonal, but can be complex
150  // if the quantity s is below various threshold values (analytic continuation).
151  this->calcRhoMatrix( s );
153  // Calculate the angular momentum barrier matrix, which is real and diagonal
154  this->calcGammaMatrix( s );
156  // Calculate K*rho*(gamma^2) (real and imaginary parts, since rho can be complex)
157  TMatrixD GammaMatrixSq = ( GammaMatrix_ * GammaMatrix_ );
158  TMatrixD K_realRhoGammaSq( ScattKMatrix_ );
160  K_realRhoGammaSq *= ReRhoMatrix_;
161  K_realRhoGammaSq *= GammaMatrixSq;
162  TMatrixD K_imagRhoGammaSq( ScattKMatrix_ );
164  K_imagRhoGammaSq *= ImRhoMatrix_;
165  K_imagRhoGammaSq *= GammaMatrixSq;
167  // A = I + K*Imag(rho)Gamma^2, B = -K*Real(Rho)Gamma^2
168  // Calculate C and D matrices such that (A + iB)*(C + iD) = I,
169  // ie. C + iD = (I - i K*rhoGamma^2)^-1, separated into real and imaginary parts.
170  // realProp C = (A + B A^-1 B)^-1, imagProp D = -A^-1 B C
171  TMatrixD A( IMatrix_ );
172  A += K_imagRhoGammaSq;
173  TMatrixD B( zeroMatrix_ );
174  B -= K_realRhoGammaSq;
176  TMatrixD invA( TMatrixD::kInverted, A );
177  TMatrixD invA_B( invA );
178  invA_B *= B;
179  TMatrixD B_invA_B( B );
180  B_invA_B *= invA_B;
182  TMatrixD invC( A );
183  invC += B_invA_B;
184  // Set the real part of the propagator matrix ("C")
185  realProp_ = TMatrixD( TMatrixD::kInverted, invC );
187  // Set the (negative) imaginary part of the propagator matrix ("-D")
188  TMatrixD BC( B );
189  BC *= realProp_;
190  negImagProp_ = TMatrixD( invA );
191  negImagProp_ *= BC;
193  // Pre-multiply by the Gamma matrix:
197  if ( verbose_ ) {
198  std::cout << "In LauKMatrixPropagator::updatePropagator(s). D[1-iKrhoD^2]^-1: " << std::endl;
199  TString realOutput( "Real part:" ), imagOutput( "Imag part:" );
200  for ( int iChannel = 0; iChannel < nChannels_; iChannel++ ) {
201  for ( int jChannel = 0; jChannel < nChannels_; jChannel++ ) {
202  realOutput += Form( "\t%.6f", realProp_[iChannel][jChannel] );
203  imagOutput += Form( "\t%.6f", -1 * negImagProp_[iChannel][jChannel] );
204  }
205  realOutput += "\n ";
206  imagOutput += "\n ";
207  }
208  std::cout << realOutput << std::endl;
209  std::cout << imagOutput << std::endl;
210  }
212  // Also calculate the production SVP term, since this uses Adler-zero parameters
213  // defined in the parameter file.
214  this->updateProdSVPTerm( s );
216  // Finally, keep track of the value of s we just used.
217  previousS_ = s;
218 }
220 void LauKMatrixPropagator::setParameters( const TString& inputFile )
221 {
223  // Read an input file that specifies the values of the coupling constants g_i for
224  // the given number of poles and their (bare) masses. Also provided are the f_{ab}
225  // slow-varying constants. The input file should also provide the Adler zero
226  // constants s_0, s_A and s_A0.
228  parametersSet_ = kFALSE;
230  cout << "Initialising K-matrix propagator " << name_ << " parameters from " << inputFile.Data()
231  << endl;
233  cout << "nChannels = " << nChannels_ << ", nPoles = " << nPoles_ << endl;
235  // Initialise various matrices
236  this->initialiseMatrices();
237  std::vector<Int_t> a( nChannels_, 0 );
239  // The format of the input file contains lines starting with a keyword followed by the
240  // appropriate set of parameters. Keywords are case insensitive (treated as lower-case).
241  // 1) Indices (nChannels) of N phase space channel types (defined in KMatrixChannels enum)
242  // "Channels iChannel1 iChannel2 ... iChannelN"
243  // 2) Definition of poles: bare mass (GeV), pole index (1 to NPoles), N channel couplings g_j
244  // "Pole poleIndex mass g_1 g_2 ... g_N"
245  // 3) Definition of scattering f_{ij} constants: scattering index (1 to N), channel values
246  // "Scatt index f_{i1} f_{i2} ... f_{iN}", where i = index
247  // 4) Orbital angular momentu for each channel. If not set here, defaults to 0
248  // "AngularMomentum L[0] L[1] ... L[N]"
249  // 5) Barrier factor parameter, which appears in the denominator and multiplies the term involving
250  // the nominal radius. If not set here, defaults to 0 or values appropriate to non-zero angular
251  // momenta as set in in (4) above.
252  // "BarrierFactorParameter a[0] a[1] ... a[N]"
253  // 6) Characteristic radius for each channel. If not set here, defaults to 3.0 GeV^{-1}
254  // "Radii radChannel1 radChannel2 ... radChannelN"
255  // 7) Various Adler zero and scattering constants; each line is "name value".
256  // Possible names are mSq0, s0Scatt, s0Prod, sA, sA0
257  //
258  // By default, the scattering constants are symmetrised: f_{ji} = f_{ij}.
259  // To not assume this use "ScattSymmetry 0" on a line
261  LauTextFileParser readFile( inputFile );
262  readFile.processFile();
264  // Loop over the (non-commented) lines
265  UInt_t nTotLines = readFile.getTotalNumLines();
267  if ( nTotLines == 0 ) {
268  std::cerr << "ERROR in LauKMatrixPropagator::setParameters : K-matrix parameter file not present - exiting."
269  << std::endl;
271  gSystem->Exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
272  }
274  UInt_t iLine( 0 );
276  for ( iLine = 1; iLine <= nTotLines; iLine++ ) {
278  // Get the line of strings
279  std::vector<std::string> theLine = readFile.getLine( iLine );
281  // There should always be at least two strings: a keyword and at least 1 value
282  if ( theLine.size() < 2 ) {
283  continue;
284  }
286  TString keyword( theLine[0].c_str() );
287  keyword.ToLower(); // Use lowercase
289  if ( ! keyword.CompareTo( "channels" ) ) {
291  // Channel indices for phase-space factors
292  this->storeChannels( theLine );
294  } else if ( ! keyword.CompareTo( "pole" ) ) {
296  // Pole terms
297  this->storePole( theLine );
299  } else if ( ! keyword.CompareTo( "scatt" ) ) {
301  // Scattering terms
302  this->storeScattering( theLine );
304  } else if ( ! keyword.CompareTo( "angularmomentum" ) ) {
306  // Orbital angular momentum state for each channel & set default a values if called before storeBarrierFactorParameter
307  this->storeOrbitalAngularMomenta( theLine, a );
309  } else if ( ! keyword.CompareTo( "barrierfactorparameter" ) ) {
311  // Value of parameter "a" in denominator of centrifugal barrier factor, gamma
312  this->storeBarrierFactorParameter( theLine, a );
314  } else if ( ! keyword.CompareTo( "radii" ) ) {
316  // Values of characteristic radius
317  this->storeRadii( theLine );
319  } else {
321  // Usually Adler-zero constants
322  TString parString( theLine[1].c_str() );
323  this->storeParameter( keyword, parString );
324  }
325  }
329  // Symmetrise scattering parameters if enabled
330  if ( scattSymmetry_ == kTRUE ) {
332  for ( Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < nChannels_; iChannel++ ) {
334  for ( Int_t jChannel = iChannel; jChannel < nChannels_; jChannel++ ) {
336  LauParameter fPar = fScattering_[iChannel][jChannel];
337  fScattering_[jChannel][iChannel] = LauParameter( fPar );
338  }
339  }
340  }
342  // Now that radii and barrier-factor-denominator parameters have been set, cache the value of "a/(R*R)"
343  for ( Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < nChannels_; iChannel++ ) {
344  gamAInvRadSq_[iChannel] = a[iChannel] / ( radii_[iChannel] * radii_[iChannel] );
345  }
347  // All required parameters have been set
348  parametersSet_ = kTRUE;
350  cout << "Finished initialising K-matrix propagator " << name_ << endl;
351 }
354 {
356  // Identity and null matrices
357  IMatrix_.Clear();
358  IMatrix_.ResizeTo( nChannels_, nChannels_ );
359  for ( Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < nChannels_; iChannel++ ) {
360  IMatrix_[iChannel][iChannel] = 1.0;
361  }
363  zeroMatrix_.Clear();
364  zeroMatrix_.ResizeTo( nChannels_, nChannels_ );
366  // Real K matrix
367  ScattKMatrix_.Clear();
368  ScattKMatrix_.ResizeTo( nChannels_, nChannels_ );
370  // Real and imaginary propagator matrices
371  realProp_.Clear();
372  negImagProp_.Clear();
373  realProp_.ResizeTo( nChannels_, nChannels_ );
374  negImagProp_.ResizeTo( nChannels_, nChannels_ );
376  // Phase space matrices
377  ReRhoMatrix_.Clear();
378  ImRhoMatrix_.Clear();
379  ReRhoMatrix_.ResizeTo( nChannels_, nChannels_ );
380  ImRhoMatrix_.ResizeTo( nChannels_, nChannels_ );
382  // Gamma matrices
383  GammaMatrix_.Clear();
384  GammaMatrix_.ResizeTo( nChannels_, nChannels_ );
386  // Vector of orbital angular momenta for the channels (default is S-wave everywhere)
387  L_.clear();
388  L_.assign( nChannels_, 0 );
390  // Characteristic radius (diagonal) vector (default to 3.0)
391  radii_.clear();
392  radii_.assign( nChannels_, 3.0 );
394  // Vector to cache ratio a/R^2
395  gamAInvRadSq_.clear();
396  gamAInvRadSq_.resize( nChannels_ );
398  // Square-root phase space matrices
399  ReSqrtRhoMatrix_.Clear();
400  ImSqrtRhoMatrix_.Clear();
404  // T matrices
405  ReTMatrix_.Clear();
406  ImTMatrix_.Clear();
407  ReTMatrix_.ResizeTo( nChannels_, nChannels_ );
408  ImTMatrix_.ResizeTo( nChannels_, nChannels_ );
410  // For the coupling and scattering constants, use LauParArrays instead of TMatrices
411  // so that the quantities remain LauParameters instead of just doubles.
412  // Each array is an stl vector of another stl vector of LauParameters:
413  // std::vector< std::vector<LauParameter> >.
414  // Set their sizes using the number of poles and channels defined in the constructor
415  gCouplings_.clear();
416  gCouplings_.resize( nPoles_ );
418  for ( Int_t iPole = 0; iPole < nPoles_; iPole++ ) {
419  gCouplings_[iPole].resize( nChannels_ );
420  }
422  fScattering_.clear();
423  fScattering_.resize( nChannels_ );
425  for ( Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < nChannels_; iChannel++ ) {
426  fScattering_[iChannel].resize( nChannels_ );
427  }
429  // Clear other vectors
430  phaseSpaceTypes_.clear();
431  phaseSpaceTypes_.resize( nChannels_ );
433  mSqPoles_.clear();
434  mSqPoles_.resize( nPoles_ );
437 }
439 void LauKMatrixPropagator::storeChannels( const std::vector<std::string>& theLine )
440 {
442  // Get the list of channel indices to specify what phase space factors should be used
443  // e.g. pipi, Kpi, eta eta', 4pi etc..
445  // Check that the line has nChannels_+1 strings
446  Int_t nTypes = static_cast<Int_t>( theLine.size() ) - 1;
447  if ( nTypes != nChannels_ ) {
448  cerr << "Error in LauKMatrixPropagator::storeChannels. The input file defines " << nTypes
449  << " channels when " << nChannels_ << " are expected" << endl;
450  return;
451  }
453  for ( Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < nChannels_; iChannel++ ) {
455  Int_t phaseSpaceInt = std::atoi( theLine[iChannel + 1].c_str() );
456  Bool_t checkChannel = this->checkPhaseSpaceType( phaseSpaceInt );
458  if ( checkChannel == kTRUE ) {
459  cout << "Adding phase space channel index " << phaseSpaceInt
460  << " to K-matrix propagator " << name_ << endl;
462  phaseSpaceInt );
463  } else {
464  cerr << "Phase space channel index " << phaseSpaceInt << " should be between 1 and "
465  << static_cast<int>( LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels::TotChannels ) - 1
466  << endl;
467  }
468  }
469 }
471 void LauKMatrixPropagator::storePole( const std::vector<std::string>& theLine )
472 {
474  // Store the pole mass and its coupling constants for each channel.
475  // Each line will contain: Pole poleNumber poleMass poleCouplingsPerChannel
477  // Check that the line has nChannels_ + 3 strings
478  Int_t nWords = static_cast<Int_t>( theLine.size() );
479  Int_t nExpect = nChannels_ + 3;
481  if ( nWords == nExpect ) {
483  Int_t poleIndex = std::atoi( theLine[1].c_str() ) - 1;
484  if ( poleIndex >= 0 && poleIndex < nPoles_ ) {
486  Double_t poleMass = std::atof( theLine[2].c_str() );
487  Double_t poleMassSq = poleMass * poleMass;
488  LauParameter mPoleParam( Form( "KM_%s_poleMassSq_%i", name_.Data(), poleIndex ),
489  poleMassSq );
490  mSqPoles_[poleIndex] = mPoleParam;
492  cout << "Added bare pole mass " << poleMass << " GeV for pole number " << poleIndex + 1
493  << endl;
495  for ( Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < nChannels_; iChannel++ ) {
497  Double_t couplingConst = std::atof( theLine[iChannel + 3].c_str() );
498  LauParameter couplingParam(
499  Form( "KM_%s_gCoupling_%i_%i", name_.Data(), poleIndex, iChannel ),
500  couplingConst );
501  gCouplings_[poleIndex][iChannel] = couplingParam;
503  cout << "Added coupling parameter g^{" << poleIndex + 1 << "}_" << iChannel + 1
504  << " = " << couplingConst << endl;
505  }
506  }
508  } else {
510  cerr << "Error in LauKMatrixPropagator::storePole. Expecting " << nExpect
511  << " numbers for pole definition but found " << nWords << " values instead" << endl;
512  }
513 }
515 void LauKMatrixPropagator::storeScattering( const std::vector<std::string>& theLine )
516 {
518  // Store the scattering constants (along one of the channel rows).
519  // Each line will contain: Scatt ScattIndex ScattConstantsPerChannel
521  // Check that the line has nChannels_ + 2 strings
522  Int_t nWords = static_cast<Int_t>( theLine.size() );
523  Int_t nExpect = nChannels_ + 2;
525  if ( nWords == nExpect ) {
527  Int_t scattIndex = std::atoi( theLine[1].c_str() ) - 1;
528  if ( scattIndex >= 0 && scattIndex < nChannels_ ) {
530  for ( Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < nChannels_; iChannel++ ) {
532  Double_t scattConst = std::atof( theLine[iChannel + 2].c_str() );
533  LauParameter scattParam(
534  Form( "KM_%s_fScatteringConst_%i_%i", name_.Data(), scattIndex, iChannel ),
535  scattConst );
536  fScattering_[scattIndex][iChannel] = scattParam;
538  cout << "Added scattering parameter f(" << scattIndex + 1 << "," << iChannel + 1
539  << ") = " << scattConst << endl;
540  }
541  }
543  } else {
545  cerr << "Error in LauKMatrixPropagator::storeScattering. Expecting " << nExpect
546  << " numbers for scattering constants definition but found " << nWords
547  << " values instead" << endl;
548  }
549 }
551 void LauKMatrixPropagator::storeOrbitalAngularMomenta( const std::vector<std::string>& theLine,
552  std::vector<Int_t>& a )
553 {
555  // Store the orbital angular momentum for each channel
556  // Each line will contain: angularmomentum OrbitalAngularMomentumPerChannel
558  // Check that the line has nChannels_ + 1 strings
559  Int_t nWords = static_cast<Int_t>( theLine.size() );
560  Int_t nExpect = nChannels_ + 1;
562  if ( nWords == nExpect ) {
564  for ( Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < nChannels_; iChannel++ ) {
566  Int_t angularMomentum = std::atoi( theLine[iChannel + 1].c_str() );
567  L_[iChannel] = angularMomentum;
569  cout << "Defined K-matrix orbital angular momentum " << angularMomentum
570  << " for channel " << iChannel << endl;
571  }
573  } else {
575  cerr << "Error in LauKMatrixPropagator::storeOrbitalAngularMomenta. Expecting " << nExpect
576  << " numbers for orbital angular momenta definition but found " << nWords
577  << " values instead" << endl;
578  }
581  // Set default value of spin-dependent centrifugal-barrier-factor parameter
582  for ( Int_t iCh = 0; iCh < nChannels_; iCh++ ) {
583  switch ( L_[iCh] ) {
584  case 0 :
585  a[iCh] = 0;
586  break;
587  case 1 :
588  a[iCh] = 1;
589  break;
590  case 2 :
591  a[iCh] = 3;
592  break;
593  default :
594  std::cerr << "ERROR in LauKMatrixPropagator constructor. Centrifugal barrier factor and angular-momentum terms of K-matrix are only defined for S-, P-, or D-wave."
595  << std::endl;
596  gSystem->Exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
597  }
598  }
599  }
600 }
602 void LauKMatrixPropagator::storeRadii( const std::vector<std::string>& theLine )
603 {
605  // Store the characteristic radii (measured in GeV^{-1})
606  // Each line will contain: Radii RadiusConstantsPerChannel
608  // Check that the line has nChannels_ + 1 strings
609  Int_t nWords = static_cast<Int_t>( theLine.size() );
610  Int_t nExpect = nChannels_ + 1;
612  if ( nWords == nExpect ) {
614  for ( Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < nChannels_; iChannel++ ) {
616  Double_t radiusConst = std::atof( theLine[iChannel + 1].c_str() );
617  radii_[iChannel] = radiusConst;
619  cout << "Added K-matrix radius " << radiusConst << " for channel " << iChannel << endl;
620  }
622  } else {
624  cerr << "Error in LauKMatrixPropagator::storeRadii. Expecting " << nExpect
625  << " numbers for radii definition but found " << nWords << " values instead" << endl;
626  }
627 }
629 void LauKMatrixPropagator::storeBarrierFactorParameter( const std::vector<std::string>& theLine,
630  std::vector<Int_t>& a )
631 {
633  // Store the parameter of the barrier factor
634  // Each line will contain: barrierfactorparameter ParameterValuePerchannel
636  // Check that the line has nChannels_ + 1 strings
637  Int_t nWords = static_cast<Int_t>( theLine.size() );
638  Int_t nExpect = nChannels_ + 1;
640  if ( nWords == nExpect ) {
642  for ( Int_t iChannel = 0; iChannel < nChannels_; iChannel++ ) {
644  Double_t parameterValue = std::atof( theLine[iChannel + 1].c_str() );
645  a[iChannel] = parameterValue;
647  cout << "Added K-matrix barrier factor parameter value " << parameterValue
648  << " for channel " << iChannel << endl;
649  }
651  // Set flag to stop storeOrbitalAngularMomenta overriding these a values
654  } else {
656  cerr << "Error in LauKMatrixPropagator::storeBarrierFactorParameter. Expecting " << nExpect
657  << " numbers for barrier factor parameter definition but found " << nWords
658  << " values instead" << endl;
659  }
660 }
662 void LauKMatrixPropagator::storeParameter( const TString& keyword, const TString& parString )
663 {
665  if ( ! keyword.CompareTo( "msq0" ) ) {
667  Double_t mSq0Value = std::atof( parString.Data() );
668  cout << "Adler zero constant m0Sq = " << mSq0Value << endl;
669  mSq0_ = LauParameter( Form( "KM_%s_mSq0", name_.Data() ), mSq0Value );
671  } else if ( ! keyword.CompareTo( "s0scatt" ) ) {
673  Double_t s0ScattValue = std::atof( parString.Data() );
674  cout << "Adler zero constant s0Scatt = " << s0ScattValue << endl;
675  s0Scatt_ = LauParameter( Form( "KM_%s_s0Scatt", name_.Data() ), s0ScattValue );
677  } else if ( ! keyword.CompareTo( "s0prod" ) ) {
679  Double_t s0ProdValue = std::atof( parString.Data() );
680  cout << "Adler zero constant s0Prod = " << s0ProdValue << endl;
681  s0Prod_ = LauParameter( Form( "KM_%s_s0Prod", name_.Data() ), s0ProdValue );
683  } else if ( ! keyword.CompareTo( "sa0" ) ) {
685  Double_t sA0Value = std::atof( parString.Data() );
686  cout << "Adler zero constant sA0 = " << sA0Value << endl;
687  sA0_ = LauParameter( Form( "KM_%s_sA0", name_.Data() ), sA0Value );
689  } else if ( ! keyword.CompareTo( "sa" ) ) {
691  Double_t sAValue = std::atof( parString.Data() );
692  cout << "Adler zero constant sA = " << sAValue << endl;
693  sA_ = LauParameter( Form( "KM_%s_sA", name_.Data() ), sAValue );
695  } else if ( ! keyword.CompareTo( "scattsymmetry" ) ) {
697  Int_t flag = std::atoi( parString.Data() );
698  if ( flag == 0 ) {
699  cout << "Turning off scattering parameter symmetry: f_ji = f_ij will not be assumed"
700  << endl;
701  scattSymmetry_ = kFALSE;
702  }
703  }
704 }
707 {
709  // Calculate the scattering K-matrix for the given value of s.
710  // We need to obtain the complete matrix (not just one row/column)
711  // to get the correct inverted (I - i K rho) terms for the propagator.
713  if ( verbose_ ) {
714  cout << "Within calcScattKMatrix for s = " << s << endl;
715  }
717  // Initialise the K matrix to zero
718  ScattKMatrix_.Zero();
720  Int_t iChannel( 0 ), jChannel( 0 ), iPole( 0 );
722  // The pole denominator 1/(m^2 - s) terms should already be calculated
723  // by the calcPoleDenomVect() function. These same terms are also
724  // used for calculating the production K-matrix elements.
726  // Calculate the "slowly-varying part" (SVP), e.g. (1 GeV - s0)/(s - s0)
727  this->updateScattSVPTerm( s );
729  // Now loop over iChannel, jChannel to calculate Kij = Kji.
730  for ( iChannel = 0; iChannel < nChannels_; iChannel++ ) {
732  // Scattering matrix is real and symmetric. Start j loop from i.
733  for ( jChannel = iChannel; jChannel < nChannels_; jChannel++ ) {
735  Double_t Kij( 0.0 );
737  // Calculate pole mass summation term
738  for ( iPole = 0; iPole < nPoles_; iPole++ ) {
740  Double_t g_i = this->getCouplingConstant( iPole, iChannel );
741  Double_t g_j = this->getCouplingConstant( iPole, jChannel );
743  Kij += poleDenomVect_[iPole] * g_i * g_j;
744  if ( verbose_ ) {
745  cout << "1: Kij for i = " << iChannel << ", j = " << jChannel << " = " << Kij
746  << endl;
747  }
748  }
750  Double_t fij = this->getScatteringConstant( iChannel, jChannel );
751  Kij += fij * scattSVP_;
753  Kij *= adlerZeroFactor_;
754  if ( verbose_ ) {
755  cout << "2: Kij for i = " << iChannel << ", j = " << jChannel << " = " << Kij << endl;
756  }
758  // Assign the TMatrix (i,j) element to the variable Kij and Kji (symmetry)
759  ScattKMatrix_( iChannel, jChannel ) = Kij;
760  ScattKMatrix_( jChannel, iChannel ) = Kij;
762  } // j loop
764  } // i loop
765 }
768 {
769  // Calculate the 1/(m_pole^2 - s) terms for the scattering
770  // and production K-matrix formulae.
771  poleDenomVect_.clear();
772  Int_t iPole( 0 );
773  for ( iPole = 0; iPole < nPoles_; iPole++ ) {
775  Double_t poleTerm = mSqPoles_[iPole].unblindValue() - s;
776  Double_t invPoleTerm( 0.0 );
777  if ( TMath::Abs( poleTerm ) > 1.0e-6 ) {
778  invPoleTerm = 1.0 / poleTerm;
779  }
781  poleDenomVect_.push_back( invPoleTerm );
782  }
783 }
785 Double_t LauKMatrixPropagator::getPoleDenomTerm( const Int_t poleIndex ) const
786 {
788  if ( parametersSet_ == kFALSE ) {
789  return 0.0;
790  }
792  Double_t poleDenom( 0.0 );
793  poleDenom = poleDenomVect_[poleIndex];
794  return poleDenom;
795 }
798 {
799  if ( ( parametersSet_ == kFALSE ) || ( poleIndex < 0 || poleIndex >= nPoles_ ) ) {
800  std::cerr << "ERROR from LauKMatrixPropagator::getPoleMassSqParameter(). Invalid pole."
801  << std::endl;
802  gSystem->Exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
803  }
805  return mSqPoles_[poleIndex];
806 }
808 Double_t LauKMatrixPropagator::getCouplingConstant( const Int_t poleIndex,
809  const Int_t channelIndex ) const
810 {
812  if ( parametersSet_ == kFALSE ) {
813  return 0.0;
814  }
815  if ( poleIndex < 0 || poleIndex >= nPoles_ ) {
816  return 0.0;
817  }
818  if ( channelIndex < 0 || channelIndex >= nChannels_ ) {
819  return 0.0;
820  }
822  Double_t couplingConst = gCouplings_[poleIndex][channelIndex].unblindValue();
823  return couplingConst;
824 }
827  const Int_t channelIndex )
828 {
830  if ( ( parametersSet_ == kFALSE ) || ( poleIndex < 0 || poleIndex >= nPoles_ ) ||
831  ( channelIndex < 0 || channelIndex >= nChannels_ ) ) {
832  std::cerr << "ERROR from LauKMatrixPropagator::getCouplingParameter(). Invalid coupling."
833  << std::endl;
834  gSystem->Exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
835  }
837  //std::cout << "Minvalue + range for " << poleIndex << ", " << channelIndex << ": " << gCouplings_[poleIndex][channelIndex].minValue() << " => + " << gCouplings_[poleIndex][channelIndex].range() <<
838  // " and init value: " << gCouplings_[poleIndex][channelIndex].initValue() << std::endl;
839  return gCouplings_[poleIndex][channelIndex];
840 }
842 Double_t LauKMatrixPropagator::getScatteringConstant( const Int_t channel1Index,
843  const Int_t channel2Index ) const
844 {
846  if ( parametersSet_ == kFALSE ) {
847  return 0.0;
848  }
849  if ( channel1Index < 0 || channel1Index >= nChannels_ ) {
850  return 0.0;
851  }
852  if ( channel2Index < 0 || channel2Index >= nChannels_ ) {
853  return 0.0;
854  }
856  Double_t scatteringConst = fScattering_[channel1Index][channel2Index].unblindValue();
857  return scatteringConst;
858 }
861  const Int_t channel2Index )
862 {
864  if ( ( parametersSet_ == kFALSE ) || ( channel1Index < 0 || channel1Index >= nChannels_ ) ||
865  ( channel2Index < 0 || channel2Index >= nChannels_ ) ) {
866  std::cerr << "ERROR from LauKMatrixPropagator::getScatteringParameter(). Invalid chanel index."
867  << std::endl;
868  gSystem->Exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
869  }
871  return fScattering_[channel1Index][channel2Index];
872 }
874 Double_t LauKMatrixPropagator::calcSVPTerm( const Double_t s, const Double_t s0 ) const
875 {
877  if ( parametersSet_ == kFALSE ) {
878  return 0.0;
879  }
881  // Calculate the "slowly-varying part" (SVP)
882  Double_t result( 0.0 );
883  Double_t deltaS = s - s0;
884  if ( TMath::Abs( deltaS ) > 1.0e-6 ) {
885  result = ( mSq0_.unblindValue() - s0 ) / deltaS;
886  }
888  return result;
889 }
892 {
893  // Update the scattering "slowly-varying part" (SVP)
894  Double_t s0Scatt = s0Scatt_.unblindValue();
895  scattSVP_ = this->calcSVPTerm( s, s0Scatt );
896 }
899 {
900  // Update the production "slowly-varying part" (SVP)
901  Double_t s0Prod = s0Prod_.unblindValue();
902  prodSVP_ = this->calcSVPTerm( s, s0Prod );
903 }
906 {
908  // Calculate the multiplicative factor containing various Adler zero
909  // constants.
910  adlerZeroFactor_ = 0.0;
912  Double_t sA0Val = sA0_.unblindValue();
913  Double_t deltaS = s - sA0Val;
914  if ( TMath::Abs( deltaS ) > 1e-6 ) {
915  adlerZeroFactor_ = ( s - sAConst_ ) * ( 1.0 - sA0Val ) / deltaS;
916  }
917 }
920 {
921  // Calculate the gamma angular momentum barrier matrix
922  // for the given invariant mass squared quantity, s.
924  // Initialise all entries to zero
925  GammaMatrix_.Zero();
927  Double_t gamma( 0.0 );
929  for ( Int_t iChannel( 0 ); iChannel < nChannels_; ++iChannel ) {
931  if ( L_[iChannel] != 0 ) {
932  gamma = this->calcGamma( iChannel, s );
933  } else {
934  gamma = 1.0; // S-wave
935  }
937  if ( verbose_ ) {
938  cout << "GammaMatrix(" << iChannel << ", " << iChannel << ") = " << gamma << endl;
939  }
941  GammaMatrix_( iChannel, iChannel ) = gamma;
942  }
943 }
945 Double_t LauKMatrixPropagator::calcGamma( const Int_t iCh, const Double_t s ) const
946 {
947  // Calculate the barrier factor
948  Double_t gamma( 0.0 );
952  LauComplex rho = getRho( s, phaseSpaceIndex );
953  Double_t q = 0.5 * sqrt( s ) * rho.abs();
955  gamma = pow( q, L_[iCh] );
956  if ( includeBWBarrierFactor_ ) {
957  gamma /= pow( q * q + gamAInvRadSq_[iCh], L_[iCh] / 2. );
958  }
960  if ( verbose_ ) {
961  std::cout << "In LauKMatrixPropagator::calcGamma(iCh=" << iCh << ", s=" << s << ", prop). ";
962  std::cout << "|q(iCh=" << iCh << ")|: " << q << std::endl;
963  }
965  return gamma;
966 }
968 void LauKMatrixPropagator::calcRhoMatrix( const Double_t s )
969 {
971  // Calculate the real and imaginary part of the phase space density
972  // diagonal matrix for the given invariant mass squared quantity, s.
973  // The matrix can be complex if s is below threshold (so that
974  // the amplitude continues analytically).
976  // Initialise all entries to zero
977  ReRhoMatrix_.Zero();
978  ImRhoMatrix_.Zero();
980  for ( Int_t iChannel( 0 ); iChannel < nChannels_; ++iChannel ) {
982  LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels phaseSpaceIndex = phaseSpaceTypes_[iChannel];
984  LauComplex rho = getRho( s, phaseSpaceIndex );
986  if ( verbose_ ) {
987  cout << "ReRhoMatrix(" << iChannel << ", " << iChannel << ") = " << << endl;
988  cout << "ImRhoMatrix(" << iChannel << ", " << iChannel << ") = " << << endl;
989  }
991  ReRhoMatrix_( iChannel, iChannel ) =;
992  ImRhoMatrix_( iChannel, iChannel ) =;
993  }
994 }
997  const LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels phaseSpaceIndex ) const
998 {
999  LauComplex rho( 0.0, 0.0 );
1000  switch ( phaseSpaceIndex ) {
1001  case LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels::PiPi :
1002  rho = this->calcPiPiRho( s );
1003  break;
1004  case LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels::KK :
1005  rho = this->calcKKRho( s );
1006  break;
1007  case LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels::FourPi :
1008  rho = this->calcFourPiRho( s );
1009  break;
1010  case LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels::EtaEta :
1011  rho = this->calcEtaEtaRho( s );
1012  break;
1013  case LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels::EtaEtaP :
1014  rho = this->calcEtaEtaPRho( s );
1015  break;
1016  case LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels::KPi :
1017  rho = this->calcKPiRho( s );
1018  break;
1019  case LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels::KEtaP :
1020  rho = this->calcKEtaPRho( s );
1021  break;
1022  case LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels::KThreePi :
1023  rho = this->calcKThreePiRho( s );
1024  break;
1025  case LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels::D0K :
1026  rho = this->calcD0KRho( s );
1027  break;
1028  case LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels::Dstar0K :
1029  rho = this->calcDstar0KRho( s );
1030  break;
1031  default :
1032  std::cerr << "ERROR in LauKMatrixPropagator::getRho(...). Phase-space index not recognised for this channel"
1033  << std::endl;
1034  gSystem->Exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
1035  }
1036  return rho;
1037 }
1040 {
1041  // Calculate the D0K+ phase space factor
1042  LauComplex rho( 0.0, 0.0 );
1043  if ( TMath::Abs( s ) < 1e-10 ) {
1044  return rho;
1045  }
1047  Double_t sqrtTerm1 = ( -mD0KSumSq_ / s ) + 1.0;
1048  Double_t sqrtTerm2 = ( -mD0KDiffSq_ / s ) + 1.0;
1049  Double_t sqrtTerm = sqrtTerm1 * sqrtTerm2;
1050  if ( sqrtTerm < 0.0 ) {
1051  rho.setImagPart( TMath::Sqrt( -sqrtTerm ) );
1052  } else {
1053  rho.setRealPart( TMath::Sqrt( sqrtTerm ) );
1054  }
1056  return rho;
1057 }
1060 {
1061  // Calculate the Dstar0K+ phase space factor
1062  LauComplex rho( 0.0, 0.0 );
1063  if ( TMath::Abs( s ) < 1e-10 ) {
1064  return rho;
1065  }
1067  Double_t sqrtTerm1 = ( -mDstar0KSumSq_ / s ) + 1.0;
1068  Double_t sqrtTerm2 = ( -mDstar0KDiffSq_ / s ) + 1.0;
1069  Double_t sqrtTerm = sqrtTerm1 * sqrtTerm2;
1070  if ( sqrtTerm < 0.0 ) {
1071  rho.setImagPart( TMath::Sqrt( -sqrtTerm ) );
1072  } else {
1073  rho.setRealPart( TMath::Sqrt( sqrtTerm ) );
1074  }
1076  return rho;
1077 }
1080 {
1081  // Calculate the pipi phase space factor
1082  LauComplex rho( 0.0, 0.0 );
1083  if ( TMath::Abs( s ) < 1e-10 ) {
1084  return rho;
1085  }
1087  Double_t sqrtTerm = ( -m2piSq_ / s ) + 1.0;
1088  if ( sqrtTerm < 0.0 ) {
1089  rho.setImagPart( TMath::Sqrt( -sqrtTerm ) );
1090  } else {
1091  rho.setRealPart( TMath::Sqrt( sqrtTerm ) );
1092  }
1094  return rho;
1095 }
1098 {
1099  // Calculate the KK phase space factor
1100  LauComplex rho( 0.0, 0.0 );
1101  if ( TMath::Abs( s ) < 1e-10 ) {
1102  return rho;
1103  }
1105  Double_t sqrtTerm = ( -m2KSq_ / s ) + 1.0;
1106  if ( sqrtTerm < 0.0 ) {
1107  rho.setImagPart( TMath::Sqrt( -sqrtTerm ) );
1108  } else {
1109  rho.setRealPart( TMath::Sqrt( sqrtTerm ) );
1110  }
1112  return rho;
1113 }
1116 {
1117  // Calculate the 4pi phase space factor. This uses a 6th-order polynomial
1118  // parameterisation that approximates the multi-body phase space double integral
1119  // defined in Eq 4 of the A&S paper hep-ph/0204328. This form agrees with the
1120  // BaBar model (another 6th order polynomial from s^4 down to 1/s^2), but avoids the
1121  // exponential increase at small values of s (~< 0.1) arising from 1/s and 1/s^2.
1122  // Eq 4 is evaluated for each value of s by assuming incremental steps of 1e-3 GeV^2
1123  // for s1 and s2, the invariant energy squared of each of the di-pion states,
1124  // with the integration limits of s1 = (2*mpi)^2 to (sqrt(s) - 2*mpi)^2 and
1125  // s2 = (2*mpi)^2 to (sqrt(s) - sqrt(s1))^2. The mass M of the rho is taken to be
1126  // 0.775 GeV and the energy-dependent width of the 4pi system
1127  // Gamma(s) = gamma_0*rho1^3(s), where rho1 = sqrt(1.0 - 4*mpiSq/s) and gamma_0 is
1128  // the "width" of the 4pi state at s = 1, which is taken to be 0.3 GeV
1129  // (~75% of the total width from PDG estimates of the f0(1370) -> 4pi state).
1130  // The normalisation term rho_0 is found by ensuring that the phase space integral
1131  // at s = 1 is equal to sqrt(1.0 - 16*mpiSq/s). Note that the exponent for this
1132  // factor in hep-ph/0204328 is wrong; it should be 0.5, i.e. sqrt, not n = 1 to 5.
1133  // Plotting the value of this double integral as a function of s can then be fitted
1134  // to a 6th-order polynomial (for s < 1), which is the result used below
1136  LauComplex rho( 0.0, 0.0 );
1137  if ( TMath::Abs( s ) < 1e-10 ) {
1138  return rho;
1139  }
1141  if ( s <= 1.0 ) {
1142  Double_t rhoTerm = ( ( 1.07885 * s + 0.13655 ) * s - 0.29744 ) * s - 0.20840;
1143  rhoTerm = ( ( rhoTerm * s + 0.13851 ) * s - 0.01933 ) * s + 0.00051;
1144  // For some values of s (below 2*mpi), this term is a very small
1145  // negative number. Check for this and set the rho term to zero.
1146  if ( rhoTerm < 0.0 ) {
1147  rhoTerm = 0.0;
1148  }
1149  rho.setRealPart( rhoTerm );
1150  } else {
1151  rho.setRealPart( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - ( fourPiFactor1_ / s ) ) );
1152  }
1154  return rho;
1155 }
1158 {
1159  // Calculate the eta-eta phase space factor
1160  LauComplex rho( 0.0, 0.0 );
1161  if ( TMath::Abs( s ) < 1e-10 ) {
1162  return rho;
1163  }
1165  Double_t sqrtTerm = ( -m2EtaSq_ / s ) + 1.0;
1166  if ( sqrtTerm < 0.0 ) {
1167  rho.setImagPart( TMath::Sqrt( -sqrtTerm ) );
1168  } else {
1169  rho.setRealPart( TMath::Sqrt( sqrtTerm ) );
1170  }
1172  return rho;
1173 }
1176 {
1177  // Calculate the eta-eta' phase space factor. Note that the
1178  // mass difference term m_eta - m_eta' is not included,
1179  // since this corresponds to a "t or u-channel crossing",
1180  // which means that we cannot simply analytically continue
1181  // this part of the phase space factor below threshold, which
1182  // we can do for s-channel contributions. This is actually an
1183  // unsolved problem, e.g. see Guo et al 1409.8652, and
1184  // Danilkin et al 1409.7708. Anisovich and Sarantsev in
1185  // hep-ph/0204328 "solve" this issue by setting the mass
1186  // difference term to unity, which is what we do here...
1188  LauComplex rho( 0.0, 0.0 );
1189  if ( TMath::Abs( s ) < 1e-10 ) {
1190  return rho;
1191  }
1193  Double_t sqrtTerm = ( -mEtaEtaPSumSq_ / s ) + 1.0;
1194  if ( sqrtTerm < 0.0 ) {
1195  rho.setImagPart( TMath::Sqrt( -sqrtTerm ) );
1196  } else {
1197  rho.setRealPart( TMath::Sqrt( sqrtTerm ) );
1198  }
1200  return rho;
1201 }
1204 {
1205  // Calculate the K-pi phase space factor
1206  LauComplex rho( 0.0, 0.0 );
1207  if ( TMath::Abs( s ) < 1e-10 ) {
1208  return rho;
1209  }
1211  Double_t sqrtTerm1 = ( -mKpiSumSq_ / s ) + 1.0;
1212  Double_t sqrtTerm2 = ( -mKpiDiffSq_ / s ) + 1.0;
1213  Double_t sqrtTerm = sqrtTerm1 * sqrtTerm2;
1214  if ( sqrtTerm < 0.0 ) {
1215  rho.setImagPart( TMath::Sqrt( -sqrtTerm ) );
1216  } else {
1217  rho.setRealPart( TMath::Sqrt( sqrtTerm ) );
1218  }
1220  return rho;
1221 }
1224 {
1225  // Calculate the K-eta' phase space factor
1226  LauComplex rho( 0.0, 0.0 );
1227  if ( TMath::Abs( s ) < 1e-10 ) {
1228  return rho;
1229  }
1231  Double_t sqrtTerm1 = ( -mKEtaPSumSq_ / s ) + 1.0;
1232  Double_t sqrtTerm2 = ( -mKEtaPDiffSq_ / s ) + 1.0;
1233  Double_t sqrtTerm = sqrtTerm1 * sqrtTerm2;
1234  if ( sqrtTerm < 0.0 ) {
1235  rho.setImagPart( TMath::Sqrt( -sqrtTerm ) );
1236  } else {
1237  rho.setRealPart( TMath::Sqrt( sqrtTerm ) );
1238  }
1240  return rho;
1241 }
1244 {
1245  // Calculate the Kpipipi + multimeson phase space factor.
1246  // Use the simplest definition in hep-ph/9705401 (Eq 14), which is the form
1247  // used for the rest of that paper (thankfully, the amplitude does not depend
1248  // significantly on the form used for the K3pi phase space factor).
1249  LauComplex rho( 0.0, 0.0 );
1250  if ( TMath::Abs( s ) < 1e-10 ) {
1251  return rho;
1252  }
1254  if ( s < 1.44 ) {
1256  Double_t powerTerm = ( -mK3piDiffSq_ / s ) + 1.0;
1257  if ( powerTerm < 0.0 ) {
1258  rho.setImagPart( k3piFactor_ * TMath::Power( -powerTerm, 2.5 ) );
1259  } else {
1260  rho.setRealPart( k3piFactor_ * TMath::Power( powerTerm, 2.5 ) );
1261  }
1263  } else {
1264  rho.setRealPart( 1.0 );
1265  }
1267  return rho;
1268 }
1270 Bool_t LauKMatrixPropagator::checkPhaseSpaceType( const Int_t phaseSpaceInt ) const
1271 {
1272  Bool_t passed( kFALSE );
1274  if ( phaseSpaceInt >= 1 &&
1275  phaseSpaceInt < static_cast<Int_t>( LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels::TotChannels ) ) {
1276  passed = kTRUE;
1277  }
1279  return passed;
1280 }
1282 LauComplex LauKMatrixPropagator::getTransitionAmp( const Double_t s, const Int_t channel )
1283 {
1285  // Get the complex (unitary) transition amplitude T for the given channel
1286  LauComplex TAmp( 0.0, 0.0 );
1288  if ( channel <= 0 || channel > nChannels_ ) {
1289  return TAmp;
1290  }
1292  this->getTMatrix( s );
1294  TAmp.setRealPart( ReTMatrix_[index_][channel - 1] );
1295  TAmp.setImagPart( ImTMatrix_[index_][channel - 1] );
1297  return TAmp;
1298 }
1300 LauComplex LauKMatrixPropagator::getPhaseSpaceTerm( const Double_t s, const Int_t channel )
1301 {
1303  // Get the complex (unitary) transition amplitude T for the given channel
1304  LauComplex rho( 0.0, 0.0 );
1306  if ( channel <= 0 || channel > nChannels_ ) {
1307  return rho;
1308  }
1310  // If s has changed from the previous value, recalculate rho
1311  if ( TMath::Abs( s - previousS_ ) > 1e-6 * s ) {
1312  this->calcRhoMatrix( s );
1313  }
1315  rho.setRealPart( ReRhoMatrix_[channel][channel - 1] );
1316  rho.setImagPart( ImRhoMatrix_[channel][channel - 1] );
1318  return rho;
1319 }
1322 {
1324  // Find the unitary T matrix, where T = [sqrt(rho)]^{*} T_hat sqrt(rho),
1325  // and T_hat = (I - i K rho)^-1 * K is the Lorentz-invariant T matrix,
1326  // which has phase-space factors included (rho). This function is not
1327  // needed to calculate the K-matrix amplitudes, but allows us
1328  // to check the variation of T as a function of s (kinematics)
1330  if ( ! kinematics ) {
1331  return;
1332  }
1334  // Get the invariant mass squared (s) from the kinematics object.
1335  // Use the resPairAmpInt to find which mass-squared combination to use.
1336  Double_t s( 0.0 );
1338  if ( resPairAmpInt_ == 1 ) {
1339  s = kinematics->getm23Sq();
1340  } else if ( resPairAmpInt_ == 2 ) {
1341  s = kinematics->getm13Sq();
1342  } else if ( resPairAmpInt_ == 3 ) {
1343  s = kinematics->getm12Sq();
1344  }
1346  this->getTMatrix( s );
1347 }
1349 void LauKMatrixPropagator::getTMatrix( const Double_t s )
1350 {
1352  // Find the unitary transition T matrix, where
1353  // T = [sqrt(rho)]^{*} T_hat sqrt(rho), and
1354  // T_hat = (I - i K rho)^-1 * K is the Lorentz-invariant T matrix,
1355  // which has phase-space factors included (rho). Note that the first
1356  // sqrt of the rho matrix is complex conjugated.
1358  // This function is not needed to calculate the K-matrix amplitudes, but
1359  // allows us to check the variation of T as a function of s (kinematics)
1361  // Initialse the real and imaginary parts of the T matrix to zero
1362  ReTMatrix_.Zero();
1363  ImTMatrix_.Zero();
1365  if ( parametersSet_ == kFALSE ) {
1366  return;
1367  }
1369  // Update K, rho and the propagator (I - i K rho)^-1
1370  this->updatePropagator( s );
1372  // Find the real and imaginary T_hat matrices
1373  TMatrixD THatReal = realProp_ * ScattKMatrix_;
1374  TMatrixD THatImag( zeroMatrix_ );
1375  THatImag -= negImagProp_ * ScattKMatrix_;
1377  // Find the square-root of the phase space matrix
1378  this->getSqrtRhoMatrix();
1380  // Let sqrt(rho) = A + iB and T_hat = C + iD
1381  // => T = A(CA-DB) + B(DA+CB) + i[A(DA+CB) + B(DB-CA)]
1382  TMatrixD CA( THatReal );
1383  CA *= ReSqrtRhoMatrix_;
1384  TMatrixD DA( THatImag );
1385  DA *= ReSqrtRhoMatrix_;
1386  TMatrixD CB( THatReal );
1387  CB *= ImSqrtRhoMatrix_;
1388  TMatrixD DB( THatImag );
1389  DB *= ImSqrtRhoMatrix_;
1391  TMatrixD CAmDB( CA );
1392  CAmDB -= DB;
1393  TMatrixD DApCB( DA );
1394  DApCB += CB;
1395  TMatrixD DBmCA( DB );
1396  DBmCA -= CA;
1398  // Find the real and imaginary parts of the transition matrix T
1399  ReTMatrix_ = ReSqrtRhoMatrix_ * CAmDB + ImSqrtRhoMatrix_ * DApCB;
1400  ImTMatrix_ = ReSqrtRhoMatrix_ * DApCB + ImSqrtRhoMatrix_ * DBmCA;
1401 }
1404 {
1406  // Find the square root of the (current) phase space matrix so that
1407  // we can find T = [sqrt(rho)}^{*} T_hat sqrt(rho), where T_hat is the
1408  // Lorentz-invariant T matrix = (I - i K rho)^-1 * K; note that the first
1409  // sqrt of rho matrix is complex conjugated
1411  // If rho = rho_i + i rho_r = a + i b, then sqrt(rho) = c + i d, where
1412  // c = sqrt(0.5*(r+a)) and d = sqrt(0.5(r-a)), where r = sqrt(a^2 + b^2).
1413  // Since rho is diagonal, then the square root of rho will also be diagonal,
1414  // with its real and imaginary matrix elements equal to c and d, respectively
1416  // Initialise the real and imaginary parts of the square root of
1417  // the rho matrix to zero
1418  ReSqrtRhoMatrix_.Zero();
1419  ImSqrtRhoMatrix_.Zero();
1421  for ( Int_t iChannel( 0 ); iChannel < nChannels_; ++iChannel ) {
1423  Double_t realRho = ReRhoMatrix_[iChannel][iChannel];
1424  Double_t imagRho = ImRhoMatrix_[iChannel][iChannel];
1426  Double_t rhoMag = sqrt( realRho * realRho + imagRho * imagRho );
1427  Double_t rhoSum = rhoMag + realRho;
1428  Double_t rhoDiff = rhoMag - realRho;
1430  Double_t reSqrtRho( 0.0 ), imSqrtRho( 0.0 );
1431  if ( rhoSum > 0.0 ) {
1432  reSqrtRho = sqrt( 0.5 * rhoSum );
1433  }
1434  if ( rhoDiff > 0.0 ) {
1435  imSqrtRho = sqrt( 0.5 * rhoDiff );
1436  }
1438  ReSqrtRhoMatrix_[iChannel][iChannel] = reSqrtRho;
1439  ImSqrtRhoMatrix_[iChannel][iChannel] = imSqrtRho;
1440  }
1441 }
1443 LauComplex LauKMatrixPropagator::getTHat( const Double_t s, const Int_t channel )
1444 {
1446  LauComplex THat( 0.0, 0.0 );
1448  if ( channel <= 0 || channel > nChannels_ ) {
1449  return THat;
1450  }
1452  this->updatePropagator( s );
1454  // Find the real and imaginary T_hat matrices
1455  TMatrixD THatReal = realProp_ * ScattKMatrix_;
1456  TMatrixD THatImag( zeroMatrix_ );
1457  THatImag -= negImagProp_ * ScattKMatrix_;
1459  // Return the specific THat component
1460  THat.setRealPart( THatReal[index_][channel - 1] );
1461  THat.setImagPart( THatImag[index_][channel - 1] );
1463  return THat;
1464 }
Double_t getScatteringConstant(const Int_t channel1Index, const Int_t channel2Index) const
Get scattering constants that were loaded from the input file.
TMatrixD ImTMatrix_
Imaginary part of the unitary T matrix.
Double_t prodSVP_
"slowly-varying part" for the production K-matrix
LauComplex getTransitionAmp(const Double_t s, const Int_t channel)
Get the unitary transition amplitude for the given channel.
const Double_t mPiSq
Square of pi+- mass.
Definition: LauConstants.hh:80
Double_t sAConst_
Defined as 0.5*sA*mPi*mPi.
LauComplex calcPiPiRho(const Double_t s) const
Calculate the pipi phase space factor.
void setRealPart(Double_t realpart)
Set the real part.
Definition: LauComplex.hh:311
const Double_t mDstar0KDiffSq_
Defined as (mD*0-mK)^2.
const Double_t m2piSq_
Defined as 4*mPi*mPi.
Class for defining the fit parameter objects.
Definition: LauParameter.hh:49
Double_t unblindValue() const
The unblinded value of the parameter.
Double_t scattSVP_
"slowly-varying part" for the scattering K-matrix
void storeScattering(const std::vector< std::string > &theLine)
Store the scattering coefficients from a line in the parameter file.
const Double_t mKEtaPSumSq_
Defined as (mK+mEta')^2.
Double_t getImagPropTerm(const Int_t channelIndex) const
Get the imaginary part of the term of the propagator.
Class for parsing text files.
Double_t calcSVPTerm(const Double_t s, const Double_t s0) const
Calculate the "slow-varying part".
Double_t getm12Sq() const
Get the m12 invariant mass square.
LauParameter sA0_
Constant from input file.
const Double_t m2KSq_
Defined as 4*mK*mK.
TMatrixD IMatrix_
Identity matrix.
LauParArray gCouplings_
Array of coupling constants.
Integers to specify the allowed channels for the phase space calculations.
Int_t index_
Row index - 1.
Double_t getRealPropTerm(const Int_t channelIndex) const
Get the real part of the term of the propagator.
std::vector< Double_t > poleDenomVect_
Vector of 1/(m_pole^2 - s) terms for scattering and production K-matrix formulae.
LauComplex getTHat(const Double_t s, const Int_t channel)
Get the THat amplitude for the given s and channel number.
std::vector< LauParameter > mSqPoles_
Vector of squared pole masses.
Int_t nPoles_
Number of poles.
Int_t nChannels_
Number of channels.
void updateScattSVPTerm(const Double_t s)
Update the scattering "slowly-varying part".
const Double_t m2EtaSq_
Defined as 4*mEta*mEta.
UInt_t getTotalNumLines() const
Get the total number of lines that are not comments.
void setParameters(const TString &inputFile)
Read an input file to set parameters.
LauParArray fScattering_
Array of scattering SVP values.
TMatrixD realProp_
Real part of the propagator matrix.
void getSqrtRhoMatrix()
Get the square root of the phase space matrix.
LauParameter mSq0_
Constant from input file.
TMatrixD ReTMatrix_
Real part of the unitary T matrix.
TString name_
String to store the propagator name.
Bool_t haveCalled_storeBarrierFactorParameter
Boolean to indicate whether storeBarrierFactorParameter has been called.
Double_t adlerZeroFactor_
Multiplicative factor containing various Adler zero constants.
void storePole(const std::vector< std::string > &theLine)
Store the pole mass and couplings from a line in the parameter file.
const Double_t k3piFactor_
Factor used to calculate the Kpipipi phase space term.
TMatrixD ImRhoMatrix_
Imaginary part of the phase space density diagonal matrix.
std::vector< KMatrixChannels > phaseSpaceTypes_
Vector of phase space types.
TMatrixD ReRhoMatrix_
Real part of the phase space density diagonal matrix.
LauComplex calcFourPiRho(const Double_t s) const
Calculate the 4 pi phase space factor.
const Double_t fourPiFactor1_
Factor used to calculate the pipipipi phase space term.
Class for defining a complex number.
Definition: LauComplex.hh:61
void updateAdlerZeroFactor(const Double_t s)
Calculate the multiplicative factor containing severa Adler zero constants.
TMatrixD ReSqrtRhoMatrix_
Real part of the square root of the phase space density diagonal matrix.
void getTMatrix(const LauKinematics *kinematics)
Get the unitary transition amplitude matrix for the given kinematics.
const Double_t mKpiDiffSq_
Defined as (mK-mPi)^2.
Double_t getCouplingConstant(const Int_t poleIndex, const Int_t channelIndex) const
Get coupling constants that were loaded from the input file.
void calcGammaMatrix(const Double_t s)
Calculate the (real) gamma angular-momentum barrier matrix.
LauParameter s0Scatt_
Constant from input file.
Double_t getPoleDenomTerm(const Int_t poleIndex) const
Get the 1/(m_pole^2 -s) terms for the scattering and production K-matrix formulae.
void calcPoleDenomVect(const Double_t s)
Calulate the term 1/(m_pole^2 - s) for the scattering and production K-matrix formulae.
void storeRadii(const std::vector< std::string > &theLine)
Store the channels' characteristic radii from a line in the parameter file.
LauComplex calcKKRho(const Double_t s) const
Calculate the KK phase space factor.
LauParameter & getCouplingParameter(const Int_t poleIndex, const Int_t channelIndex)
Get coupling parameters, set according to the input file.
LauComplex calcDstar0KRho(const Double_t s) const
Calculate the D*0K+ phase space factor.
Bool_t parametersSet_
Tracks if all params have been set.
static constexpr Bool_t verbose_
Control the output of the functions.
LauComplex calcKEtaPRho(const Double_t s) const
Calculate the K-eta' phase space factor.
Double_t abs() const
Obtain the absolute value of the complex number.
Definition: LauComplex.hh:254
File containing declaration of LauComplex class.
TMatrixD GammaMatrix_
Gamma angular-momentum barrier matrix.
void storeOrbitalAngularMomenta(const std::vector< std::string > &theLine, std::vector< Int_t > &a)
Store the channels' angular momenta from a line in the parameter file.
void calcRhoMatrix(const Double_t s)
Calculate the real and imaginary part of the phase space density diagonal matrix.
void calcScattKMatrix(const Double_t s)
Calculate the scattering K-matrix for the given value of s.
const Double_t mK3piDiffSq_
Defined as (mK-3*mPi)^2.
void updatePropagator(const Double_t s)
Calculate the K-matrix propagator for the given s value.
const Double_t mKpiSumSq_
Defined as (mK+mPi)^2.
void storeParameter(const TString &keyword, const TString &parString)
Store miscelleanous parameters from a line in the parameter file.
const Double_t mD0KSumSq_
Defined as (mD0+mK)^2.
LauComplex calcKPiRho(const Double_t s) const
Calculate the Kpi phase space factor.
LauKMatrixPropagator(const TString &name, const TString &paramFileName, const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const Int_t nChannels, const Int_t nPoles, const Int_t rowIndex=1)
virtual ~LauKMatrixPropagator()
Double_t previousS_
s value of the previous pole
LauParameter & getScatteringParameter(const Int_t channel1Index, const Int_t channel2Index)
Get scattering parameters, set according to the input file.
Default constructor.
LauComplex getPhaseSpaceTerm(const Double_t s, const Int_t channel)
Get the complex phase space term for the given channel and invariant mass squared.
File containing declaration of LauTextFileParser class.
LauComplex getRho(const Double_t s, const LauKMatrixPropagator::KMatrixChannels) const
Retrieve the complex phasespace density for a given channel.
LauComplex calcEtaEtaPRho(const Double_t s) const
Calculate the eta-eta' phase space factor.
LauParameter sA_
Constant from input file.
Bool_t scattSymmetry_
Control if scattering constants are channel symmetric: f_ji = f_ij.
Double_t re() const
Get the real part.
Definition: LauComplex.hh:242
const TString & name() const
The parameter name.
void processFile()
Parse the file.
LauParameter & getPoleMassSqParameter(const Int_t poleIndex)
Get pole mass parameters, set according to the input file.
const Double_t mKEtaPDiffSq_
Defined as (mK-mEta')^2.
TMatrixD negImagProp_
Imaginary part of the propagator matrix.
void updateProdSVPTerm(const Double_t s)
Update the production "slowly-varying part".
const Double_t mEtaEtaPSumSq_
Defined as (mEta+mEta')^2.
void storeBarrierFactorParameter(const std::vector< std::string > &theLine, std::vector< Int_t > &a)
Store the barrier-factor parameter from a line in the parameter file.
const Double_t mD0KDiffSq_
Defined as (mD0-mK)^2.
void storeChannels(const std::vector< std::string > &theLine)
Store the (phase space) channel indices from a line in the parameter file.
std::vector< Double_t > radii_
Vector of characteristic radii.
const Double_t mDstar0KSumSq_
Defined as (mD*0+mK)^2.
TString name_
The parameter name.
Class for calculating 3-body kinematic quantities.
Bool_t includeBWBarrierFactor_
Boolean to dictate whether to include Blatt-Weisskopf-like denominator in K-matrix centrifugal barrie...
File containing declaration of LauKMatrixPropagator class.
LauComplex getPropTerm(const Int_t channelIndex) const
Get the full complex propagator term for a given channel.
std::vector< Double_t > gamAInvRadSq_
Vector of ratio a/R^2.
Int_t resPairAmpInt_
Number to identify the DP axis in question.
LauComplex calcEtaEtaRho(const Double_t s) const
Calculate the eta-eta phase space factor.
void initialiseMatrices()
Initialise and set the dimensions for the internal matrices and parameter arrays.
Double_t im() const
Get the imaginary part.
Definition: LauComplex.hh:248
void setImagPart(Double_t imagpart)
Set the imaginary part.
Definition: LauComplex.hh:317
std::vector< Int_t > L_
Vector of orbital angular momenta.
std::vector< std::string > getLine(UInt_t lineNo)
Retrieve the specified line.
Double_t calcGamma(const Int_t iCh, const Double_t s) const
Calculate the gamma angular-momentum barrier.
Bool_t checkPhaseSpaceType(const Int_t phaseSpaceInt) const
Check the phase space factors that need to be used.
Double_t getm23Sq() const
Get the m23 invariant mass square.
TMatrixD zeroMatrix_
Null matrix.
Double_t getm13Sq() const
Get the m13 invariant mass square.
TMatrixD ScattKMatrix_
Scattering K-matrix.
LauComplex calcKThreePiRho(const Double_t s) const
Calculate the Kpipipi phase space factor.
TMatrixD ImSqrtRhoMatrix_
Imaginary part of the square root of the phase space density diagonal matrix.
File containing declaration of LauKinematics class.
LauParameter s0Prod_
Constant from input file.
LauComplex calcD0KRho(const Double_t s) const
Calculate the D0K+ phase space factor.