Lau1DCubicSpline | Class for defining a 1D cubic spline based on a set of knots |
Lau2DAbsDP | Pure abstract base class for defining a variation across a 2D DP |
Lau2DAbsHistDP | Abstract base class for defining a variation across a 2D DP based on a histogram |
Lau2DHistDP | Class for defining a 2D DP histogram |
Lau2DSplineDP | Class for defining variations across a 2D DP using a spline |
Lau2DAbsDPPdf | Pure abstract base class for defining a variation across a 2D DP |
Lau2DAbsHistDPPdf | Abstract base class for defining a variation across a 2D DP based on a histogram |
Lau2DHistDPPdf | Class for defining a 2D DP histogram PDF |
Lau2DSplineDPPdf | Class for defining a 2D DP spline PDF |
Lau2DCubicSpline | Class for defining a 2D cubic spline based on an input histogram |
LauAbsBkgndDPModel | The abstract interface for a background Dalitz plot model |
LauBkgndDPModel | Class for defining a histogram-based background Dalitz plot model |
LauAbsCoeffSet | Class for defining the abstract interface for complex coefficient classes |
LauBelleCPCoeffSet | Class for defining a complex coefficient using the Belle CP convention. Holds a set of real values that define the complex coefficient of an amplitude component |
LauCartesianCPCoeffSet | Class for defining a complex coefficient using the Cartesian CP convention |
LauCartesianGammaCPCoeffSet | Class for defining a complex coefficient using the Cartesian gamma CP convention |
LauCleoCPCoeffSet | Class for defining a complex coefficient using the Cleo CP convention |
LauMagPhaseCoeffSet | Class for defining a complex coefficient using a magnitude and a phase |
LauMagPhaseCPCoeffSet | Class for defining a complex coefficient using seperate magnitudes and phases for particles and antiparticles |
LauPolarGammaCPCoeffSet | Class for defining a complex coefficient useful for extracting the CKM angle gamma from B -> D h h Dalitz plots |
LauRealImagCoeffSet | Class for defining a complex coefficient using real and imaginary parts |
LauRealImagCPCoeffSet | Class for defining a complex coefficient using a simple Cartesian CP convention |
LauRealImagGammaCPCoeffSet | Class for defining a complex coefficient using a Cartesian nonCP part multiplied by a simple Cartesian CP convention |
LauAbsEffModel | Pure abstract base class for defining the efficiency description across the signal Dalitz plot |
LauEffModel | Class that implements the efficiency description across the signal Dalitz plot |
LauWeightedSumEffModel | Class that implements the efficiency description across the signal Dalitz plot |
LauAbsFitter | The abstract interface to the fitter |
LauMinuit | The interface to the Minuit fitter |
LauAbsPdf | Class for defining the abstract interface for PDF classes |
Lau1DHistPdf | Class for defining a 1D histogram PDF |
Lau2DHistPdf | Class for defining a 2D histogram PDF |
LauArgusPdf | Class for defining an ARGUS PDF |
LauBifurcatedGaussPdf | Class for defining a bifurcated Gaussian PDF |
LauChebychevPdf | Class for defining a Chebychev Polynomial (1st kind) PDF |
LauCruijffPdf | Class for defining a Cruijff PDF |
LauCrystalBallPdf | Class for defining a Crystal Ball PDF |
LauDPDepBifurGaussPdf | Class for defining a Bifurcated Gaussian PDF (DP dependent) |
LauDPDepCruijffPdf | Class for defining a Cruijff PDF (with DP dependence) |
LauDPDepGaussPdf | Class for defining a Gaussian PDF (DP dependent) |
LauDPDepMapPdf | Class to allow having different PDFs in different regions of the DP |
LauDPDepSumPdf | Class for defining a PDF that is the DP-dependent sum of two other PDFs |
LauExponentialPdf | Class for defining an Exponential PDF |
LauGaussPdf | Class for defining a Gaussian PDF |
LauLinearPdf | Class for defining a straight line PDF |
LauNovosibirskPdf | Class for defining a Novosibirsk function PDF |
LauParametricStepFuncPdf | Class for defining a Parametric Step Function PDF |
LauSigmoidPdf | Class for defining a generalised sigmoid PDF |
LauSumPdf | Class for defining a PDF that is the sum of two other PDFs |
LauAbsResonance | Abstract class for defining type for resonance amplitude models (Breit-Wigner, Flatte etc.) |
LauAbsIncohRes | Abstract class for defining incoherent resonant amplitude models |
LauGaussIncohRes | Class for defining an incoherent resonance with a Gaussian mass dependence |
LauAbsModIndPartWave | Abstract base class for defining a model independent partial wave component |
LauModIndPartWaveMagPhase | Class for defining a model independent partial wave component where the amplitudes are parameterised in terms of magnitude and phase |
LauModIndPartWaveRealImag | Class for defining a model independent partial wave component where the amplitudes are parameterised in terms of real and imaginary parts |
LauBelleNR | Class for defining the Belle nonresonant model |
LauBelleSymNR | Class for defining the symmetric Belle Non Resonant model |
LauBreitWignerRes | Class for defining the simple Breit-Wigner resonance model |
LauDabbaRes | Class for defining the Dabba resonance model |
LauEFKLLMRes | Class for defining the EFKLLM K-pi S-wave model |
LauFlatNR | Class for defining a uniform nonresonant amplitude |
LauFlatteRes | Class for defining the Flatte resonance model |
LauGounarisSakuraiRes | Class for defininf the Gounaris-Sakurai resonance model |
LauKappaRes | Class for defining the Kappa resonance model |
LauKMatrixProdPole | Class for defining a K-matrix production pole amplitude term |
LauKMatrixProdSVP | Class for defining a K-matrix production "slowly-varying part" (SVP) amplitude |
LauLASSBWRes | Class for defining the resonant part of the LASS model |
LauLASSNRRes | Class for defining the non resonant part of the LASS model |
LauLASSRes | Class for defining the LASS resonance model |
LauNRAmplitude | Class for defining the NR amplitude model |
LauPolNR | Class for defining the terms of Babar nonresonant model |
LauRelBreitWignerRes | Class for defining the relativistic Breit-Wigner resonance model |
LauRhoOmegaMix | Class for defining the rho-omega resonance mixing model |
LauSigmaRes | Class for defining the Sigma resonance model |
LauAbsRValue | Pure abstract base class for defining a parameter containing an R value |
LauFormulaPar | Class for defining combinations of fit parameter objects |
LauParameter | Class for defining the fit parameter objects |
LauAsymmCalc | Class for calculating the asymmetry between two variables |
LauBlattWeisskopfFactor | Class that implements the Blatt-Weisskopf barrier factor |
LauBlind | Class for blinding and unblinding a number based on a blinding string |
LauCacheData | Class to contain cached data relating to an event |
LauComplex | Class for defining a complex number |
LauDatabasePDG | Singleton class that provides access to particle property records |
LauDaughters | Class that defines the particular 3-body decay under study |
LauDPPartialIntegralInfo | Class for defining (a section of) the Dalitz plot integration binning scheme |
LauEmbeddedData | Class to store the data for embedding in toy experiments |
LauFitDataTree | Class to store the input fit variables |
LauFitNtuple | Class to store the results from the fit into an ntuple |
LauFitter | Factory class for creating and providing access to the fitter |
LauGenNtuple | Class to store the results from the toy MC generation into an ntuple |
LauIntegrals | Class for performing numerical integration routines |
LauIsobarDynamics | Class for defining signal dynamics using the isobar model |
LauKinematics | Class for calculating 3-body kinematic quantities |
LauKMatrixPropagator | Class for defining a K-matrix propagator |
LauKMatrixPropFactory | Factory class for the K-matrix propagators |
LauParamFixed | Predicate to allow counting of the number of fixed parameters |
LauParticlePDG | Class for storing particle properties |
LauPrint | Class to define various output print commands |
LauResonanceInfo | Class for defining the properties of a resonant particle |
LauResonanceMaker | Singleton factory class for creating resonances |
LauScfMap | Class for representing the 4D smearing matrix for mis-reconstructed signal (self cross feed) |
LauSimFitSlave | The base class for any slave process for simultaneous/combined fits |
LauAbsFitModel | Abstract interface to the fitting and toy MC model |
LauCPFitModel | Class for defining a CP fit model |
LauSimpleFitModel | Define a Dalitz plot according to the isobar model |
LauString | Class for defining a string |
LauTextFileParser | Class for parsing text files |
LauVetoes | Class for defining vetoes within the Dalitz plot |
LauFitObject::StoreConstraints | Struct to store constraint information until the fit is run |
TObject | |
LauFitObject | The abstract interface for the objects that control the calculation of the likelihood |
LauAbsFitModel | Abstract interface to the fitting and toy MC model |
LauSimFitMaster | The master process for simultaneous/combined fits |
LauParameter | Class for defining the fit parameter objects |
LauSPlot | Class for defining the SPlot technique |