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57 LauCPFitModel(LauIsobarDynamics* negModel, LauIsobarDynamics* posModel, Bool_t tagged = kTRUE, const TString& tagVarName = "charge");
74 virtual void setNSigEvents(LauParameter* nSigEvents, LauParameter* sigAsym, Bool_t forceAsym = kFALSE);
99 void setBkgndDPModels(const TString& bkgndClass, LauAbsBkgndDPModel* negModel, LauAbsBkgndDPModel* posModel);
112 void splitSignalComponent( const TH2* dpHisto, const Bool_t upperHalf = kFALSE, const Bool_t fluctuateBins = kFALSE, LauScfMap* scfMap = 0 );
void generateExtraPdfValues(LauPdfList *extraPdfs, LauEmbeddedData *embeddedData) Generate from the extra PDFs. Definition: The abstract interface for a background Dalitz plot model. Definition: LauAbsBkgndDPModel.hh:31 virtual LauSPlot::NameSet variableNames() const Returns the names of all variables in the fit. Definition: LauKinematics * negKinematics_ The B- Dalitz plot kinematics object. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:451 virtual void printAsymmetries(std::ostream &output) Print the asymmetries. Definition: Bool_t smearSCFDP() const Determine if we are smearing the SCF DP PDF. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:131 void addSPlotNtupleBranches(const LauPdfList *extraPdfs, const TString &prefix) Add sPlot branches for the extra PDFs. Definition: void setExtraPdfParameters() Set the fit parameters for the extra PDFs. Definition: LauBkgndDPModelList posBkgndDPModels_ The B+ background Dalitz plot models. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:448 UInt_t nNormPar_ Number of normalisation parameters (yields, asymmetries) Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:487 Bool_t useSCF() const Determine whether we are splitting the signal into TM and SCF parts. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:125 File containing declaration of LauAbsFitModel class. void calcExtraFractions(Bool_t initValues=kFALSE) Calculate the CP-conserving and CP-violating fit fractions. Definition: std::vector< LauComplex > negCoeffs_ The complex coefficients for B-. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:592 std::multimap< TString, std::pair< TString, TString > > TwoDMap Type to associate the name of the species that have 2D PDFs with the names of the two variables invol... Definition: LauSPlot.hh:68 virtual Bool_t scfDPSmear() const Check if the mis-reconstructed signal is to be smeared in the DP. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:416 virtual void getEvtExtraLikelihoods(UInt_t iEvt) Determine the signal and background likelihood for the extra variables for a given event... Definition: virtual Bool_t genExpt() Toy MC generation and fitting overloaded functions. Definition: void embedNegSignal(const TString &fileName, const TString &treeName, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinEnsemble, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinExperiment=kFALSE, Bool_t useReweighting=kFALSE) Embed full simulation events for the B- signal, rather than generating toy from the PDFs... Definition: std::vector< Double_t > fakeSCFFracs_ The cached values of the SCF fraction for each bin centre. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:574 ClassDef(LauSimFitSlave, 0) std::vector< std::vector< LauParameter > > LauParArray Type to define an array of parameters. Definition: LauParameter.hh:576 Bool_t storeSignalMCMatch(LauEmbeddedData *embeddedData) Store the MC truth info on the TM/SCF nature of the embedded signal event. Definition: LauGenInfo eventsToGenerate() Determine the number of events to generate for each hypothesis. Definition: std::vector< Double_t > bkgndTotalLike_ Total background likelihood(s) Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:649 std::vector< Double_t > recoSCFFracs_ The cached values of the SCF fraction for each event. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:571 std::vector< Double_t > bkgndExtraLike_ Background likelihood value(s) from extra PDFs. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:640 virtual void cacheInputFitVars() Read in the input fit data variables, e.g. m13Sq and m23Sq. Definition: void setSignalDPParameters() Set the fit parameters for the DP model. Definition: void appendBinCentres(LauFitDataTree *inputData) Append fake data points to the inputData for each bin in the SCF smearing matrix. ... Definition: virtual void checkInitFitParams() Check the initial fit parameters. Definition: virtual void recalculateNormalisation() Recalculate Normalization the signal DP models. Definition: virtual void finaliseFitResults(const TString &tablePrefixName) Get the fit results and store them. Definition: virtual void printFitFractions(std::ostream &output) Print the fit fractions, total DP rate and mean efficiency. Definition: LauParArray negFitFracEffUnCorr_ Fit B- fractions (uncorrected for the efficiency) Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:499 LauParArray posFitFracEffUnCorr_ Fit B+ fractions (uncorrected for the efficiency) Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:502 std::vector< LauAbsBkgndDPModel * > LauBkgndDPModelList Typedef for a vector of background DP models. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:220 File containing declaration of LauParameter class. virtual Bool_t splitSignal() const Check if the signal is split into well-reconstructed and mis-reconstructed types. ... Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:413 std::vector< LauPdfList > LauBkgndPdfsList Typedef for a vector of background PDFs. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:223 void calcAsymmetries(Bool_t initValues=kFALSE) Calculate the CP asymmetries. Definition: std::map< TString, Double_t > NumbMap Type to associate a category name with a double precision number, e.g. a yield or PDF value for a giv... Definition: LauSPlot.hh:62 virtual void setNBkgndEvents(LauParameter *nBkgndEvents) Set the background event yield(s) Definition: virtual LauSPlot::NumbMap fixdSpeciesNames() const Returns the names and yields of species that are fixed in the fit. Definition: Class for defining the abstract interface for complex coefficient classes. Definition: LauAbsCoeffSet.hh:34 virtual void setAmpCoeffSet(LauAbsCoeffSet *coeffSet) Set the DP amplitude coefficients. Definition: Class to store the data for embedding in toy experiments. Definition: LauEmbeddedData.hh:33 virtual void setupSPlotNtupleBranches() Add branches to store experiment number and the event number within the experiment. Definition: void splitSignalComponent(const TH2 *dpHisto, const Bool_t upperHalf=kFALSE, const Bool_t fluctuateBins=kFALSE, LauScfMap *scfMap=0) Split the signal component into well-reconstructed and mis-reconstructed parts. Definition: std::vector< Double_t > bkgndDPLike_ Background DP likelihood value(s) Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:631 void embedNegBkgnd(const TString &bgClass, const TString &fileName, const TString &treeName, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinEnsemble, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinExperiment=kFALSE) Embed full simulation events for the given background class, rather than generating toy from the PDFs... Definition: LauBkgndReuseEventsList reuseBkgnd_ Vector of booleans to reuse background events. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:621 virtual void setNSigEvents(LauParameter *nSigEvents) Set the signal event yield. Definition: virtual void weightEvents(const TString &dataFileName, const TString &dataTreeName) Weight events based on the DP model. Definition: virtual void writeOutTable(const TString &outputFile) Write the fit results in latex table format. Definition: std::vector< LauParameter * > LauBkgndYieldList Typedef for a vector of background yields. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:226 LauCPFitModel(LauIsobarDynamics *negModel, LauIsobarDynamics *posModel, Bool_t tagged=kTRUE, const TString &tagVarName="charge") Constructor. Definition: Bool_t useSCFHist() const Determine whether the SCF fraction is DP-dependent. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:128 Class that implements the efficiency description across the signal Dalitz plot. Definition: LauEffModel.hh:37 Double_t setSPlotNtupleBranchValues(LauPdfList *extraPdfs, const TString &prefix, UInt_t iEvt) Set the branches for the sPlot ntuple with extra PDFs. Definition: std::vector< LauComplex > posCoeffs_ The complex coefficients for B+. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:595 void updateSigEvents() Update the signal events after Minuit sets background parameters. Definition: Class for defining signal dynamics using the isobar model. Definition: LauIsobarDynamics.hh:39 virtual void setupBkgndVectors() Define the length of the background vectors. Definition: LauCPFitModel & operator=(const LauCPFitModel &rhs) Copy assignment operator (not implemented) void setSignalPdfs(LauAbsPdf *negPdf, LauAbsPdf *posPdf) Set the signal PDFs. Definition: virtual LauSPlot::TwoDMap twodimPDFs() const Returns the species and variables for all 2D PDFs in the fit. Definition: virtual LauSPlot::NumbMap freeSpeciesNames() const Returns the names and yields of species that are free in the fit. Definition: LauEffModel * scfFracHist_ The histogram giving the DP-dependence of the SCF fraction. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:565 virtual void propagateParUpdates() Calculate things that depend on the fit parameters after they have been updated by Minuit... Definition: Class for representing the 4D smearing matrix for mis-reconstructed signal (self cross feed) ... Definition: LauScfMap.hh:29 virtual void storePerEvtLlhds() Store the per event likelihood values. Definition: std::vector< Double_t > recoJacobians_ The cached values of the sqDP jacobians for each event. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:577 std::vector< Bool_t > LauBkgndReuseEventsList Typedef for a vector of booleans to flag if events are reused. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:232 virtual Double_t getEventSum() const Get the total number of events. Definition: LauBkgndDPModelList negBkgndDPModels_ The B- background Dalitz plot models. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:445 std::vector< Double_t > fakeJacobians_ The cached values of the sqDP jacobians for each true bin. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:580 void embedPosBkgnd(const TString &bgClass, const TString &fileName, const TString &treeName, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinEnsemble, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinExperiment=kFALSE) Embed full simulation events for the given background class, rather than generating toy from the PDFs... Definition: virtual Double_t getEvtSCFDPLikelihood(UInt_t iEvt) Calculate the SCF likelihood for the DP for a given event. Definition: std::vector< LauEmbeddedData * > LauBkgndEmbDataList Typedef for a vector of embedded data objects. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:229 void setSCFPdfs(LauAbsPdf *negPdf, LauAbsPdf *posPdf) Set the SCF PDF for a given variable. Definition: std::map< std::pair< TString, Int_t >, std::pair< Int_t, Double_t > > LauGenInfo Define a map to be used to store a category name and numbers. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:217 void setBkgndPdfs(const TString &bkgndClass, LauAbsPdf *negPdf, LauAbsPdf *posPdf) Set the background PDFs. Definition: virtual Double_t getTotEvtLikelihood(UInt_t iEvt) Get the total likelihood for each event. Definition: virtual void getEvtDPLikelihood(UInt_t iEvt) Calculate the signal and background likelihoods for the DP for a given event. Definition: void setBkgndDPModels(const TString &bkgndClass, LauAbsBkgndDPModel *negModel, LauAbsBkgndDPModel *posModel) Set the background DP models. Definition: std::set< TString > NameSet Type to store names, e.g. of the discriminating/control variables. Definition: LauSPlot.hh:59 LauKinematics * posKinematics_ The B+ Dalitz plot kinematics object. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:454 void embedPosSignal(const TString &fileName, const TString &treeName, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinEnsemble, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinExperiment=kFALSE, Bool_t useReweighting=kFALSE) Embed full simulation events for the B+ signal, rather than generating toy from the PDFs... Definition: std::vector< LauParameter > fitFracAsymm_ The fit fraction asymmetries. Definition: LauCPFitModel.hh:511 void setExtraNtupleVars() Set-up other parameters that are derived from the fit results, e.g. fit fractions. Definition: Generated by ![]() |