Utility class to allow the calculation of the chisq of the fit to the Dalitz plot.
void | initialiseHistos () |
| Read the config file, read the data and create histograms.
void | pickBinning (const Double_t *xs, const Double_t *ys, const Int_t nEntries, std::vector< Int_t > &divisions) |
| Choose the binning scheme. More...
void | getHisto (const Double_t xMin, const Double_t xMax, const Double_t yMin, const Double_t yMax, const Double_t *xs, const Double_t *ys, const Int_t nEntries, const std::vector< Int_t > &divisions, const UInt_t iter=0) |
| Create the template histogram based on the binning scheme. More...
void | calculateChiSq () |
| Calculate the chisq from the data histograms.
void | makePlots () |
| Create plots.
TString | inputFileName_ |
| Name of the config file.
TString | fileName1_ |
| Name of the low stats data file.
TString | fileName2_ |
| Name of the high stats data file.
TString | treeName1_ |
| Name of the low stats data tree.
TString | treeName2_ |
| Name of the high stats data tree.
TString | xName1_ |
| Name of the x-coordinate branch in tree 1.
TString | xName2_ |
| Name of the x-coordinate branch in tree 2.
TString | yName1_ |
| Name of the y-coordinate branch in tree 1.
TString | yName2_ |
| Name of the y-coordinate branch in tree 2.
Float_t | minContent_ |
| The minimum bin content.
TH2Poly * | theHisto_ |
| Template histogram constructed from the binning scheme.
TH2Poly * | histo1_ |
| Histogram (constructed from template) filled from tree 1.
TH2Poly * | histo2_ |
| Histogram (constructed from template) filled from tree 2.
TH2Poly * | pullHisto_ |
| Histogram (constructed from template) filled with pulls of tree1 vs tree2.
TH2Poly * | chiSqHisto_ |
| Histogram (constructed from template) filled with chisq of tree1 vs tree2.
TH2Poly * | chiSqSignedHisto_ |
| Histogram (constructed from template) filled with signed chisq of tree1 vs tree2.
Float_t | xMin_ |
| Minimum x coordinate of histograms.
Float_t | xMax_ |
| Maximum x coordinate of histograms.
Float_t | yMin_ |
| Minimum y coordinate of histograms.
Float_t | yMax_ |
| Maximum y coordinate of histograms.
Int_t | nParams_ |
| Number of free parameters in fit (used for calculating the ndof)
Float_t | scaleFactor_ |
| Scalefactor between low and high stats data samples.
Bool_t | verbose_ |
| Verbose flag.
Utility class to allow the calculation of the chisq of the fit to the Dalitz plot.
A utility class to allow the calculation of the chisq of the fit to the Dalitz plot.
A text config file is provided that gives the datasets for the data and toy MC generated from the fit results. These can be in the traditional DP or the square DP.
A sample config file is provided. The fields are:
<name of file containing data histogram> <name of data tree> <name of the x axis variable in data> <name of the y axis variable in data>
<name of file containing toy MC histogram> <name of toy MC tree> <name of the x axis variable in toy MC> <name of the y axis variable in toy MC>
<the minimum content for any bin> <the number of free parameter in the fit> <the scalefactor by which the toy MC bin content should be multiplied> <minimum x value> <maximum x value> <minimum y value> <maximum y value>
Definition at line 50 of file LauCalcChiSq.hh.