| LauGaussIncohRes (LauResonanceInfo *resInfo, const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const LauDaughters *daughters) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~LauGaussIncohRes () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | initialise () |
| Initialise the model.
virtual Double_t | intensityFactor (const LauKinematics *kinematics) |
| Get intensity factor. More...
virtual LauAbsResonance::LauResonanceModel | getResonanceModel () const |
| Get the resonance model type. More...
virtual const std::vector< LauParameter * > & | getFloatingParameters () |
| Retrieve the resonance parameters, e.g. so that they can be loaded into a fit. More...
| LauAbsIncohRes (LauResonanceInfo *resInfo, const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const LauDaughters *daughters) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~LauAbsIncohRes () |
| Destructor.
| LauAbsResonance (LauResonanceInfo *resInfo, const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const LauDaughters *daughters) |
| Constructor (for use by standard resonances) More...
| LauAbsResonance (const TString &resName, const Int_t resPairAmpInt, const LauDaughters *daughters, const Int_t resSpin) |
| Constructor (for use by K-matrix components) More...
virtual | ~LauAbsResonance () |
| Destructor.
virtual LauComplex | amplitude (const LauKinematics *kinematics) |
| Calculate the complex amplitude. More...
LauSpinType | getSpinType () const |
| Get the spin type. More...
const TString & | getResonanceName () const |
| Get the name of the resonance. More...
const TString & | getSanitisedName () const |
| Get the name of the resonance. More...
Int_t | getPairInt () const |
| Get the integer to identify which DP axis the resonance belongs to. More...
Int_t | getSpin () const |
| Get the spin of the resonance. More...
Int_t | getCharge () const |
| Get the charge of the resonance. More...
Double_t | getMass () const |
| Get the mass of the resonance. More...
Double_t | getWidth () const |
| Get the width of the resonance. More...
LauParameter * | getMassPar () |
| Get the mass parameter of the resonance. More...
LauParameter * | getWidthPar () |
| Get the width parameter of the resonance. More...
virtual Bool_t | preSymmetrised () const |
| Is the amplitude pre-symmetrised? More...
Bool_t | flipHelicity () const |
| Get the helicity flip flag. More...
void | flipHelicity (const Bool_t boolean) |
| Set the helicity flip flag. More...
Bool_t | ignoreMomenta () const |
| Get the ignore momenta flag. More...
void | ignoreMomenta (const Bool_t boolean) |
| Set the ignore momenta flag. More...
Bool_t | ignoreSpin () const |
| Get the ignore spin flag. More...
void | ignoreSpin (const Bool_t boolean) |
| Set the ignore spin flag. More...
Bool_t | ignoreBarrierScaling () const |
| Get the ignore barrier factor scaling flag. More...
void | ignoreBarrierScaling (const Bool_t boolean) |
| Set the ignore barrier factor scaling flag. More...
void | changeResonance (const Double_t newMass, const Double_t newWidth, const Int_t newSpin) |
| Allow the mass, width and spin of the resonance to be changed. More...
void | changeBWBarrierRadii (const Double_t resRadius, const Double_t parRadius) |
| Allow the Blatt-Weisskopf radius for the resonance and parent factors to be changed. More...
virtual void | setResonanceParameter (const TString &name, const Double_t value) |
| Set value of the various parameters. More...
virtual void | floatResonanceParameter (const TString &name) |
| Allow the various parameters to float in the fit. More...
virtual LauParameter * | getResonanceParameter (const TString &name) |
| Access the given resonance parameter. More...
void | fixMass (const Bool_t parFixed) |
| Fix or release the resonance mass. More...
void | fixWidth (const Bool_t parFixed) |
| Fix or release the resonance width. More...
Bool_t | fixMass () const |
| Get the status of resonance mass (fixed or released) More...
Bool_t | fixWidth () const |
| Get the status of resonance width (fixed or released) More...
void | setSpinType (const LauSpinType spinType) |
| Set the spin formalism to be used. More...
void | setBarrierRadii (LauBlattWeisskopfFactor *resFactor, LauBlattWeisskopfFactor *parFactor) |
| Set the form factor model and parameters. More...
void | fixBarrierRadii (const Bool_t fixResRadius, const Bool_t fixParRadius) |
| Fix or release the Blatt-Weisskopf barrier radii.
Bool_t | fixResRadius () const |
| Get the status of resonance barrier radius (fixed or released)
Bool_t | fixParRadius () const |
| Get the status of parent barrier radius (fixed or released)
Double_t | getResRadius () const |
| Get the radius of the resonance barrier factor.
Double_t | getParRadius () const |
| Get the radius of the parent barrier factor.
enum | LauResonanceModel {
} |
| Define the allowed resonance types. More...
enum | LauSpinType { Zemach_P,
} |
| Define the allowed spin formalisms. More...
static bool | isIncoherentModel (LauResonanceModel model) |
| Is the resonance model incoherent? More...
virtual LauComplex | resAmp (Double_t mass, Double_t spinTerm) |
| Complex resonant amplitude. More...
TString | getNameParent () const |
| Get the name of the parent particle.
TString | getNameDaug1 () const |
| Get the name of the first daughter of the resonance.
TString | getNameDaug2 () const |
| Get the name of the second daughter of the resonance.
TString | getNameBachelor () const |
| Get the name of the daughter that does not originate form the resonance.
Double_t | getMassParent () const |
| Get the parent particle mass.
Double_t | getMassDaug1 () const |
| Get the mass of daughter 1.
Double_t | getMassDaug2 () const |
| Get the mass of daughter 2.
Double_t | getMassBachelor () const |
| Get the mass of the bachelor daughter.
Int_t | getChargeParent () const |
| Get the Charge of the parent particle.
Int_t | getChargeDaug1 () const |
| Get the charge of daughter 1.
Int_t | getChargeDaug2 () const |
| Get the charge of daughter 2.
Int_t | getChargeBachelor () const |
| Get the charge of the bachelor daughter.
Double_t | getQ () const |
| Get the current value of the daughter momentum in the resonance rest frame.
Double_t | getP () const |
| Get the current value of the bachelor momentum in the resonance rest frame.
Double_t | getPstar () const |
| Get the current value of the bachelor momentum in the parent rest frame.
Double_t | getCovFactor () const |
| Get the current value of the full spin-dependent covariant factor.
LauBlattWeisskopfFactor * | getParBWFactor () |
| Get the centrifugal barrier for the parent decay.
const LauBlattWeisskopfFactor * | getParBWFactor () const |
| Get the centrifugal barrier for the parent decay.
LauBlattWeisskopfFactor * | getResBWFactor () |
| Get the centrifugal barrier for the resonance decay.
const LauBlattWeisskopfFactor * | getResBWFactor () const |
| Get the centrifugal barrier for the resonance decay.
LauResonanceInfo * | getResInfo () const |
| Access the resonance info object.
const LauDaughters * | getDaughters () const |
| Access the daughters object.
Double_t | calcZemachSpinFactor (const Double_t pProd) const |
| Calculate the amplitude spin term using the Zemach tensor formalism. More...
Double_t | calcCovSpinFactor (const Double_t pProd) |
| Calculate the amplitude spin term using the covariant tensor formalism. More...
void | calcCovFactor (const Double_t erm) |
| Calculate the spin-dependent covariant factor. More...
Double_t | calcLegendrePoly () const |
| Calculate the Legendre polynomial for the spin factor. More...
Double_t | calcLegendrePoly (const Double_t cosHel) |
| Calculate the Legendre polynomial for the spin factor (specifying the cosHel value) More...
void | clearFloatingParameters () |
| Clear list of floating parameters.
void | addFloatingParameter (LauParameter *param) |
| Add parameter to the list of floating parameters. More...
std::vector< LauParameter * > & | getParameters () |
| Access the list of floating parameters.
Class for defining an incoherent resonance with a Gaussian mass dependence.
Useful for modelling resolution-dominated sharp structures such as D*(2010)
Definition at line 45 of file LauGaussIncohRes.hh.